
In World of One piece with Hanma bloodline

Sorry in advance for my bad english and grammar, english is not my first language, and it's my first time to write, it's just for my fun cause I can't get this idea in my head so yeah thats it. Onepiece and baki story and characters are not owned by me except the OC in my fanfic, the cover is not mine, if it yours message me if you want it to be removed. A normal human who got trucked kun meet a lazy looking gandalf and got reincarnated in a world of one piece as a older twin of Rocks D. Xebec with Hanma bloodline.

Comfy_choncc · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 09: Rear admiral Garp vs. Xorrin

Back to xorrin

The silhouette see me and vanished, appearing in the front of me as he try to punch me but i blocked his punch and got push little bit, I'm shock looking at the man i can recognise him it's garp but much younger, didn't know i will meet and fight him this early.

A exciting smile appeared on xorrin followed by silver spark in his eye, garp was shock thinking how can a unknown pirate know haki and can use it this level, garp worry but that got swallowed by his excitement to battle this monster as he try to punch him again.

Xorrin pov

As garp try to punch me but with armament haki, i throw a punch too our punch collide but he got push back a little, following my punch by a roundhouse kick at his side but he catch it and hold it as he pull me and punch me at the stomach, i fell that punch even I'm fully coat it with haki and silver metal as he follow it by kicking me at the face that sent me flying, immediately got up and rush back at him while change my stance to snake and strike him at the eye but it just graze him at the side of his ear and not the eye,

change my stance to a wolf and got on all 4 jumping at him, he try to grab me but i bend and change my position mid air to avoid him and claw his leg following it by kicking him sending him flying at a wall.

Saw garp getting at and look of his face got serious and see a white spark in his eye, as i think 'yes yes this is the fight that i want' "I'M ROCKS D. XORRIN REMEMBER IT XAHAHA" i said while charging at him as i coat my arm with haki and silver metal while using conqueror's,

Our punch clash creating a small earthquakes at the base we clash again our is getting ripped we clash about 7 more times he speaks "Lets finish this now don't want the marines inside the base got crush by the rumble of the building" garp said and i just nod,

As i project a oni aura and feel my conqueror's haki improved as our punch clash our fist stay clashing about 10s before both of us get sent flying but i hold my ground and he banged to a wall, i look at my fist all messed up, bleeding and at least two of my finger got broken in that clash, took a glance at garp stuck at the wall with a broken arm I'm satisfied and decided to get the log pose and meet with marie and dew before sailing again.

marines pov

When we see the man with red hair block the punch of rear admiral garp we were shock and decided not to get in the way of rear admiral garp then when the man and rear admiral clash some of us pass out especially in that last clash.

Garp pov

I got sent flying, my blood was raising as i use my conqueror's and hear him saying "I'M ROCKS D. XORRIN REMEMBER IT" we clash and created a small earthquakes we clash again and clash again,

I said to him "lets finish this now don't want the marines inside get crush by rumble of the building" i know he will agree i have a feeling he will agree, before our last clash i see a oni appearing above replicating him and we clash again, we battle it out about 10s we both got send flying and see he hold his ground but I can't hold my ground and meet a wall and cough a blood,

take a glance at him and seeing he already turn his back to me and got shock his back look's like the demon's face as he put both his hand in his pocket and go inside the base, i use my observation to see what he's doing but only see he grab something inside and my observation stop as I'm tired, sigh... how will i report this now, do i need to report what happen just wanna eat my crackers after this.

Marie pov

We saw xorrin step outside the base and grab both me and dew and drop us behind this training house like of marines.

As i bondage dew and stop his bleeding we feel a small earthquakes and dew said we should get outside this building it might fall he said, what we see outside was xorrin fighting a marine both of them had their shirts ripped and before the last clash i saw it again the oni and they clash, we feel the strong gust of wind passing us and see both of them flying, saw xorrin goes inside the base and appeared in front of us saying "let's get out of here first" we just nodded.

Xorrin, marie and dew on the way to dew's hideout, they met berrion on their way there.

Berrion pov

Captain tell me to get our supplies and we split up, after a while i got all we need and he hear "hey there I'm a seer by any chance do you want to know who's gonna be your partner in life" said a lady, since i was here already why not "yes miss is it free" i said "it's only 700 berries" the lady said "alright do we go somewhere or what" i said

she said to follow her, we got to a hut and the lady sat on the floor and grab a clear like pearl and she float her hand above it and speaks "you will meet a tall fierce woman wearing a pink long sleeve shirt with a pink hat" said the lady "that's all, i wanna know her name or age something like that too" said berrion but the lady said it's another payment, as he stands up paid and leave.

Is captain still in that random shop, while i saw 3 people running and one of them seems familiar, when they got closer i got shock i see captain with a bleeding hand and broken fingers while the other two one of them are full of bondage and the woman seems to have no injuries but looks tired "captain what happen to you" i said "follow us for now we'll talk later" said captain as i follow them.