
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Going to Glory City

Sun Yu felt it for a while,

There are more than three times more True Qi in his body.

However, realm alone is not enough, and the combat experience must also keep up.

He was about to simulate again, but the simulator popped up a prompt:

[Insufficient balance, current simulated currency balance: 1, simulated fee: 4, do you want to recharge? ]

Top up? Charge a hammer.

Sun Yu rubbed his face, this simulator is a gold swallowing beast.

The fifty silver tael that I finally got, just disappeared…

Fortunately, he has already simulated a financial path.

"I'm going to Glory City next, what do you two say?"

Sun Yu asked.

Zhang Zhong has no opinion, he is a doctor bell walking around, smiled and said:

"Brother Sun, I'm going with you, and I can still be a companion on the road. "

Xu Shi is a little tangled, she is a little afraid of Sun Yu,

Why don't you follow Sun Yu, the master is dead anyway,

She has nowhere to go Besides, it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival in a few days. If only one person is left, it will be very pitiful. Well, then I'll follow you to Glory City…"

She lowered her head and looked a little shy.

Sun Yu gave her a strange look,

He thought that Xu Shi would definitely leave in a hurry,

But didn't expect, The other party even wanted to go to Glory City with him.

But that doesn't matter.

As the night got darker, several people rested separately.

Second day Early in the morning, Zhang Zhong and Xu Shi went to Morning Sun City to buy some dry food.

The three of them went all the way east to Tangzhong County and Glory City.

Eight days later, Song Family.

"Cousin, is there any news?"

The tall Song Lin was shirtless, reclining on a chair, and kept stuffing grapes into his mouth.

Song Yu stepped forward with a smile:

"I have found the brat, I heard that he brought two people, and is in Tangzhong County at the moment,

Look at them The direction should be towards Glory City,

Cousin, shall we take someone there?"

"Glory City?" Song Lin stopped and sat up straight.

He thought about it for a while, then touched the chin and said:

"I remember that place seems to be related to Qi Family…"

Song Yu had a unconcern look on his face and Said with a smile indifferently:

"So what, we're not looking for trouble, we're just catching people,

And this time, except for you, cousin , I also contacted a few other brothers,

With their help, even if we meet Qi Family, we…"

Before he finished speaking, Song Lin frowned and interrupted:

"No, Qi Family has a tense relationship with us at the moment,

It's better not to bring too many people there, just you and me."

Song Yu hesitated, then hesitantly said:


"But what? A trifling Grade 8, do you think I'm not an opponent?"

Song Yu said with a smile :

"That's not true, I just heard from Uncle Feng that the fortune-teller has two tricks in his hand, so bring more people to be on the safe side…"

Song Lin swept his eyes and said with disdain:

"Uncle Feng? Oh, what does Song Chengfeng know as a Grade 9 trash.

Grade 8 Martial Artist only. , how hard can the hand be?

I don't say that True Qi is three times more than him, and the formidable power is even stronger.

Even if i stand still, If i don't defend or attack, i can easily exhausted him alive!"

Song Yu has nothing to say, so he can only say with a smile:

"Yes, Brother is right…"

Song Lin was too lazy to pay attention to him, and waved his hand:

"Stop talking nonsense, go out to prepare horses, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, we will go quickly and return quickly, there is no need to waste time for a nobody."

"Yes! Yes!"

Song Yu immediately nodded and went out.

Glory City, inside a casino.

The thief-eyed boy walked through the crowd to the back hall, and

said to the man with a beard on his face who was closing his eyes and adjusting his breath:

"Zhou Zitian, something happened! Wang Qi is dead!"

"What?" The man named Zhou Zitian suddenly opened his eyes and asked:

"Song Family found him?"

The boy replied immediately:

"Yes, just a few days ago, even the bodies were sent back."

"No wonder." Zhou Zitian suddenly realized.

Wang Qi's hiding place in Glory City was arranged by him,

the past few days the other party has not come, he is still wondering,

It turned out that he was intercepted halfway.

"Which hand of Song Family moved?" Zhou Zitian asked casually.

The servant replied:

"The corpse was brought back by the Song Family, but it is said that the person who did it seems to be an outsider."

"An outsider?" Zhou Zitian frowned ,and instructed:

"Go and find out who it is, Wang Qi is a Grade 8 Martial Artist, it is impossible to die in the hands of a nameless person."

The servant went away. .

It took ten days.

Sun Yu, Zhang Zhong and Xu Shi finally arrived at Glory City.

This city looks much more developed than Morning Sun City.

The city wall is tall and towering, with guards patrolling it from time to time,

and you need to queue up to enter the city.

The line didn't last long. After a while, it was three people's turn.

After verifying their identities, the guards let them go.

But because Sun Yu was a Martial Artist's ,

The guard at the gate also reminded him not to make trouble in the city, or take responsibility for the consequences.

Sun Yu nodded in agreement and brought Zhang Zhong and Xu Shi into the city.

It goes without saying that the city is prosperous.

Streets and alleys and shops stand in great numbers, people coming, people going are very lively.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, all major stores have redecorated their stores early, and the front are decorated with silk and colors, and the atmosphere is in place.

I heard that there is a night market in the east of the city that sells all kinds of rare things.

It is precisely because of this that the three of Sun Yu searched for a long time before they found a cheap Inn.

It was a temporary residence.

A full moon was already hanging in the air early in the evening.

Sun Yu and the others, who had been resting for a while, finally regained their energy.

Zhang Zhong and Xu Shi decided to go to the night market to see the liveliness.

And Wang Qi's house in Glory City is also in the east of the city,

Anyway, Sun Yu went with them.

As soon as he arrived at the night market, he made an excuse and left alone.

In this regard, Zhang Zhong naturally has no opinion.

In the night market, Sun Yu hid in the crowd, turned east and west, and

soon came to the mansion in memory.

He walked to the corner and jumped into the house taking advantage of the night…

After a while, two teenagers appeared in the place where Sun Yu disappeared.

It is the Song Family two brothers.

Since the three of Sun Yu entered the city, they have been eyeing each other early.

Song Yu said with a gloomy smile:

"Hey, cousin, that kid is sneaking around,

Basically is coming to get "Heavenly Martial Divine Art" ", let's follow quickly!"

He couldn't wait a little bit now.

"What's the rush!"

Song Lin stopped his cousin who was anxious to make a move, looked up at the roof and said:

"That kid will come out sooner or later, Let's go up and wait for him."

"Good idea!" Song Yu was overjoyed,

"hehe, the cultivation technique that I have been fortunately acquired has changed hands before it is warmed up. It's sour, tsk tsk…"

He rubbed his hands, looking forward to Sun Yu's haunted expression when he saw them.

The two brothers turned upside down and went up to the roof to hide.

They didn't find it, not far away, someone had been staring at them for a long time.

This guy has a quirky look and is dressed in a little servant's clothes.

He frowned with a puzzled look, glanced at the place where the two brothers of the Song Family were hiding,

While muttering to himself, he quickly ran out:

"People from the Song Family? No, I have to tell Master Zhou immediately!"

Sun Yu didn't know what happened outside after he came in,

At the moment he is in the house, playing hide and seek.

Although Wang Qi can't live in,

But there are many guard servants in this house.

Sun Yu also doesn't want to make this a big issue and make the whole city stormy,

Besides, he is also quite experienced,

familiar, Just like as if entering his own home,

After a while, he easily avoided everyone and came to the room that should belong to Wang Qi's bedroom.

He didn't need to turn on the lights either, he looked left and right, and

moved towards a large vase placed beside the bookshelf…