
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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98 Chs

Bonus Chapter: Mosair Revolution

Mosair Revolution is the major religious revolution that has been going on in the 20th century.

It's starting can be traced back to a book named 'Mosair', written by a Bengali woman named Firdaus Ansari, who coined the term of the aspiration of the new sect.

(Muhammad helped her in writing it, but his contribution isn't mentioned or known on purpose)

Firdaus Ansari was a Bengali woman from the lowest caste, who was married to a muslim man with two wives at the age of 10.

After she turned 25, she was kicked out of her home by her husband by yelling 'Talak' (Divorce) three times, while the husband also kept her kid as if it was an obvious thing to do, and fighting for it was against Islam.

In her book, she wrote about how the mullas praised the religion to be equal for all, to be a way to escape from the casteism and Sati of the evil Hinduism. But, it made the situation worse only. The religion that her parents converted into and forced her into was not only as casteist as Hinduism, but also more primitive, more restrictive, and more dangerous to be a part of, especially being a woman.

(Sati: A practice where the wife was forced to burn alongside her dead husband. It can be traced back to have connections with 'Johar' where the wives of the fallen warriors, kings and princes of a kingdom burnt themselves in fire instead of being raped by the muslim invaders.

It has been an illegal practice for the majority of the Indian history in most of the kingdoms and empires. Akbar was a well known islqmic emperor to ban it. Most recently, under the persistence of Raja Ram Mohan Roy, it was banned again in the British rule after the ban was lifted when British conquered Bengal.

So no. British aren't the reason for banning the practice. It was already banned, but they lifted the ban in the conquest by not including it in their laws which lasted for more than a century before they were forced to ban it again.)

She coined the term 'Mosair sect' for a progressive sect than all the primitive and barbaric sects.

It questioned whether the Quran was written by Muhammad himself. From what is known, Muhammad himself was illiterate, and scribes wrote down what he recited. But if he was a messenger of Allah, why does she and millions of people suffer by following the words of the book?

She argued that just like Jesus himself didn't write the Bible, but it was written by the church for its selfish purposes of conquest, it was absolutely possible that even if Muhammad may have told the scribes the words of god, the scribes that lived in the harsh conditions of desert and had the narrow minded views of their time, simply wrote what they believed instead of what Muhammad told them.

Muhammad would have no way of verifying whether they wrote exactly as he told them to, since he was illiterate.

The foundation of the Mosair sect is to reject the Quran written by a small group of people in a desert with no way for Muhammad to verify what the said group wrote.

She refused to believe that a messenger of god would commit the sin of child marriage and rape, and actively take part in slavery. The scribes didn't write as he told them to, and also changed his personal life info to fit their agenda.

If Muhammad wanted, he could have written the quran, since he was the messenger of Allah and Allah could have certainly taught him how to read and write.

But he didn't. Quran was never meant to be written. It became a thing because Arab wanted cohesion and conquest.

She went on to say that this had been a commonly used tactic to use a great person's life by other people for their own advantage. The most prevalent example are the Bible, and the Uttar Kand that isn't a part of Valmiki Ramayan, therefore not canon.

She argued about why Arabic should be learnt by every muslim? If it was from the God himself, he would accept any language.

The sect called for the people being peaceful, respect everyone, respect women, rape and slavery to be seen as the worst sins a person can commit, stop being against idol worshipping, since islam also does it in a form by praying by facing towards Muhammad's final resting place, worshipping inside a structure like every other religion, called a mosque.

It argued against Sharia Law. It bans converting others, which happens often by lying, money, threats and conquests. The only conversation that can happen is to save a muslim person of another sect to the Mosair sect.

The book 'Mosair' was first famous amongst the muslim women of priviledged class. But when Firdaus Ansari was burnt alive inside a Mosque after people connected to Muslim League kidnapped her, the book became a sensation all across the world.

The head of the BJS party at that time, Muhammad Saraf, converted into the the Mosair sect and adopted the surname Ansari out of respect and memory of the brave Firdaus Ansari, and started the Mosair revolution.

He built the Indian style mosques that were present in Kerala by demoliting the Arab style ones. He led the identity formation of a Mosair Muslim by giving up on the muslim cap, to differentiate between the Mosairs and other sects. Arabi hijab, burqa, and other oppressive clothes were burnt as well. India isn't a desert for the majority. And forcing women to wear black in the hot country is nothing but oppression.

The revolution gained traction when the richest man in the world, the Nizam of Hyderabad, Osman Ali Khan also accepted the new sect to become Osman Ali Khan Ansari. He started funding the revolution, and became the major figure of the sect, aiming to bring reforms and justice in the muslim world.

While the exact date of the revolution is being recorded to 31st October 1926, in just a little more than 20 years, the revolution has become a major success, especially in Bengal, Kerala, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh.

Though it is facing resistance in some major states like Bihar(Bihar+ Jharkhand currently), Maharashtra, and internationally by the Arab countries, it has started gaining a foothold in Iran, popularised by the 1st Muhammad Irani, and followed by 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th to 54th, and 60th to the current Muhammad Irani.

Iran has been taking the revolution relatively well because the sect clearly states Quranic islam suspiciously favour Arabs, but people are also converting easily to prove themselves to be better than the 'primitive' sects.

And Indonesia has been surprisingly accepting the sect more easily than India.

The revolution is being achieved by not only liberalising people's mentality, but also targeting other sects by accusing them of using Muhammad's name to push their conquest and barbaricity.

The revolution has caused the side effects of racism against other sects by calling them 'primitive' and 'barbarians', and more infighting amongst the Muslim world than ever.

But for India, the positives outweigh the negatives, and the government isn't really keen on stopping it.



Firdaus Ansari has been living peacefully as Shuri Andrew in a church in Nagaland.

Osman Ali Khan, the current richest person, is happy to fund the revolution for glory and to go down in history books. Bargad Funds and Assets Management Company(established 1948) is now managing his wealth so that he doesn't lose it like the original timeline.