
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Grade 7 Martial Artist!

[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 8 Martial Artist. After killing Wang Qi, go to Glory City to find the other party's legacy. ]

[Nineteen years old, for a whole year, you have gained nothing, and you who do not believe in evil continue to search there. ]

[Twenty years old, you met someone from Glory City Scarlet Fire Sect, the other party invited you to join the sect, and you agreed. ]

[Twenty-one years old, Scarlet Fire Sect clashes with Qi Family, you get caught up in it and die. ]

Qi Family?

Sun Yu thought for a while,

The Qi Family, like the Song Family, is also one of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families.

No idea what conflict they had with the Scarlet Fire Sect.

Sun Yu shook his head, ignored it for the time being, and continued the simulation.

[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 8 Martial Artist. After killing Wang Qi, go to Glory City to find the other party's legacy. ]

[3 months later, you happened to hear about Wang Qi's death on the road, you inquired many ways, and finally got some news. ]

[When you are about to continue the investigation, someone sneak attacked you in the crowd, the opponent shot was very ruthless, a critical strike, you didn't even see him before you died. ]


Sun Yu watched the simulation process, frowned,

"It was because I inquired about Wang Qi that I was targeted Is it?

Is there someone behind Wang Qi?"

Sun Yu couldn't be sure.

He chose the second option, and wrote down all the information about Wang Qi that he found in the simulation.

But the current clues are not enough and need to continue.

It's a simulation anyway, Sun Yu is not afraid of death,

It's just spending some money,

It's just investment to get Wang Qi's legacy.

So, Sun Yu was assassinated three times by the invisible expert in the simulation again.

However, he also got a lot of news.

He has been able to determine that there is a Great Influence hidden behind Wang Qi.

It seems that the death of Song Family Song Yun was not that simple.

Of course, it has little to do with him.

"Continue to simulate."

[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 8 Martial Artist. After killing Wang Qi, go to Glory City to find the opponent's legacy. ]

[After you secretly investigated and analyzed all the clues, you finally found out that Wang Qi hid his property in a mansion in the east of Glory City. ]

[You were thinking of taking advantage of the night and were planning to sneak in, but Song Yu brought someone to stop you. ]

[He brought a Grade 7 Martial Artist, you are not an opponent, you were slapped to death. ]

Ha Song Yu!

There is no trust between people?

Sun Yu chose death replay,

He immediately discovered that the Grade 7 expert was Song Yu's cousin named Song Lin.

After carefully looking at the opponent's shot, it's not really subtle, and

Compared with his fighting experience, it's even less worth mentioning.

But the other side can win. I think the gap between realm is too big.

Sun Yu frowned.

This kid, Song Family, has no brains. He actually believed Wang Qi's nonsense.

It's too late to catch up now.

Sun Yu simply calmed down and continued to simulate,

He wanted to see how many times the opponent could kill him.

[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 8 Martial Artist. After killing Wang Qi, go to Glory City to find the other party's legacy. ]

[One month later, after a lot of inquiries, you finally found out that Wang Qi hid his property in a mansion in the east of Glory City. ]

[You taking advantage of the night are sneaking into it, and finally found the money hidden in it and "Heavenly Martial Divine Art". ]

[Just got out of the gate, but was blocked by Song Yu and the others. With the help of Song Lin, Song Yu humiliated you, slashed your head, and robbed you of all your gains. ]

And Heavenly Martial Divine Art?

This is a pleasant surprise!

Sun Yu itself only has realm and no cultivation technique.

If this weakness can be filled,

I think the cultivation speed in the simulation can be much faster.

"Okay, youngster, I'll let you be arrogant in the simulation first."

Sun Yu's mood is much better, now he has found his way,

When you get the cultivation technique, change the simulation direction for a wave of cultivation.

Then talk to the two brothers of Song Family.

"Continue to simulate!"

[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 8 Martial Artist, after killing Wang Qi, go to Glory City Find each other's legacy. ]

[One month later, after a lot of inquiries, you finally found out that Wang Qi hid his property in a mansion in the east of Glory City. ]

[You are taking advantage of the night to sneak into it and successfully get money and "Heavenly Martial Divine Art". ]

[You left here and found a safe place to secretly cultivate Heavenly Martial Divine Art. ]

[After half a month, Song Yu and Song Lin found you and killed you. ]


After five consecutive simulations, Sun Yu finally relaxed,

Although the ending is still death,

But at least, he has successfully cultivated "Heavenly Martial Divine Art" in the simulator.

[The simulation is over, please choose any one of the following rewards. ]

[Martial Arts Cultivation Base at the age of 1 and 18. ]

[Experience skills at the age of 2 and 18. ]

[Memories of death at the age of three or eighteen. ]

Sun Yu without the slightest hesitation chose the second option.

In an instant, a complete "Heavenly Martial Divine Art" flashed into his mind.

This cultivation technique is divided into ninth layers,

each layer represents a realm, which can be up to Grade 1 Martial Artist.

In addition to the cultivation method, it also explains the different gaps of each realm in detail, and provides many practical tips.

This is not bad for Sun Yu, he thinks back a little,

The main difference between Grade 7 and Grade 8 is the quality of True Qi and in quantity.

It's no wonder that Song Yu's cousin Song Lin can always beat him. The opponent relies entirely on realm's advantage.

Used True Qi several times more than him, forcibly killed him.

It can be said that the force has broken the trick.

