
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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Seven Colored Revolutions

Green Revolution

Blue Revolution

White Revolution

Brown Revolution

Red Revolution

Rainbow Revolution

Pink Revolution

After the Independence Day, on 17th August, Five Colored Revolutions were announced to be completed within five years.

1. Green Revolution

-Making food accessible to each and every person, to completely eliminate starvation.

-Installing Biogass Plants in each and every village for not only creating biofuel for cooking instead of coal/wood, but also providing every farmer cheap natural fertilizer.

-Introduction of high yield varieties which consume less water, like maize, wheat, etc. Each state having a different crop.

-Usage of Drip irrigation, mixed farming and crop rotation.

-Creation of cold storages for food grains in each district.

-Removal of middle-men advantage.

-Like AMUL and MILK, creating co-operative societies in each state to benefit farmers and give them more power and responsibility.

-Identifying pest-eating species of animals, birds and insects instead of chemical pesticides.

-Sustainable agriculture, mixed farming, crop rotation, land reforms, tractors, etc.

-A green wall near Aravali to prevent desertification.

-Removal of invasive species who make the area dry, introduced during British Raj.

-Creating marshes and parks in cities with intense rain problem.

2. Blue Revolution

-Making clean drinking water available to everyone.

-Rain water harvesting in every city and village.

-Pipelines from North East, and Bengal(initially) to dry regions to not only prevent flooding in the intense flood regions, but also provide water to areas where there is little rain like Thar(initially).

-Creating efficient drainage system to prevent flooding, taking inspiration from Indus Valley Civilisation.

-Creating inter-connected lakes in all cities to not only have water reservoirs, but also preventing flooding.

-Protecting water bodies from waste dumping, washing clothes, goddess etc., like Ganga and all rivers and lakes.

-Making water clean enough to be drunk directly from rivers and lakes.

-Creating dams to prevent flooding, generate hydro-electricity.

3. White Revolution

-To increase the milk output across India and make it accessible for all, especially children.

-Identifying more milk producing species, and breeding them.

-Increase in the white egg output, to make it accessible for all, especially children.

-Setting up cooperatives in every state like MILK and AMUL.

-Helping the cooperatives to make milk based commercial products like chocolate.

4. Brown Revolution

-Establishing compulsory toilets in every house. No house which has started building from 1st January 1951 can be built without a toilet.

-Creating Compost Septic Tanks to convert human waste into manure, and providing the logistics for successful use of human, animal and kitchen waste to make biofuel as well.

-Building toilets across every city and tourist spot.

-Making it compulsory to have bio-toilet in all trains and couches created after 1st January 1951, and gradually replacing the current ones too.

-Removal of cleaning staff in every school across India. The current cleaning staff will be hired as cleaning teachers, and every kid will be required to clean their class according to their roll numbers, along with the toilets.

-Huge fine on littering. Throwing garbage out of train, on roads, outside house, etc. will have huge fines.

-Each train coach will have two dustbins, which will be replaced by clean ones at every station. Making the train and station dirty will lead to cancellation of ticket. Two cleanliness checking officers will be placed on each end of every coach to clean, and catch the litterers.

-Every food item which can't be swallowed and needs to be spitted out are banned. Pan masala, chewing gum.

5. Red Revolution

-Immunisation of the whole country from Small Pox.

-Establishment of dispenseries in every town and big village, called Bharat Dispenseries, where basic medicines like cough, cold, ORS, vaccines, sanitary pads, condoms, etc. will be provided.

-Legible Handwriting Act to be passed so that the doctors are required to have readable handwriting for prescriptions.

-All major health issues like STDs, and other general causes of diseases to be addressed in the textbooks.

-Prevention of Malaria, Dengue, Cholera, Typhoid, etc. by maintaining hygiene.

-Expanding Ambulance Network

6. Rainbow Revolution

-Setting up of co-op OCMs(Ordered Clothes Manufacturers) for bringing down the price of clothes.

-Selling Handmade clothes with ancient techniques like Cheenth as luxury clothes.

-Fashion Shows across the globe to promote Indian clothes, both traditional and modern.

-Miss World and Mister World(Both established on 17th August 1950 in Kolkata, under a company named Fashion Capital) competition to be held on Diwali.

-Kes-com(Kesalay competition, meaning Comic-con) to be held across the world to promote Indian comics,

-The establishment of two Ordered Kostume Manufacturers(OKMs) to create coustumes for Kes-coms, idol shows, movies, dramas, etc.

-Increasing the manufacturing of jeans, plastic toys, and other artificial goods while maintaining that they don't cause pollution by properly treating the waste produced.

7. Pink Revolution

-Making education accessible to everyone.

-Standard education system and textbooks across the country, + extra syllabus and textbooks per state.

-Pink unisex comfortable tracksuits for uniform of Centre-Partnered schools. Other private and state schools can implement their own colours.

-Government partnering up with every school. Keeping fees very low,

-Injured soldiers given teacher's job for training of students as P.E. students.

-Atmost, only six hours of school allowed, including two breaks making up an hour.

-History, Geography, Economics and Politics through Kesalays. It is a non-graded subject unless a person in class 8th choses Social Sciences as a main subject.

-The only gradable subjects will be Maths, Sciences and P. E. They will be covered in Indic.

-Drawing will be headed by Kesalaymans(mangakas) in each school.

-Taking one martial art will be compulsory in P.E.

-Compulsory education for kids from age 6 to 14.

-Mid-day meals to be provided to every kid. Kids from the classes 6 to 8 will cook the meals and deliver to each junior class. The kids of each class will serve food proportions in a group, rotating with roll numbers.

-Handwashes will be installed in each school.

-There will be only two semester exams as a whole every year across each school, college and university. No monthly or other tests.

-In summer vacation(or winter vacation for the Himalayan regions), there will be a class trip to local industries, like agriculture, factories, music industry, film industry, Kesalay-Ani industry, etc. in the beginning or end of the vacation.

-Schools and colleges will only be open for a maximum of 10 months.

-No homework from class 5th to the end of graduation and post graduation.

-Debate, Presentation styles of education instead of only focusing on memorising.

-A kid in class 8th will have these subjects:

A) Grading: Biology, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Constitution, Economy-Administration-Taxation, P. E. (Only best 5 subjects will be counted in the final result)

B) Non-Grading: Music, Drawing, Dancing, Voice Acting, Indic, State Language, Animation, Drama, Fashion, and Agriculture.

(More about Pink Revolution(Education Revolution will be discussed later)