
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Qian Yingzhong's death

The flames rising from his hands did not make Sun Yu feel uncomfortable at all, but rather comfortable.

What makes him more satisfied is that his True Qi's formidable power is several times stronger than before,

In addition to the changes brought about by the promotion to Grade 3 ,

More is the no-attribute bonus that Heavenly Martial Divine Art brings with it.

Yes, no attribute is also a kind of attribute,

Although it lacks the special effect brought by the Five Elements Attribute, it makes up for it by making his True Qi formidable power increase significantly ,

According to Heavenly Martial Divine Art,

After promotion, his True Qi formidable power should be twice that of ordinary Grade 3 Martial Artist,

And now, on top of that, add the Fire Attribute bonus.

It's a super double!

But he also spent a lot of money for this, Sun Yu glanced at the emulator balance: 88,

It's not all used up, it's okay,

But when he glanced at the last few words, he was a little dumbfounded.

This simulation cost: 50.

Good guy, that's only enough to simulate once…

But it doesn't matter, the sunburn grass in my hand is still there, and when the time comes it will be sold for another two thousand taels .

Sun Yu is no longer entangled in this matter. For the sake of insurance,

He still decides to use the last simulations to see what his strength is at the moment:

[At the age of 18, you are already a Grade 3 Martial Artist and have dual attribute True Qi. ]

[Tonight, you are looking for Qian Yingzhong in the city. ]

[When passing by the South Gate, you suddenly found a white-haired boy walking outside the city. ]

[You took the initiative to go forward and wanted to capture Qian Yingzhong, but you shot too hard and accidentally killed him…]

? ? ?

Sun Yu is a little dizzy.

Originally he wanted to capture Qian Yingzhong and ask him the news of his master, but didn't expect himself in the simulator to kill him by mistake.

This… double attribute True Qi really has something.

Sun Yu sighed and continued to look down.

[Two days later, you encounter Azure Jade Sect sect master Xu Dong in Pingle City. ]

[The other party recognizes that you are someone who stealthily learned their cultivation technique and will kill you. ]

What is this guy doing in Pingle City?

Sun Yu doesn't understand, and doesn't want to pay attention to it for the time being. It seems that the other party doesn't seem to have come to him for revenge.

As long as the time comes, just be careful to avoid it.

Choose the third death memory,

Soon, the corners of Sun Yu's mouth twitched slightly, sneered:

"Hey, Qian Yingzhong, right? After so many times, this time, it's my turn to block you!"

He immediately got up and walked towards the south gate of Pingle City.


Qian Yingzhong came and ran all the way from Diyan Mountain,

At this moment, he have seen Pingle City in the distance, and he will be able to arrive smoothly in a short time.

What he's thinking about now is how to talk to Qi Family about this, so that

he can make the other party willingly help him without losing face…

However, the difficulty of this matter is no less than finding Sun Yu.

He thought about it for a long time, but there was nothing he could think.

After a while, he had reached near Pingle City.

At this time, Qian Yingzhong suddenly discovered that there was a young man not far from the city gate.

Look carefully, who is it if it is not Sun Yu?

He was overjoyed,

Good guy, he carefully searched for days on Diyan Mountain to no avail,

but didn't expect he bumped into each other as soon as he got back to the city!

God is helping him!

This time he don't need to worry about Qi Family anymore. He changed his face and became a white haired old man.

But before he got close, he found that the other party took the initiative to walk towards him.

As a result, Qian Yingzhong was even more excited:

"Okay, take the initiative to deliver it to the door!"

He rubbed his hands,

When the other party approached,

he suddenly held up his hands with True Qi, and an extremely thick sandstorm suddenly rose up, directly burying Sun Yu.

In the dusty sky, Qian Yingzhong coldly snorted and said:

"hmph, you are dead this time?"

He was full of confidence.

Just then,


All the dust in the sky transformed by his True Qi dissipated.

Qian Yingzhong's expression changed, and a fist with incomparable power appeared in front of him.

The fist came so fast that he had no chance to react at all.

In just an instant, it pierced his shoulder.

"What! Ah!"

