
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

xu shi

"Master Zhou, this…"

The little servant was dumbfounded.

Zhou Zitian even had his eyeballs popping out,

Don't talk about killing the opponent,

Song Lin couldn't be in the opponent's hands. Last one round!

"Who is he?"

Zhou Zitian asked.

The boy immediately replied:

"Listen to the news from Morning Sun City, that boy's name is Sun Yu, and he is a fortune teller."

"Well, continue."


"No?!" Zhou Zitian was shocked, he looked towards the servant in disbelief.

The little servant was a little hairy when he saw him, and immediately said:

"It's really gone, there's only so much news about him, I only know that he arrived a month ago. In Morning Sun City,

normally fortune-telling for a living, not very accurate, just a swindler,

don't know anything else."


Zhou Zitian looked at Sun Yu in the field with a serious expression, he only felt that this youngster was not simple.

A fortune-teller with no clue whatsoever, then suddenly becomes a Grade 7 Martial Artist,

Is it possible? This is impossible!

Zhou Zitian works for Qi Family,

Most of his news network also comes from Qi Family,

One of the eight Great Aristocratic Family Qi Family People whose family can't they find out the details are definitely not small.

"Is this guy is also from the Aristocratic Family? He came here to trouble the Song Family?

But there is no one named Sun in the Eight Great Aristocratic Family. Could it be the Bai Family? Or the Zhao Family?

Or from the Imperial Court?"

Zhou Zitian secretly guessed Sun Yu's identity.

The little servant asked from the side:

"Master Zhou, do you still want to go up to save people?"

Zhou Zitian put his hand on his face. He tore off his face covering, curl one's lip and said:

"Save the fart, the fortune teller is so strong, do you still need me to save it?"

"No, no …" The little servant waved his hand quickly and moved towards a guy in the field:

"I'm talking about the Song Family!"

Zhou Zitian looked up, Song Lin was dead Now,

Sun Yu at this moment is moving towards Song Yu who fell to the ground.

"What did the Song Family people do to save him."

Zhou Zitian shook the head, he was from the Qi Family,

Song and Qi families He has never dealt with it.

A few days ago, he was fighting because of seizing resources, but he was not so kind to help each other.

He was about to leave, at this moment,

a good idea came to his mind,

Zhou Zitian smiled slyly.

"Hey, just in time, let Song Family help you to find out what the origin of this kid is."

The young man doesn't know so, Zhou Zitian instructed.

"You will be late. Go and reveal the news of Sun Yu's killing of Song Yu and Song Lin to the Song Family,

Remember to be smart and don't expose yourself."


"Now it's your turn."

Sun Yu took a few steps forward and looked down at Song Yu who fell to the ground.

"No, no, I was wrong, please, don't kill me…"

Song Yu trembled,

didn't expect As the cousin of Grade 7 Martial Artist, he is not even Sun Yu's opponent.

He regrets it now.

If I knew this earlier, I should listen to Song Chengfeng's words and don't provoke him.

Sun Yu stared blankly at each other:

"Do you think I can let you go?"

"Yes! Yes! Give me one Opportunity!

I will pretend nothing happened tonight! I apologize to you, I will kowtow to you!"

Song Yu rolled over and knelt on the ground, "pa Pa pa!", just knocked a few times neatly,

while saying:

"You are a great person, just treat me like a fart and let me go. Well…"

Sun Yu remain unmoved,

shook the head:

"I gave you the chance, but unfortunately, you didn't cherish it yourself."

When they met for the first time, he let them go,

Then Song Yu betrayed his trust.

"No, no, Big Brother Sun, please…uh…"

Sun Yu, who didn't want to listen to nonsense any more, slapped the other party directly.

He inspected the bodies of the two brothers of the Song Family, but found that these two people are all poor ghosts,

Together they are ten silver tael is not available,

This is it, it is also worthy to say that it is from the Great Family?

The disappointed Sun Yu shook the head, buried the body, turned around and rushed back to Glory City.

Fortunately, Wang Qi also left him a full one hundred taels of silver notes, which

will be exchanged later.

Back to Glory City, there are some more patrolling guards on the street, constantly checking the passing people.

I think it was because Song Lin made too much noise before, which made the city strengthen its defenses.

Sun Yu went to the bank first, but the bank was already closed at night, so if you want to withdraw money, you can only wait until tomorrow.

So, he returned to the Inn where he stayed,

Zhang Zhong, Xu Shi has not come back at this moment.

Taking advantage of the free time now, he filled the emulator with money, intending to take the first shot.

[The deposit is successful, the current simulated currency balance: 8, the simulation fee: 4, do you want to start the simulation? ]

Sun Yu's point is that at this time, Zhang Zhong's voice came from outside the house,

next moment Zhang Zhong opened the door, said with a smile:

"Brother Sun! You are already back!"

Sun Yu nods and came back early, and made a random reason:

"Oh, I'll be early after I finish my work. Now, how about it, is the night market interesting?"

"Hey, forget it." Zhang Zhong bitterly laughed:

"There was a Martial Artist who fought in the night market, hurting a lot of people. , I didn't go shopping much afterward, and I was patronizing to save people."

"Really, this courage is too fat, no wonder when I came back, I saw so many guards on the road."

Sun Yu pretended to be surprised.

"Yes, when I came, I was also stopped and questioned.

But they saw that I was not a Martial Artist, so they let me go without saying a word."

Zhang Zhong laughed, went into the room and washed his face, then came out and said:

"Brother Sun, come with me for a late night snack?"

"Supper?" Sun Yu was indeed a little excited,

the past few days rushing to eat dry food, the taste was almost fading out of his mouth.

Zhang Zhong said slightly proudly:

"Hey, when I was saving people at the night market, I met an expert,

He is also a Martial Artist, and What's even more rare is that his medical skills are comparable to mine!

No, after treating the wounded, he took me and Xu Shi and wanted to have supper together,

he is waiting downstairs now, what do you say, Brother Sun?"


Sun Yu agreed, and looked at Zhang Zhong before going out. He asked at a glance:

"You guys came back to find me on purpose?"

"That's not right! You can't forget Brother Sun even if you have such a good thing!"


The two went out of the Inn, and Sun Yu saw Xu Shi,

There was an old man with short stature standing next to her, although a little short, but The back was straight, and

he was wearing a gray robe, with a wrinkled face, as white as his hair.

Zhang Zhong was introduced:

"Brother Sun, he is the expert I told you, Gao Yun, the Elder of Heavenly Medicine Pavilion."

Heavenly Medicine Pavilion? The name of this faction, Sun Yu had seen in a simulation,

If he remembered correctly, Zhang Zhong later joined the other party,

Although the final result was not perfect .

"Elder Gao, let me introduce you." Zhang Zhong walk forward and said to the old man:

"This is my big brother, Sun Yu, who is also a Martial Artist.

Of course, Brother Sun is the most powerful at being a fortune teller!"

"Oh? A fortune teller?" Gao Yun glanced at Sun Yu in surprise, and then asked:

"Are you the fortune tellert of Heaven's Mystery Pavilion?"