
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Glory City

"You, what do you want to ask, I will tell you all…"

Little concubine Xu Shi said with tears in her eyes,

aside from Sobbing, she didn't even dare to look at Sun Yu,

for fear that she would be beaten to death like master.

The eldest lady, Zhang Shi, looked much calmer, although her body was shaking .

But at least she dared to look directly at Sun Yu.

"My question is very simple."

Sun Yu's smile became brighter:

"Master Wang sold his property, so he doesn't have only twenty silver tael, right?

I hope the two ladies will be kind and tell me where he hides his property."

Xu Shi sobbed twice, wiped away her tears, and immediately Said:

"I, I don't know...I just know that some time ago, the master sent things from time to time...ah!"

"Shut up!"

Zhang Shi twisted Xu Shi's waist hard.

She screamed in pain and closed her mouth.

Sun Yu raised his eyebrows, but saw Zhang Shi squeeze out an extremely ugly smile and said:

"Sun, Mister Sun, don't listen to Xu Shi's nonsense,

My master left in a hurry, and everything was sold at a low price, so naturally it was not worth much.

It is quite difficult to keep these twenty taels."

"Is it?"

Sun Yu sneered, and think, he knows, this woman is lying.

At this time, the two uncles and nephews of the Song Family came over after cleaning up Wang Qi's body.

Song Chengfeng glanced at Zhang Shi and said with a smile to him:

"Young Hero Sun, that is the person my Song Family named and needed, I don't think you will Embarrass us?"

Seeing that he was looking at Zhang Shi, Sun Yu was naturally happy:


Song Chengfeng After that , looked at Zhang Shi and hummed:

"hmph, Zhang shi, don't you get up and go back with us? Do you want me to help you with my own hands?"

At this moment, Zhang Shi's face was as ugly as it could be.

She was originally Song Yun's wife.

After Wang Qi killed song yun she was afraid that she would be implicated, so she also escaped.

But didn't expect that after Wang Qi's death, the Song Family people still refused to let her go.

"After I go back, what are you going to do with me?"

Zhang Shi trembled so much that her voice trembled.

Song Yu shouted beside:

"What do you want us to do! The adulterer

You adulterer wife should be Dispose of as in the law, and executed at a short time!"

"What, what! Uh…"

Zhang Yun slammed into her heart,

She was stimulated enough today Much more,

When facing Sun Yu, it was even more difficult to reluctantly cheer up.

Frightened by that Song Yu at this moment, the whole person actually fainted.

Zhang Zhong hurriedly stepped forward to check, after a while, he shook his head to the three of them quite regretfully and said:


Song Yu turned his head and hummed:

"Good luck to her!"

Wang Qi and Zhang Shi were both dead.

Song Family has no interest in the other Xu Shi and a few escorts like that.

Song Chengfeng instructed his nephew to mount the body on the horse, and

after a few polite words with Sun Yu, he rode away.

Sun Yu looked at the backs of the two and thought for a moment.

In the end, he shook his head, and there was no need to catch up.

The most important thing between people is trust,

And he thinks Old Song should be a smart person and won't do stupid things…

Song The two uncles and nephews of the Family walked for a distance with the corpse, and

Song Yu, who was silent all the way, asked:

"Uncle Feng, you said that Wang Qi would not tell about"Heavenly Martial Divine Art", to that boy surnamed Sun?"

"Well…" Song Chengfeng groaned, frowned replied:

"There is a high probability not.


"There is a high probability…" Song Yu immediately lowered his head and muttered, then suddenly raised his head and said with a little hope:

"That means it's still possible, right?"

Song Chengfeng shook his head, sighed, and said nothing.

Wang Qi's old bastard is really cunning,

After death, he still has such a hand,

Even if he doesn't believe what he says, he still thinks about Sun Yu in his heart. However, there is still a little bit of greed,.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was a Grade 8 Martial Artist,

he would probably be like this nephew, forcing the other party to reveal the cultivation technique.

"Why don't we go back now and follow that kid secretly?

If Wang Qi really told him where the cultivation technique is, he would definitely be tempted to take the cultivation technique."

Song Yu made a cheerful comment.

Song Chengfeng yelled:

"damned bastard! Don't you have a long memory?

He is a Grade 8 Martial Artist!

If it wasn't for me to help this time, you and my uncle and nephew would have explained it here!"

he shook his head, he was a little disappointed with this dumb nephew.

After getting far away, Song Yu's courage recovered a lot, and he immediately replied:

"How dare he, our Song Family…"

"hmph, what about Song Family, silly boy!

If people die, nothing is left, so what if they can get revenge?"

Wang Qi's body behind Song Chengfeng patted it

"Here, look at this guy, he's been tortured, but what about your cousin? Can't he come back to life again?

Besides, the barren mountains and ridges here, The place is remote,

If Sun Yu catches up and kills you and my uncle and nephew,

song family come and find the bodies after half a month later. Where to find the murderer!"

Song Yu was really afraid when he heard Uncle Feng, although he was still a little dissatisfied,

but still obediently and honestly shut his mouth.

After saying this, Song Chengfeng's thoughts changed, and he felt bad, the other party wouldn't really catch up, would he?

Thinking about it in another way, it's not impossible either!

He thumped in his heart, and immediately whipped his horse twice:

"Don't talk nonsense, and immediately rush to the clan with me! Treat this as if it never happened!"

Song Yu didn't know why he was so urgent, so he could only speed up.

But I have my own ideas in my heart.

Uncle Feng is right, as the other party is a Grade 8 Martial Artist, it is not something he can afford.

However, he can't afford to offend, but someone in the family can afford it.

My cousin Song Lin, who is the same generation as Song Yun, is a Grade 7 Martial Artist.

He shot, that kid named Sun is this not just matter of time to snatch away the gain?

"hmph, not to mention "Heavenly Martial Divine Art",

also extorted the twenty taels I finally saved! I will make you pay the price!"

Song Yu had a proud look on his face, and secretly glanced at Song Chengfeng who was galloping in front of him:

"Hey, when the time comes, Uncle Feng, you must be impressed!"

"jia! Drive!"

The sound of horse hooves fluttered, and the two soon disappeared into the vast night.

Sun Yu is still near Morning Sun City,

After sending the guard maid that Wang Qi recruited and packing up his things,

He took Zhang Zhong and Xu Shi to the ruined temple where he was staying, and rested for a while before making plans.

Let Zhang Zhong reassure Xu Shi,

Then Sun Yu stepped forward to continue the conversation they had been interrupted by Zhang Shi:

"Mrs. , before you said where did the master send things from time to time?"

Xu Shi's condition is much better, except that there are still tears on her face,

no longer crying, just thought about it, and then replied:

"It should be Glory City, but I don't know exactly where it is in Glory City,

I also stumbled across this sentence while wandering in the middle of the garden ."

"Glory City? the Glory City in Tangzhong County?"

Morning Sun City is in Dongguang County, and Tangzhong County is just east of it.

Both counties belong to Qing State, the boundary of Qingyuan Prefecture.

"That's right, it's there."

Xu Shi agreed quickly.

Sun Yu nodded and doesn't ask any more, a rough location is enough,

As for whether this is true or false, he can use the emulator to try several times to know.

If nothing else, he would be able to find Wang Qi's inheritance after a few simulations.

He sat on the side, took a rest, and put all the money he got into the simulator:

[The recharge is successful, the current balance of simulated coins: 52, Simulation fee: 3. Do you want to start the simulation? ]

Sun Yu chose yes…