
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Grade 3 Martial Artist

Sun Yu just arrived at the Chase Chamber of Commerce when he met Chairman Chu Jiu,

The other party said with a smile with a big belly:

"Sir, it's the right time for you to come, I was just looking for you!"

He took out nine big silver ingot in his hands and handed them over:

"Sir, the fire demon's flesh and blood, sharp claw and other sundries have been sold, a total of 500 silver tael,

We Chamber of Commerce deducted 10%, here is 450 taels, Check it out."

Sun Yu glanced at it but didn't answer:

"It's not in a hurry, you put it away first."

Chu Jiu Put the money back on the counter:

"Okay, then when the fire demon skin is sold, I'll give it to you together?

Hey, that fire demon skin has already been reserved. Well, the Buyer said, he'll come and pick it up in a few days.", as expected of the Chamber of Commerce, very efficient.

He did not continue to talk about this, but asked:

"President Chu, I wonder if there are snow grass, ice fruit, etc. in your Chamber of Commerce.

kind of world's rare objects?"

He repeated all the five world's rare objects that Zhang Zhong told him.

"Tsk! Your Excellency, you are asking the right person! Please come in!"

Chu Jiu was overjoyed to see a business approaching his door.

Take Sun Yu into the private room, and

he sent someone to take out the things he just said.

Sun Yu glanced at it:

"Why are there only four?" He just reported five clearly.

"Oh, that's the case." Chu Jiu explained with a smile:

"Ice fruit is more precious, and I don't have it here at the moment, but if you need it,

I can send someone to pick it up, and it will probably take a day to go back and forth."

"That's OK."

Sun Yu tried to simulate while watching,

But he found that things that didn't belong to him couldn't be used in simulations.

So he turned to Chu Jiu and asked about the price.

These things are not too expensive,

The most expensive is the ice fruit, 800 taels,

Like this pile of thing on the table, Snow grass and the like are generally between four and five hundred taels,

adding up to about one thousand eight hundred taels.

Sun Yu think of something and asked one more question:

"President Chu, after this item is sold, can I return it?"

"This is Natural." Chu Jiu nod:

"As long as there is no problem, we will refund the original price."

Having heard this, Sun Yu felt more relieved and pointed to the world's rare object on the table.,he waved his hand:

"I want all of these. As for the silver, you can deduct it from the fire demon's corpse when the time comes.

If there is not enough, then Ask me to get it."

Chu Jiu did some mental calculations, and knew that the price was slightly higher,

But he didn't care, when the time came, he went directly to the door and asked for it. ,

City Lord's Mansion's Feather Black Guard Captain, will he still refuse to pay him bank?

Chu Jiu said with a smile:

"No problem, wrap these things up for master Sun?"

Sun Yu waved his hand to refuse:

"No hurry, let me think about it first."

He didn't bother to go to City Lord's Mansion, so he just simulated it here,

If something has no effect, You can also return it to Chu Jiu to save trouble.

"Start the simulation."

[At the age of eighteen, you used the Neutral Snow grass to neutralize the Sunburn Grass…the breakthrough failed, and you exploded and died. ]

"Tsk, remove a wrong answer."

Sun Yu didn't care, and kept trying.

But after four simulations, he found that

These four things are simply useless, each time he explode and die,

Connect the dots Nothing has changed.

He was frowning and could not help but stop Chu Jiu who was about to leave:

"President Chu, take these things with you, I don't want them anymore."


Chu Jiu was stunned, he was happy that he made a fortune here,

But didn't expect, the other party immediately returned it… …

he looked back and saw that everything was untouched on the table.

There was no problem when he came up to check,

He couldn't refuse this, Can only reluctantly say with a smile:

"Okay, then I'll take it back..."

"By the way, and the ice fruit." Sun Yu reminded .

"Don't worry, sir, it will be delivered tomorrow."

"Well, when the time comes, send someone to the City Lord's Mansion."

Sun Yu After giving an order, he didn't want to stay any more.

After leaving the Chamber of Commerce in Datong,

Sun Yu didn't have much hope for the remaining ice fruit.

So he found Zhang Zhong again, Ask if there are other ways.

Zhang Zhong shook his head and said that there was nothing he could do.

Sun Yu had no choice but to go back to City Lord's Mansion and make plans.

If it really doesn't work,

We can only wait for Wang Zhonglin to come back and ask for advice.

Second day, early in the morning, Chase Chamber of Commerce sent someone to bring him ice fruit.

One box of two, Sun Yu accepted it and started the simulation directly:

[Eighteen years old, you use one ice fruit to neutralize the sunburn grass…breakthrough Fail and you set yourself on fire. ]

It works!

Sun Yu's face was full of joy,

He died by exploding his body before, but now it turned into self-immolation,

This is the case of using one ice fruit, if two ice fruit are used at the same time…

"Continue the simulation!"

[You are eighteen years old, you use two ice fruit to neutralize the sunburn grass and take it …]

[On the way to the breakthrough, your body became hot and cold, and it was extremely uncomfortable. ]

[You keep adjusting the balance between the two with True Qi, but unfortunately, it is the first time you encountered this, you had no experience at all, and in the end True Qi got out of control and you died. ]

It's done!

Although it was death again, Sun Yu saw hope.

need experience, it is simple? Just do a few simulations!

Having found his way, he began to simulate…

At this moment.

In the Diyan Mountains, Qian Yingzhong's expression turned pale.

In the past few days, he almost searched this place,

but he couldn't even find the shadow of Sun Yu,

even more annoying thing is,

the monster beast, which he designated as his property, is gone.

"hmph, I can't count Sun Yu, and I can't count you?"

Anxious Qian Yingzhong, standing in front of the fire demon's lair, on the spot calculate its whereabouts ,

The result is that monster beast is dead…

he found nothing in the past few days, go on an errand for nothing?

This made him so angry that he almost fall directly to the ground.

Qian Yingzhong clutched his heart, it took a long time for his spirit to slowly recovers, he decided to stop searching:

"Okay, can I admit defeat?"

He felt that Sun Yu had already left here, and it would be a waste of time to stay here.

He planned to return to Pingle City to seek help from the Qi Family Intelligence Network,

After all, using blood essence to calculate Sun Yu's position is really hurt, and it's not necessarily accurate.

He went down to Diyan Mountain, and use True Qi to ran towards Pingle City…

At night.

Pingle City, City Lord's Mansion.

Sun Yu is a little dizzy. Today, he has been in the house all day to simulate,

I can't remember how many times this is now:

[At the age of eighteen, you use two ice fruit to neutralize the sunburn grass…]

[On the way to the breakthrough, your body becomes hot and cold, and you constantly adjust the balance between two with True Qi , in the end, you succeeded ! ]

[You are promoted to Grade 3 Martial Artist! True Qi gets extra Fire Attribute! ]

It's done!

Sun Yu was very excited,

Although it was only two lines of small characters, it cost him a lot of simulations.

Looking at the reward options that popped up after the simulation, he said eagerly:

"I choose one!"

Immediately, Sun Yu's body came out With a hot Qi,

He felt that his True Qi began to grow significantly, and his breath was rising!

After a while,

"Is this the Grade 3 Martial Artist?"

Sun Yu raised his hand and moved True Qi slightly,

A flame suddenly rose from his hand…