
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

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Who is Satyankar?

(New York Times Article)

Who is Satyankar?

"A menance, uncultured swine, who will create more problems if he dies."

-Wilston Churchill, PM of UK(1941)

Satyankar was born into an upper caste Hindu zamindaar family in Bengal, on 30th September 1897.

His name was Satyankar Chattopadyay, but he gave up his surname very early in his life.

At the age of 8, he moved to the US and entered the Columbia University.

He was the first one to publish the Periodic Table on the basis of Atomic Number instead of Atomic weight at the age of 8, in the year 1905.

The following year, he gave the 'Simple Model of Atom' , and 'A bit more complex model of atom'.

In 1906, He theorised a usual atom is made of generally three types of particles: Protons, Electrons, and Neutrons, each of them formed because of different concentration of different types of the unidivisible matter called 'Anu'. He also stated that being able to divide an Anu will break the fabric of reality and aside from a Black Hole, is the key to enter an alternate universe.

While many dismissed his theory as science fiction, the neutral particle know as Neutron was discovered to be true six years later.

The 'Simple Theory of Atom' was widely accepted after Rutherford and Neils Bohr verified it, and the 'A bit more complex model of atom' hasn't been found incorrect until now, and it gave the concept of orbitals and much more.

But aside from being a genius, he has been found to have a questionable character. In the theories, he didn't explain anything about how he came to the conclusions, but just gave the theories. And if that wasn't all, he has been found to take huge amount of money from the ultra rich to have their kids to be included as Assistant in the research papers.

Even while having a scientific background, he has called himself a 'Hindu Athiest'. While fully recognising the mythologies like Ramayana and Mahabharata as actual history, he doesn't believe that praying to any god will help.

He has claimed the Hindu texts which describe the age of the universe as true, and Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh as the basis of the universe.

His 'Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh' Theory suggests that:

-White Hole is the source of the continuously expanding universe. It is a representation of Brahma.

-All the energy in the universe is Vishnu. The energy creates galaxies and nurtures them.

-Black Hole is the end of the Universe. It constantly gets bigger and destroys the universe.

-Initially, the rate of expansion of the universe is much greater when the Black Hole appears, i.e. Birth of Shiv/Mahesh. But as the universe ages, the growth of the Black Hole surpasses the expansion of the universe.

He mentioned that the age of this universe is 311.04 trillion years.

The whole 'Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh' Theory was again marked as fiction, but in the year 1907, he proposed the 'Space-Time Fabric' Theory, which explained how gravity isn't a force, and how it works. In the year 1909, Albert Einstein also agreed to the theory, and gave his 'General Theory of Relativity' based on it along with formulas.

The genius was still notoriously amassing money, and also published a comic, which he calls as 'Kesalay', Sambhar.

Sambhar, story and direction by Satyankar himself and art by Ramu(executed later by the British Raj), quickly gained traction in the US, and the whole world.

This comic revealed that Satyankar is a person of many talents. When he was awarded Knitage by the British Empire despite being an Indian and given many awards, he auctioned them all the second he came back to the US.

After securing the necessary funds, he travelled around the world, visiting London, Tokyo, France, Germany, and had allegedly gotten a girlfriend in 1917 in London. There isn't any evidence of it, but his servant Ramu, the artist of Sambhar, who accompanied him everywhere confessed about it when he was questioned before his execution.

In 1918, he returned to India, and started his political party Bhartiya Janta Sangh(BJS) in Calcutta.

He spent two years to expand the number of party members, and after WW1, on 12th July 1920, started the Non-Cooperation movement by refusing to pay tax, organising strikes against giving any crop for the tax collection, and declared India as an Independent Democratic Country.

Gandhi also started the Non-Cooperation movement from Gujarat a few days later.

During the movement, people got violent and led to some British police officers being burnt alive, Gandhi called off the movement, while Satyankar called for not caring about what happens to the British.

'Don't pay any tax! Stop fighting Britain's War! We are the soldiers of India, not Britain!'

Due to this, Satyankar was sentenced to life in the infamous Cellular Prison. We don't really know what happened inside the prison, but outside the prison, a strange phenomena happened.

Despite BJS party getting banned, and many people arrested, along with the execution of Satyankar's family, the people became more fierce in the freedom struggle. Muhammad, Satyankar's best friend who accompanied him since they were children, and the current Home Minister of India, started wearing a mask, along with many people so that he couldn't be caught.

People in masks regularly attacked and murdered British officials, ransacked their offices and misdirected the British to try to catch masked people, while Muhammad was changing disguises often.

Finally, the British dropped Muhammad's arrest warrant, removed the ban on BJS on the condition that they won't do anything until the WW2 ends, and the masks were no longer required to protect Muhammad.

In the recent Iranian revolution, a similar tactic was used.

After the British partitioned India into two, Satyankar was released totally uaware of it on 14th August, the day on which Pakistan was created due to mass riots in the western region of India.

On taking power, Satyankar first kicked out Mountbatten, and gave the princely states only two options instead of the three. He threatened that anyone joining Pakistan will not remain alive in the inevitable destruction of Pakistan.

This made every princely state cautious, and only one princely state declared that it was going to join Pakistan.

But before the document could be signed, the royal family of the Junagadh was arrested, and thrown into the middle of the ocean while binding them with their gold chains. The children below sixteen weren't touched, and the 15 year old pribce overturned his father's decision and joined India.

Britain called out the approach on the basis of Human rights, and a fire in a Northern Ireland office made Britain to stop focus on India for a while.

One by one, most of the princely states joined India, including Balochistan, which Pakistan attacked. After Pakistan attacked Jammu and Kashmir too, India went on war.

Muslim League, already having lost support in the world when its genocide calls, and rapes of countless women, and children came into light, was even attacked from within.

Arfaaz Bano, a top leader of Muslim League, blew himself in the meeting, which injured most of the upper echelon, and killed many, including Jinnah. The rest were arrested.

Moreover, the Vice-Commander of Pakistani army betrayed the Commander and his men mixed in the troops in Jammu and Kashmir killed each and every battalion effectively.

India invaded Pakistan on three fronts, from sea, land and air, and Pakistan was recaptured within two days as the Pakistani army fully surrendered, not knowing who amongst their battalion is the traitor.

This was the final push for all the Princely states to join India without much resistance.

Satyankar is a fearsome existence, who already knew what is important and placed his people in the perfect positions to effeciently kill Pakistan.

Even with his intellect, he does exhibit some barbaric mannerism. Dumping people in ocean, fake-bombing rioters with Coca-Cola to scare them into thinking that they were bombed using helicopters, arresting entire populations rioting with the military, and dumping them in the ocean or arresting them, according to the proximity to ocean and space in prisons.

Is it really good for the USA to be a friend of India? To supply Uranium to a country that might as well nuke us if offended?

He has even banned the missionaries in India, not wanting the spread of word of Jesus.

Even while having lunch with the President, he ate with his dirty hands, not respecting the guests.

He also made Truman's wife wear uncomfortable primitive clothes.