
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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Satyankar: The champion of Satya

While BJS started with Non-Cooperation and Civil Disobedience at the same time as INC's Non-Cooperation movement, the party didn't call off the moment due to killings of British policemen. Instead, it doubled down on it.

This of course, led to crackdowns, arrests, executions, and genocides. The founder and leader of the party at the time, Satyankar was found 'guilty' for instigating 'violence' and had to spend 15 years in the infamous Cellular Jail.

The founder of Hindu Mahasabha, Vinayak Savarkar was also a key figure in the freedom movement of India. He wrote about the First War of Independence of 1857, which became a widespread tool and inspiration for the struggle, and he was also arrested for it in the same infamous prison.

While he and many people across the country, like Gandhi wrote letters to the British government for his release, Satyankar had left behind a letter addressed to 'Princess Hindatika', stating that the plans to destroy the Empire is on the horizon with his future arrest.

The letter revealed a plot between Satyankar and the mysterious princess of the British Royal Family to assassinate the royal family except for the princess and the kids so that she can come into power, and in return, she will give India its freedom and all the stolen treasures.

The plan was for Satyankar to enter the Cellular Jail, and him dying intentionally so that the country will riot, and the guards of the Viceroy in Delhi, governors of Bengal and Bombay, and the secretary of the Viceroy herself will do the job of assassination at the same time, and their households will be lit on fire in case the assassination fails.

And when the focus was there, the 89 MPs of the British Parliament that he has bribed will lit the British parliament on fire, which will help Princess Hindatika take full control of the government.

This was a serious matter, and nobody but a select few Britishers knew of this. Not only it caused dessent and suspicion amongst the British Royal Family and the Britishers, it even made it impossible to execute Satyankar without getting the full details out of him.

Knowing the man who created the Satya Periodic Table based on Proton Number, gave the concept of Wave-Particle Duality, Orbit and wave orbitoids of Atoms, Parmanus: The energy-matter that is the smallest possible structure which makes electrons, protons, neutrons and other sub-atomic particles by combining with other types of Parmanus, and a lot of theories that were too advanced for the time before the age of 15 was not a normal man.

And certainly not when he created the best fiction, Sambhar, got a lot of money from various kings and young masters for it, and was shameless enough to sell his autograph for hundreds of thousands.

And he was shameless enough for putting the name of some rich people's kids as assistant in his theories and proofs, all for a lot of money.

The work of such a shameless and genius person couldn't be taken for granted, given that he did go to the Buckingham Palace when he was invited for an award for the periodic table, but he went to the stage, took the award, went to the US, and sold it for a million dollars.

So, they decided to get him out of the cellular Jail, but then he proceeded to lie to British media that he was tortured, and made to lick the photo of the feet of the British King.

So he was thown into prison again. And he told them everything they asked without struggle, but everything was a lie.

Who is Princess Hindatika? His girlfriend, and her name is Hindatika.

Who did he bribe in the British Parliament? Churchill, Atlee, and any politician he could remember.

Even though he had never met any of them.

When the British started realising that he was fooling them, a small bomb was thrown near the British Parliament, as if warning them that he was serious, and has everything planned.

(He didn't have anything planned, except the bombing after one year of his arrest. It was done by a factory worker in London who was exploited and didn't have money. The bomber was ensured that he will be safe and given a large amount of money, and moved to the US with his family without any trouble, since they had people in the security, police, and bureaucracy.

Sadly, he only had the capability to become a factory worker and wasn't very smart. He was arrested and executed. He spilled the beans, that the person who bribed him was from Russia, a member of the Red army.

Even more sadly, he had never seen a Russian.

UK will not be receiving oil and gas from USSR for a long time.)

Satyankar never wrote any petition for his release, the people were inspired from his bravery to never bend to the British, and the world burnt while Satyankar lived a relatively normal life in the prison, since the British feared that he might die if he got any diseases.

And he coughed a lot, and had pneumonia once.

(He paid 5 dollars to a doctor to diagnose him with it years ago.)

He is such a dangerous person, that's why he was only released after India was broke apart and finally given freedom.

Satyankar, he is the champion of Satya. Will the coming generations know of his Satyagrah? Well, it depends on whether he releases an auto-biography after he retires, and has no need for the conspiracies.