
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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Pink Revolution Explaination

(18th August)

After the Seven revolutions were announced, everyone was happy for most of the objectives.


Almost everyone had problems with Pink Revolution, the education revolution.

Inside the Parliament, currently a huge argument was going on.

"You want our kids to clean toilets!?"

As the education minister was trying to speak but was constantly getting interrupted by boomers. Well, Satyankar himself can be considered a boomer, but he was just in his 20s in 2024 when he died in his previous world.

So, he is a better boomer than them.

The speaker Amrita Chattopadyay, previously a school principal, shouted.

"SILENCE! Is this fish market!? If you want to scream your lungs out, do it outside!"


"Pratap Kumar, you are suspended for the day. And 50% of your salary for this season is cut."

"Speaker ji-"

"Do you want the cut to be 75%?"


The MP left the parliament, and the congested lok sabha now had 1/516 of a person's area in surplus.

"Everyone will get the chance to speak. But not to scream. You all are grown people, but are even worse than kids.

Tukaram Ji, please continue. And no one will interrupt him until he has finished speaking."

Tukaram Bhide fixed his kurta's collar, and continued.

"As we all know, we have a huge problem of casteism. As Ambedkar ji had proposed inter-caste marriages before, that is not a practical way.

Let's say that we somehow get some people to have inter-caste arranged marriages. Then what? The so-called lower caste spouse will be mistreated and ridiculed for their whole life. Out of 100 such arranged marriage, maybe 1, or 2 marriages may lead to all around positive changes, but 98 or 99 spouses in these arranged marriages will only suffer.

Caste is not an indigenous Indian society structure or ideology. Caste comes from an European language.

We just need to know that we need people with great thinking, like scientists, businessmen, Engineers, Doctors, etc., our military and police force, farmers and miners, and labourers. Every section of the society is necessary for us to function, and we need to respect everyone.

Many people were enraged that their children will have to clean toilets. That's disrespecting the legs of your body.

Whom do people call lower castes? Those who clean toilets, garbage collectors, sweepers, etc.

So, wouldn't every kid doing these things make everyone equal?

And that's not all the benefits it brings.

First of all, we will save money by not having to hire extra staff. Before anyone says that this will destroy jobs, it wouldn't. This will increase jobs. More money saved means more schools. More schools mean more educated kids. More educated kids mean more jobs.

Then, it will turn us more disciplined and hygiene conscious. As poverty rises, the hygiene decreases, diseases increase, and poverty rises even more. It is a vicious cycle, so we have to make everyone, rich or poor hygiene conscious.

Pitroda ji, I saw you throw the wrapper out of the window after you ate Parle-G. I even told you not to do it a week ago. But you did the same just the next day.

Would just telling you work? No.

But what if you had the duty to clean the trash? You wouldn't make the place dirty in the first place.

I have given my argument. Now those who were opposing it give the argument that why isn't this a good thing. That's debate. Not screaming and throwing tantrum."

Woah... As expected of a teacher. They treat kids and adults alike.

No argument against it came up, even from those who were screaming before.

Amrita looked like she has gotten an idea, and said," Tukaram ji, you said a good thing. Satyankar ji, it's my suggestion, but bring an act so that no cleaners and sweepers will be hired to government offices from now on, including the parliament. Those who are working will keep working, yes. But we should do what kids have to do to set an example."

"Yes Amrita ji. After the Pink Revolution is discussed, we will start working on the bill to present it within the parliament for legislatures, executives and judiciary, while implementing the guideline for government companies and offices."

"Good. Now Tukaram ji, explain the other things as well."

"Yes Speaker Mahodaya. Now that the most controversial thing is explained, I will explain about the compulsory language on which science and maths will be used.

Indic. Here is the guidebook, and dictionary created by Nalanda University professor.

Sincle Nalanda will start its operating next year, the university will handle all things related to the language itself.

A few points I would like to make, is that it uses the same script as English, which is a German language, not British. The script was selected because none of our languages use it.

There are no concepts of things like silent words and other nonsense. For example, Colonel is wrong, and Curnel is correct.

Faster is Faster, but Water is Wauter, an u after a.

There are some alphabets are always added. Like रामायण, in Indic will be Ramayañ.

Anyway, there are various things in the language, many words like nahi, ille for no. Maã for mother, etc.

Main thing is, the words are as they are pronounced in Indian English.

