
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

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PM Debate: Prelude

According to the election schedule, first, the election manifestos are released, then debates by the prime candidates, (PM candidates for general elections and CM candidates for state elections) will happen over TV and Radio, and then, the rallies and other forms of campaigns can start.

The election commission has been installed radios in every single village and city so that everyone can listen to the debate. Even after the elections are over, the radios wil be kept in place as it is, intending to use it for education, since India is going to severely lack good teachers for atleast two-three decades.

After the two main parties have released their manifestos, minor parties such as RJP, CPI, etc. released their manifestos some days later.

And today, the debate schedule has started.

For the PM debate, the first debate will happen between the candidate of the current party in power, and the main opposition. Tomorrow, the debate will happen will all the PM candidates

While this may seem unfair to give special treatment to the two biggest candidates, it is what it is.

So today, for the PM debate, Satyankar and Jawaharlal Nehru will be debating against each other. The secretary of Election commission will be the host, and media is going to ask questions. The candidates can ask each other questions too. And later, translations will be provided.

"Good morning everyone. I welcome you all to the first PM Debate of India.

Today, we have the two PM candidates: Shri Satyankar from Bhartiya Janta Sangathan, BJS; and Shri Jawaharlal Nehru from Indian National Congress, INC.

This debate doesn't have a time limit, but it is advisable to not exceed 6 hours. No shouting is allowed. Every question asked here will be for both the candidates. They will answer the questions alternatively.

For example, after a reporter asks a question, Shri Satyankar will answer first, then Shri Jawaharlal Nehru.

For the second question, Shri Jawaharlal Nehru will answer first, then Shri Satyankar.

All kinds of questions are allowed, including religious which are not allowed for the later stages of the campaign.

The local media will ask the majority of the questions, and international media will be allowed to ask questions in a specialised segment of geopolitics.

I will now break down the topics of the debate in order.

Topic 1: Promises.

Topic 2: How to fulfill promises.

Topic 3: Agriculture

Topic 4: Education

Topic 5: Industrialisation

Topic 6: Science and Education

Topic 7: Financial goals and plans

Topic 8: Businesses and Economy

Topic 9: Social Reforms

Topic 10: Geopolitics

Topic 11: Religion

Topic 12: Direct debate

Topic 13: Miscellaneous

A short break will be provided between each topic.

Does anyone has any questions before the debate starts?"

A USSRian reporter raised her hand.

"Yes Shrimati?"

"Why is there a special debate, instead of only having the one with all the candidates?"

"As we have mentioned in our releases, there are a total of 93 PM candidates, which includes independent candidates as the majority. A PM candidate not only needs the most votes from the country, but also needs to secure a majority in the Lok Sabha. Since the debating candidates have the biggest parties behind them, they have the most chance at becoming the PM.

In addition to this, this debate allows the current government, and current biggest opposition to be questioned.

Is this answer acceptable?"


"Then, anybody else has any questions?"

Seeing that no one raised their hand, the host started the debate.

"So now, we will start our debate. Starting with our first topic, Promises."