However, now that he has a cultivation technique, it will be easier to handle.

No more adventures in Glory City, just follow the Cultivation Technique step by step!

As for Wang Qi's money,

There is no need to worry now, it is not directly available in the emulator anyway.

"Start the simulation!"

[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 8 Martial Artist. After killing Wang Qi, you hid in Morning Sun City to take care of your cultivation. ]

[After one month, Zhang Zhong said that he would join the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion and leave this place. You said goodbye to him. ]

[Zhang Zhong, twenty-year-old, small reputation married in Pingle City, and invited you to attend, you are happy to go. ]

[The wedding is over, Zhang Zhong invited you to stay for a few more days, but you rejected him and rushed back to Morning Sun City that night. ]

[Song Yu and the others found you on the way, and after a hard fight, you died at the hands of Grade 7 Martial Artist Song Lin. ]

"Song Yu again…"

Sun Yu murmured.

It seems that the other party is not going to let him go at all.

He laughed and chose the first reward cultivation realm.

Immediately, the True Qi in the body increased a little,

Sun Yu was quite satisfied.

[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 8 Martial Artist. After killing Wang Qi, you hid in Morning Sun City to take care of your own cultivation. ]

[After one month, Zhang Zhong said that he would join the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion and leave this place. You said goodbye to him. ]

[Zhang Zhong, twenty-year-old, small reputation married in Pingle City, and invited you to attend, but you declined the other party. ]

[At the age of 21, Heavenly Medicine Pavilion was annexed by Qi Family, Zhang Zhong violent death, you write down this hatred, and plan to wait until Grade 7 exits to avenge the other party. ]

[At the age of twenty-seven, your cultivation progresses slowly, and you gradually become a little restless. ]

[At the age of twenty-nine, there is a problem with your mentality, and in the dead of night, you even begin to question yourself when you can avenge your friends. ]

[At the age of thirty, you died of the Heart Demon. ]

What's going on with this Qi Family?

Sun Yu was a little stunned. Last time, the other party had a conflict with the Scarlet Fire Sect and killed himself.

This time, the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion was annexed and Zhang Zhong was killed.

Is it fate?

Sun Yu shook his head, judging from the simulation, this is still far away, and

he doesn't plan to worry about it now.

At the end of this time, choose one, and after receiving the cultivation base reward, Sun Yu simulated two more times.

Unfortunately, the results were all death, and he only lived to be thirty years old at the most.

There is still a certain gap between Grade 7 Martial Artist.

"It seems that my way is not in Morning Sun City!"

Sun Yu shook the head,

It's pointless to do this, yes Time to change direction.

[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 8 Martial Artist. After killing Wang Qi, you went all the way east to the center of Qing State, Azure Heaven City. ]

[On the way, you and the Heavenly Dragon escort person, out of blows friendship grows, both sides walk together. ]

[There were no dangers along the way, and you finally reached Azure Heaven City. The escort chief valued you very much and invited you to join the escort, and you agreed. ]

[At the age of 28, the escort chief regards you as a discipline and cultivates it with heart. In ten years, you have played countless Escort mission and achieved remarkable results. From an ordinary escort master to a famous Escort. ]

[At the age of 30, on this day, the Song Family came to escort you. Song Yu, who was with you, recognized you and forced you to hand over "Heavenly Martial Divine Art". At this time, the escort chief came forward save you.]

[The business of the escort bureau is getting worse day by day. You know that Song Yu is behind it but there is no way. ]

[At the age of 31, there are more and more voices dissatisfied with you in the escort bureau. To expel you from the escort bureau, the escort chief has fought against the public opinion, and the escort bureau has begun to drain.]

[You can't stand it anymore, so take the initiative to resign, taking advantage of the night to leave the escort. ]

[On the way, Song Yu led people to surround you. During the crisis, a mysterious person appeared to help you break through the encirclement. Although the other party was masked, you still recognized him as the escort chief . ]

[You escaped the pursuit, hid in the deep mountains, and practiced ascetic every day. ]

[Forty-one years old, you are finally promoted to Grade 7 Martial Artist! After you came out of the mountain, you found out that the Heavenly Dragon escort bureau has been extinguished, escort chief disappeared. ]

[You have investigated extensively and learned that the escort chief was locked in a house by the Song Family. You entered to rescue, but fell into the trap that Song Yu had prepared for you. ]

[The other party caught you and forced you to ask the whereabouts of "Heavenly Martial Divine Art", you rather die than submit, and finally you were beaten to death by the other party. ]

"Song Yu is a trouble, and his cousin Song Lin,

After more than ten years in the simulation, they still refuse to let me go,

Even the Heavenly Dragon escort has not escaped them."

Sun Yu frowned deeply.

At this time, a new prompt appears:

[The simulation is over, please choose one of the following rewards. ]

[Martial Arts Cultivation Base at the age of 1 and 41. ]

[Experience skills at the age of 2 and 41. ]

[Memories of death at the age of thirty or forty-one. ]

He looked relieved, with a smile on his face:

"However, I want to see what you can do to stop me this time, I will choose one."

In an instant, the True Qi in his body increased several times, and the formidable power was even higher than before!

Grade 7 Martial Artist!

Zhang Zhong, who was looking down at the medical book, suddenly looked up at him.

I can't tell what's going on, but Zhang Zhong thinks,

Brother Sun now looks a little different…