The benefits of having two languages, Indic and the state language, is that everyone in India will understand each other. It will improve the logistics and our army as well. And it will standardise science across the country. If a Tamil person wants to have research with a UP person, they wouldn't face the language barrier.

If a state has more than one language, that's fine too. Just go by the region. If a region has more than one language, then that's fine too. Only two languages, Indic and the one of the state languages can be chosen. If a kid wants, he can choose to learn more than the two required language.

Anyway, onto more things.

Why aren't we building fully government schools?

Simply because we don't have the money to build so many schools at a fast rate. It will keep the quality of education across the country more or less equal, since as in other country's systems, a school wouldn't be able to snatch good teachers from government schools promising higher pay by charging kids more.

Moreover, since we will be printing books for the whole country, the price of a bookset will be much lower than any private school can print.

I know that some state governments will want to have more autonomy in this situation, that's why each state government can have a Kesalay on its history and geography, and the specialities of the state.

We can review this system in 20 years, seeing how effective or ineffective it is. Afterall, systems are bound to change with time.

Nos, regarding educate through Kesalays. I don't get why anyone would be against it. A story with facts is always better than just facts.

How did Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj create the Maratha Empire from scratch during the atrocious rule of Aurangzeb? How did Chandragupt Mauryã defeat the Nandas and created such a big empire? How did the Chola Empire spread to Indonesia? How did various people played various role in our Independence struggle?

These are stories that our kids should read due to interest, not by making them memorise it for marks.

If a kid wants to pursue studies in history, geography, archaeology, etc., there will be books available for them. But the majority of kids don't want to write tests based on things that happened in the past.

The rule of no homework after class 5th? Because Homework was invented as a punishment. Kids should pursue their own interests when not in school.

Now, regarding P.E. in which many people may have confusion. I will explain it.

First of all, the injured soldiers who can no longer work in military can work in teaching the kids. In P.E., we will give our every kid a toned down version of military training made specifically for their ages. Parade, surviving in jungles, hand to hand combat, evacuating in case of a bomb alert, better organisation, etc. so that in case we need more soldiers than we have in reserve due to a dire situation, like WW3, it wouldn't take too much time and resources.

It will give them discipline and good values, while also promoting equality.

Then we will have martial arts to revive our culture as the originator of such arts. We have found some people proficient in Kalaripayattu, and the people practicing other types of martial arts are also welcome.

Obviously, the P.E. is compulsory, but it is not compulsory to pass in the activities. As long as a person is in good health, they will get 75 marks in the subject. So if a person doesn't want to practice martial arts or take training, they are free to do so.

Then... Regarding only two exams per year. I will say that this will perfectly describe the decision, "Exams are for examining the education, but education isn't for exams."

Then, we have selected pink tracksuits for every kid, because they are the most comfortable for all kinds of activities. We are a hot country, so the colour couldn't be black, and white will get dirty easily. The schools bound with the state governments and SuperCities can choose their own colours as well.

We also choose tracksuit because the uniform can be passed down to the younger sibling easily, because we are a poor country.


A lot of time passed in explaining the Pink Revolution, and many politicians were becoming bored, because they didn't know much about education.

The issue of lack of teachers was raised. Even in just 20 years, which was the deadline to give everyone school, there wouldn't be enough teachers. So, a solution came that a teacher wouldn't require a teaching degree, but experience. Let's say, if a person is an archaeologist, he can directly teach geography for kids uptil 8th standard.

There was also the concern about mid-day meal. India didn't have enough food to feed its population itself, providing food for free would be a burden.

So, the mid-day meal scheme was put on hold until the Green Revolution becomes a success, ideally by monsoon next year.

Pink Donation Fund was also set up so that outside of the tax money, extra money donated by people can be directly used for improving education.

Similarly, Red Donation Fund was also set up.


(A week later)

In the news outlets across India and the world, the news of the Parliament Hygiene Act spreaded like a wildfire.

Every MP, MLA and all other legislators, executives and judiciary were required to clean their place in groups according to their role number.

In the first group, Satyankar and his council and cabinet ministers, and some ministers of BJS, a total of 50 MPs cleaned the entire Parliament, and now, 50 MPs will clean the entire Parliament each day by rotation.

In the front page of Western Media, a big photo of Satyankar cleaning toilet while wearing masks and gloves was posted with the title, "Even the Indians in power are toilet cleaners."