Qian Yingzhong, who had just reacted, looked at the blood hole on his shoulder and screamed.

At this point, Sun Yu's second punch came again.

Qian Yingzhong had a look of fear on his face, and was already scared by the punch just now.

He endured the pain and hurriedly use True Qi,

Blocking between him and Sun Yu with layers of earthen walls, trying to block the opponent's offensive.

However, although both is Grade 3, Sun Yu's True Qi formidable power is several times stronger than him,

this fist, like a hot knife cutting through butter

all the earth walls were penetrated and hit Qian Yingzhong's left shoulder.


His blood spurted out wildly, and the whole person flew backwards,

this fist , not only caused him to be seriously injured,

Even the loss of True Qi is so great that it can't even maintain the faceless Divine Art.

It shows his true colors directly.

He fell to the ground, got up with difficulty, looked at Sun Yu in front of him and exclaimed:

"How could you…Grade 3!"

Sun Yu Seeing Qian Yingzhong's transformation, he was secretly surprised.

He didn't answer, but stepped forward indifferently.

First use True Qi to block the opponent's actions, and make sure there is no resistance. after that.

He stood there and looked at his fist.

He was afraid of killing the opponent, so he didn't do his best just now,

He just used the Unattribute True Qi enhanced by Heavenly Martial Divine Art,

But didn't expect, just with these two punches he directly knock the opponent down…

Sun Yu asked calmly:

"You chased me for a long time. Right? Give me a reason, why."

After the initial surprise, Qian Yingzhong also calmed down.

He endured the pain and gasped:

"Tell you, you'll let me go?"

"What do you think?"

Looking at the other party's appearance, Qian Yingzhong knew, This matter can't be resolve easily,

He then said with gloomy eyes:

"You want to find Zhou Jue, right?"

"Zhou Jue?"

"Zhou Jue?"

Sun Yu's tone was puzzled.

"hmph." Qian Yingzhong coldly snorted:

"What else is there to pretend to be? Didn't you ask Xu Feng to find him?"

Sun Yu reacts.

It turned out that Zhou Jue was his master's name, he really didn't know it before,

Firstly, the other party didn't say it,

Secondly, it was his master's name. he is not used to it.

"You know where he is?" Sun Yu asked.

Qian Yingzhong smiled coldly:

"Hey, of course I know."

Sun Yu glanced at him indifferently:

"Looking at you, are you going to tell me?"

"Tell you! Why didn't I tell you?"

Qian Yingzhong grinned, letting the blood flow out of his mouth.

He has already figured it out, he is already a dead person,

Why keep secrets for the Qi Family?

Besides, Sun Yu is only a Grade 3 Martial Artist,

Although he can beat him,

but he is not good enough to deal with the huge monster Qi Family It's far from enough ,

He can't wait for the other party's head to get hot and rush to get himself killed, preferably the kind that kills him with one blow!

"Your master was captured by the Qi Family! I don't know where he was captured,

If you have the ability, you can ask the fourth master of the Qi Family in person. , Qi Zhongjie."

Was taken away? Qi Family again?

Sun Yu looked towards Qian Yingzhong suspiciously, not sure if the other party was telling the truth.

Qian Yingzhong seemed to see what he was thinking, and said with a sneer disdain:

"Why, are you afraid I'll lie to you? Don't you know the magic of heaven?

Now that you are same realm like me, don't you know if I am telling the truth?"

The magic of heaven?

Sun Yu glanced at the other strangely,

Sun Yu don't know where he came to this conclusion,

But it seems that the master was taken away, This matter should be true,

Sun Yu frowned. If Master Zhou Jue hadn't taken him in when he crossed over, he would have starved to death.

Now that the other party is in trouble, it is Naturally impossible for him to stood by,

"It seems that he have to find an opportunity to use the simulator to go to Qi Family to see the situation and then confirm the matter."

Thinking like this, Sun Yu slapped a palm. As a result, Qian Yingzhong died with a gloomy smile on his face,

and then Sun Yu obtained a secret book called "Faceless Divine Art" from the other party,

He didn't read it carefully, and planned to return to the city Lord's Mansion…