
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs


Sun Yu thought about it for a while,

It should be seven days before Zhou Zitian came to look for him

This time is enough!

It took him some time, and he quickly settled on a plan of action.

However, there is one thing Sun Yu had a headache.

No accident, Wang Ziru will come to ask for advice in a few days.

But Sun Yu has no experience in teaching others.

He has a booklet of Heavenly Martial Divine Art.

But that thing majors in realm , which is inconsistent with Wang Ziru's request.

He also wanted to give the Azure Jade Fist Art directly to the other party,

But there are still some problems in the way of this boxing technique. If Azure Jade Sect knows about it, it will harm Wang Ziru instead.

Sun Yu pondered for a while, but didn't have any good ideas.

The teaching of moves is a bit too stupid. It is more to rely on on-the-spot performance to really start with people.

So he finally decided to go into battle in person,

Direct actual combat and give the girl a special form of devil training !

As for whether the girl can bear it or not, that's not his problem…

In the early morning of the second day,

wang Ziru woke up early.

No, it should be said that she was so excited that she hadn't slept much all night.

The maid who came to serve brought in the washing water and said with a smile:

"Young Pavilion Lord, what are you doing up so early today?"

"What you do is naturally martial arts." Wang Ziru said as it should be by rights:

"Didn't you listen to Sun Yu yesterday? He promised to teach me a few tricks!"

Xiao Cui covered her mouth laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

Xiaocui put the water in front of Wang Ziru:

"Young Pavilion Lord, you better not be too happy too early."


"You forgot the experts who came to our Heavenly Medicine Pavilion before?"

Xiaocui reminded:

"Which of them didn't promise to teach you a few tricks?

But what about the end?

didn't they tell you a bunch of extremely mysterious and abstruse, useless nonsense!"

"Xiao Cui!" Wang Ziru suddenly said a little unhappily:

"How did you talk!

Everyone Said that it is called theoretical knowledge, without theoretical knowledge how to lay a foundation,

How can you improve Martial Arts Realm?"

"Yes yes yes!" Xiaocui Helping her down from the bed, said with a smile:

"I'm just an ordinary person anyway, whether it's useful or not, Young Pavilion Lord, you know for yourself!"

"Xiao Cui!" wang Ziru looked really annoyed.

Xiaocui stuck out her tongue hurriedly:

"Young Pavilion Lord, I'm joking with you!

However, you said that Sun Yu little brother is so young , is it really that powerful?"

"What are you talking about, he is also a Grade 6 Martial Artist, and you didn't hear everyone saying that Qi Xiao died at his hands!"

Xiao Cui said as it should be by rights:

"This is not what I saw with my own eyes,

Besides, what happened to the Grade 6 Martial Artist, miss you Isn't it also a Grade 6 Martial Artist? It's not…"

"Besides, I'll hold your mouth!"

wang Ziru gestured and waved her hand, causing Xiao Cui to hurriedly run to the side. ,

The two are used to laughing at each other, and they don't take it seriously,

Xiaocui continued:

"In my opinion, Young Pavilion Lord this time also can't learn anything real again."


Xiao Cui thought back and analyzed:

"Well… I heard people say that if you want to become better,

In addition to realm, the most important thing is actual combat experience.

I think that Sun Yu last night, just deal with you casually, For the Pavilion Lord's face

It is estimated that when the time comes, he will tell you a bunch of theories…"

"Who said that!"

Said so, but wang Ziru also began to worry:

"No! Xiao Cui,

bring my saber!"

Xiao Cui was shocked and Said:

"Ah, Young Pavilion Lord, what are you doing with this? Your injury is not healed yet!"

"Can't wait! I'll go to Brother Sun now Ask for advice, must let him teach me personally!"

"But, if the Pavilion Lord knows…" Xiaocui was very worried,

Pavilion Lord told me a thousand times last night, must let the Young Pavilion Lord rest.

"What nonsense, don't let him know it's over!

By the way, you go with me, save your little traitor and go to tip off again."

Xiao Cui is helpless,

can only follow Wang Ziru to find Sun Yu.

There is a knock on the door.

As soon as Sun Yu opened the door, he saw the maid Xiaocui accompanied by Wang Ziru carrying the sword.

she was standing at the door like a heroine, which made him a little dazed:

"Young Pavilion Lord, what are you?"

"Didn't you say yesterday that you wanted to teach me two tricks?"

Sun Yu was stunned, came to the door so quickly already?

But he arranged devil training for the other party.

Seeing that Wang Ziru is still pale now, how could he bear it?

When the time comes don't Zhou Zitian come to the door, this girl will die at his hands first.

Sun Yu hurriedly refused:

"Young Pavilion Lord, don't worry about this, wait until your body recovers,from the injury."

Body recovered? Injury to injury?

Hearing this, Wang Ziru suddenly became happy!

This must be a real battle!

She glanced at Xiaocui with some pride, cup one fist in the other hand and salute:

"Yes! Master! I'll go back and have a good rest now!"

She dragged Xiao Cui and was about to leave, but

Sun Yu stopped her again:

"Ai, since everyone is here, it's just that you can help me to do one thing."

"Master, please tell me!"

Seeing her lively appearance, Sun Yu couldn't help laughing:

"Okay. Well, it's not a major event, you'll follow me out later."

Wang Ziru hasn't spoken yet, but Xiao Cui on the side is shocked:

"This is inappropriate, right? ?Pavilion Lord let us, during this time, try our best not to go out of Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, Qi Family side…"

Sun Yu said immediately:

" Don't worry, it won't be too far,

I promise nothing will happen, if you are worried, you can go with me."


Xiao Cui was still a little worried,

At this time, Wang Ziru said a little reproachfully:

"Aiya, Xiao Cui! Listen to Master!"

Sun Yu said with a smile:

"After you leave the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, you should ,comes around a bald burly man there

You are responsible for stopping him."

This time, his purpose is to join forces with Li Donghao to deal with Zhou Zitian,

The enemy of the enemy is the friend!

Of course, this is only the first step in Sun Yu's plan.

"Just stop it?"

Wang Ziru asked, this is a simple task.

"Of course not, you have to bring him back to Heavenly Medicine Pavilion."

"Can that person listen to us?" This time it was Xiao Cui who asked.

Sun Yu smiled and beckoned to the two of them:

"Hey, come over and listen to me and you…"

Wang Ziru and Xiao Cui leaned over suspiciously, and after Sun Yu finished speaking,

their doubts became even more serious,

Wang Ziru said doubtfully:

"It's just… as simple as that? Say a few words and he'll come with us?"

"Yes, it's as simple as that!"

Sun Yu glanced at, It's getting dark, and I think it's almost time.

When I go out now, I should be able to meet Zhou Zitian and Li Donghao.

So, he asked:

"How about it, you both remember it clearly?"

"Remember it!"

"Well, let's go."

they were about to leave the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion with great fanfare.

Xiaocui saw something wrong and hurriedly shouted:

"Don't go there, be careful if the Pavilion Lord sees it!"

Immediately after, Wang Ziru patted her:

"Shh! Xiao Cui, please be quiet!"

The three sneaked out of the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion…