
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Mo Chen

Back in City Lord's Mansion,

After flipping through the secret book just now, Sun Yu understood.

No wonder that Qian Yingzhong, can change appearance so many time,

It turned out to be the credit of this "Faceless Divine Art".

This is a good thing. If he can change his appearance,

he may be able to avoid a lot of trouble, and he may even be able to directly enter the Qi Family and spy on the master.

Sun Yu began to read this secret book carefully,

Soon he found out that this faceless Divine Art is not something you can learn easily,

In addition to at least have the cultivation base of Grade 3 Martial Artist,

It also requires a demon skin to make a skin so that one can changes appearance as one pleases .

Seeing this, Sun Yu suddenly remembered,

He also put a fire demon skin in the Chamber of Commerce!

This is another chance for a free!

Sun Yu is very excited,

However, it is getting late now and the Chamber of Commerce has closed.

He is not in a hurry, just waiting for the morning tomorrow , and went to get the demon skin, and

sell the sunburn grass, get some money, and practice this faceless Divine Art.

At night,

Sun Yu went to rest early after studying the cultivation technique for a while.

In the early morning of the second day, he hurried to the Chamber of Commerce and found Chu Jiu, the president:

"Is that demon skin still there?"

Chu Jiu nodded, and asked in a puzzled way:

its still here, sir, you are…"

Sun Yu relaxed, it's okay, not to sold out, otherwise it will be a little troublesome:

"It's alright, just give it to me."

Chu Jiu's face was embarrassed.

"What?" Sun Yu asked with a puzzled look at him.

Chu Jiu hurriedly said:

"Hey, my lord, didn't I tell you yesterday?

That demon skin has already been set. Now that person is waiting for the inspection inside."

It turned out to be the case, but this is not a problem, Sun Yu opened his mouth and said:

"It doesn't matter, you Sell him two days later, take it out to me first."

Seeing this, Chu Jiu has nothing to say, after all the things belong to Sun Yu:

"Okay, please wait a moment, my lord. ."

After a while, Chu Jiu asked someone to take the demon skin to Sun Yu, while

he went to the back room to appease the Boss.

Then, Sun Yu heard a familiar loud voice coming from the back room:

"What bastard is so bold? ?"

"Li Donghao?"

Sun Yu was stunned for a moment, then saw a burly man with a bare head rushing out of the back room,

Sure enough It's him!

Chu Jiu followed behind him, while still trying to persuade behind him:

"Sir, don't be angry, it's only two days later..."

"What two days too late! My big brother is in a hurry to use it, even one day late!"

"Mother, which grandson is the owner of Fire Demon Skin…"

He shouted, and suddenly swept over to Sun Yu in black armor, his expression suddenly startled,

came forward Two steps, with a smile on his face:

"Yo, Big Brother Sun, you are here too!"

Sun Yu laughed and asked:

"Do you want to buy this fire demon skin?"

"No, not me."

Li Donghao is much more honest, and his voice is not so heavy:

"It's my big brother Gang Lord who wants to buy it. He learns a cultivation technique, so he's missing this fire demon skin.

I've been looking for it on the market for a long time in the past few months, and it's not easy. When I got the news, I hurried over."

Here, he saw the demon skin in Sun Yu's hand and reacted:

"Big Brother Sun, this Wouldn't the fire demon skin be yours?"

"Yes, it's mine."

Sun Yu said with a smile,

But since they are acquaintances, He was also willing to sell it for convenience, and thought about it:

"Well, go in and talk to the Gang Lord,

Give me a day, and then sell it to him when the time comes."

"That's fine, I'll go in and talk to him." Li Donghao readily agreed and was about to go back.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a stature similar to Sun Yu walked out from the back room.

His face was stern, his triangular eyes were extremely cold, and he opened the mouth and said:

"Speak? What to say? I want this fire demon skin now. ."

Li Donghao hurriedly stepped forward and persuaded when he heard this:

"Gang Lord, this is…"

But before he finished speaking, Gang Lord Mo Chen sternly interrupted:

"What is it? How can you interrupt me when I'm talking!"

"Get out of the way!"

Li Donghao moved his mouth, stood aside obediently and honestly, moved towards Sun Yu with an embarrassed smile.

"Is this fire demon skin yours?"

Mo Chen walked up to Sun Yu and asked, pointing to the demon skin in his hand.

Sun Yu looked at his eyes full of inclination, and slightly frowned and said:


"Very well, I want this thing Now, one thousand silver tael, right, accept it."

Mo Chen raised his hand and threw out a silver note with a value of one thousand tael.

Sun Yu didn't answer,

just looked at the banknote which fell to the ground flickeringly:

"What do you mean?"

Mo Chen's tone was cold.

Sun Yu shook his head:

"It's not interesting, I don't want to sell this fire demon skin right now,

If you want, come over in two days."

Hearing this, Mo Chen's triangular eyes narrowed slightly, like a vicious poisonous snake,

staring at Sun Yu:

"You, say it again."

Sun Yu ignored:

"Come back in two days."

"hmph, It's up to you!"

Mo Chen angrily snorted, his breath soared, and there were gusts of wind around him,

"Grade 2 Martial Artist!"

Chu Jiu was shocked and knew that it was not good.

This has to be stopped ,

otherwise, his small shop will be destroyed

Moreover, Mo Chen is very powerful.

Although Sun Yu is the black guard , he is unable to compete,

He hurriedly pulled over a servant from the side and shouted at The stunned servant.

"Quick, go and invite Sir City Lord!"

Then he hurriedly stepped forward and persuaded:

"This Boss, don't get angry...you have something to say."

Li Donghao on the other side was also anxious,

It's not good to hurt Sun Yu.

Don't say that the other party has helped him,

Also, this is still in Pingle City! Sun Yu is also the Feather Black Guard under the City Lord,

If they annoy the Sir City Lord who is a Grade 1 Martial Artist,

Can they leave the city? It's a big problem,

So he immediately stepped forward and stopped:

"Gang Lord, don't!"

"Shut up!" Mo Chen furiously shouted,

"This fire demon skin, I'm going to take it today!"

The gust of wind around him was like a dragon's roar.

The first was Li Donghao, who was about to come up. , was directly blew away.

Afterwards, he directly tried to snatch the demon skin from Sun Yu's hands.

Faced with Grade 2 Martial Artist's sudden attack, Sun Yu didn't dare to hold back,

Throwing the fire demon skin to Chu Jiu, his fists suddenly burst into flames,

With a burst of unparalleled formidable True Qi power, moved towards the opponent and slammed it.

Mo Chen, who felt his true strength, coldly snorted and said:

"Hmph, trifling Grade 3, dare to be so arrogant? Die!"

Next moment, the two fist and palm collided,

During the fierce battle between True Qi, a whirlwind of flames was formed around them!


With the loud noise, the tornado broke through the roof like a rocket and shot straight into the sky!

The fireworks are in full swing,

Sun Yu and Mo Chen each withdrew three steps, and they were evenly matched!

"How can this kid's Fire Attribute True Qi be so outrageous?"

Mo Chen was in shock, his face was extremely ugly:

He was Grade 2 Martial Artist, with one blow,

could not take down the opponent's little Grade 3 Martial Artist !

This is already a failure!

"Damn, I want to see how many catties and how many taels you have!"

Mo Chen furiously shouted, and he was going to continue to shoot,

At this moment,

suddenly came a tyrannical breath from not far away,

and a voice came that was obviously displeased:
