
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

wang ziru

"Ah, cough, you, why are you alright…"

He Yitong's face turned pale,

Her body kept twisting, The feet hanging in the air were kicking and

The white hands kept flapping and pulling Sun Yu's arm around her throat, trying to break free.

But it was all in vain, and she felt her breathing getting harder and harder.

Sun Yu's eyes were calm and he asked:

"Are you from the Qi Family?"

He Yitong's face turned red, and she was speechless. she is going crazy.

"Walking with me to stop Dark River Crow from being sent to Heavenly Medicine Pavilion?"

Sun Yu and He Yitong had no hatred and enmity,

That's the only reason the other party wanted to harm him.

He Yitong is nodded her head, her complexion is blue and purple, her eyes have begun to turn white,even exhausted all her strength, and said:


But Sun Yu, who got the answer, shook his head and used force in his hand.


The sound of skeleton shattering sounded,

He Yitong's neck was twisted, and blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Sun Yu threw her body to Qi Xiao's side, shook his head and sighed:

"It's really hard to earn money!"

Even if an external enemy is dead, he didn't expect there's a needle hidden beside him.

Turned through the bodies of the two.

Qi Xiao has nothing on his body,

He Yitong is better, but not much ,

only thirteen silver tael, one Simulation opportunities.

Sun Yu just recharged his money when

suddenly noticed several people running out of Pingle City in the distance,

From a distance, they were wearing clothes, It is similar to that of Gao Yun.

Before coming, someone shouted:

"You...are Sun Yu?"

Sun Yu Looking at them,

The person who took the lead in speaking was tall, although he was old, his face was not very wrinkled,

He had black and white hair, neatly combed On the back of his head,

the words "Heavenly Medicine" were also printed on the clothes on his chest.

The people behind them are also dressed in the same way. Seeing how they have endured the hardships of a long journey,

It seems that they ran out of the city all the way.

Sun Yu nodded in agreement, and asked in return: "People from Heavenly Medicine Pavilion?"

They were surprised, and immediately opened the mouth and said:

"Yes, yes! I am Heavenly Medicine Pavilion Pavilion Lord Wang Zhonglin, friend Sun Yu, can Dark River Crow be here?"


Sun Yu nods and takes out a packet.

"Many thanks, little friend, it's not too late, let's go to the city first…"

Wang Zhonglin stepped forward, and halfway through speaking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of two corpses on the ground ,

He looked shocked, first he said:

"Qi Xiao!"

After turning his eyes, he exclaimed again: "Yitong!"

Then he raised his head and said with a look of surprise:

"Little Friend Sun this…"

"Someone blocked my way and I killed him. As for her…"

Sun Yu looked towards the silent He Yitong, and looked at the head to tell the truth:

"She is the secret son of Qi Family."

"What!" Wang Zhonglin's face became even more shocked.

First, he was surprised that Sun Yu was so powerful that even the famous Grade 6 Martial Artist Qi Xiao in Pingle City was no match.

And listening to his tone, he didn't take the other party seriously. Killing the other party was like doing an insignificant thing.

The second is surprise, He Yitong is actually a spy of Qi Family!

You must know that this little girl was brought into the door by him.

He is a Sect Master after all,

Quickly withdrew his expression, sighed and instructed others:

"Move Yitong's corpse back for a good burial,

As for this Qi Xiao…tell the city guards and let them collect the corpse."

Afterwards, he looked at Sun Yu opened his mouth and said:

"Little Friend Sun,

the little girl is in urgent need of help from the Dark River Crow, please come into the city with me now!"

Little girl? Heavenly Medicine Pavilion Young Sect Master, turned out to be a woman.

Sun Yu nodded in agreement,

Following the other party quickly into Pingle City and came to the Heavenly Pavilion.

After handing the Dark River Crow to the other party, the mission is complete, and Sun Yu is sitting in the lobby waiting to collect the money.

Wang Zhonglin was eager to save the girl, but he didn't care about him for the time being.

Sitting on the chair, he glanced at the balance: 15.

I have nothing to do, so I just made the first shot:

"Start the simulation."

[At the age of eighteen, you become a Grade 6 Martial Artist, you Successfully handed Dark River Crow to Heavenly Medicine Pavilion and cured Young Pavilion Lord Wang Ziru's injury. Wang Zhonglin is very grateful to you and invites you to be a guest at Heavenly Medicine Pavilion.]

[You feel that this place is full of crises and do not want to stay for a long time. You plan to take the reward and leave, but the other party is currently in economic crisis and cannot provide the full reward. he hope you can give him more time and pay in installments. you Reluctantly agree. ]

[That night, Wang Ziru, who was in much better physical condition, came to the door to express his gratitude to you in person, and at the same time hoped to take you as a teacher, and you agreed. ]

[After seven days, Wang Ziru, who has already recovered completely, has grown a lot under your training. ]

[On this day, a man with a lot of beards came to pick War with you. ]

[You decide to give the other person some color to see. ]

[As soon as you fight, you realize that something is wrong, that person is powerful, True Qi formidable power is obviously a grade higher than you, and he is actually a Grade 5 expert with hidden strength! ]

[You are not an opponent, and you were severely injured. If the people from the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion stepped forward to stop you, you would have almost died on the spot. ]

[But the opponent's attack is ruthless, you are seriously injured, and your foundation has been broken, and everyone in the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion is helpless. ]

[At the age of nineteen, even if the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion is fully treating you, your injury has not improved in the slightest. Just after the New Year, you know that your deadline has come. ]

[Before dying, Wang Ziru swears in front of you, determined to avenge you. ]

[second day, you are dead. ]

This is obviously aimed at me!

Sun Yu understood immediately.

Whatever picking War is just a gimmick, the other party's real purpose is him!

"Qi Family? Or Song Family?"

Sun Yu could not be sure.

But this Heavenly Medicine Pavilion is pretty good, and Wang Ziru is very loyal.

He wanted to simulate again to get more information,

Unfortunately, the balance is 7, which is not enough.

Sun Yu shook his head and said helplessly:

"I know it's dangerous to stay here, but I don't know,

They're going to divide the money into several installments, Maybe I should leave as soon as possible…"

It wasn't until noon that

Wang Zhonglin walked out of the inner hall, and when he came up, he took Sun Yu's hand and looked apologetic and Said:

"Little Friend Sun, I'm really sorry, the little girl is seriously injured, and I'm in a hurry to treat you, so I neglect you!"

"It's okay."

Sun Yu is quite Generous.

Wang Zhonglin was even more sorry for this, raised his hand and said:

"Please, I have already prepared a banquet for people, and we will talk while eating…"

At the dinner table, Wang Zhonglin was very polite, and

continuously poured wine into Sun Yu's glass.

Sun Yu is also welcome, the other party is very sincere, this table is full of spiritual food,

The wine is also good, and the aftertaste is endless,

Anyway You can also add some True Qi, why refuse it?

After eating and drinking, it's almost time to get down to business.

Sun Yu put down the wine glass and laughed at Wang Zhonglin:

"Pavilion Lord Wang, can Elder Gao tell you about the remuneration?"

"I said it!"

Wang Zhonglin clapped,

and someone brought up the square plate with silver.

Wang Zhonglin pushed the square plate in front of Sun Yu, opened his mouth and said sorry:

"Little Friend Sun, don't mind, I know this one hundred taels is not enough.

But at present, my Heavenly Medicine Pavilion has some difficulties, and I can't get so much money for a while,

I hope you can give me some time, I will definitely make up for it!"

Sun Yu had expected it long ago. He picked up the silver and glanced at it. There were ten full ingots, which was no problem.

But you have to pay interest on the loan,

Sun Yu said with a smile:

"Pavilion Lord Wang, how much time? A few days is not a problem,

But you should know that time is money! You have to give me an accurate date, right?"