
In World of One piece with Hanma bloodline

Sorry in advance for my bad english and grammar, english is not my first language, and it's my first time to write, it's just for my fun cause I can't get this idea in my head so yeah thats it. Onepiece and baki story and characters are not owned by me except the OC in my fanfic, the cover is not mine, if it yours message me if you want it to be removed. A normal human who got trucked kun meet a lazy looking gandalf and got reincarnated in a world of one piece as a older twin of Rocks D. Xebec with Hanma bloodline.

Comfy_choncc · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 10: First bounty

At dew's hideout

"Captain can you tell me what happen now" said berrion "marie tell him what happen, just gonna rest a little" said xorrin as he sleep, marie tell him all of what happen beginning when he first meet xorrin till they meet him on the way, berrion was shock and amazed at his captain fighting alone at the marine base as he wish that he was there and join the fight and see his captain fight.

After a day xorrin woken up by berrion voice "guys let's start this feast" xorrin saw berrion eating with marie, dew and dew's men he was surprised that some of dew's men escaped, guess it's when the marines rush to garp to help him that they sneak out of there.

Berrion saw xorrin wake up and said "hey captain dew and marie prepare a feast, thanking you for what happen yesterday, i wish that I'm there yesterday" said berrion "There still many chances coming berrion when that happen you can have fun" said xorrin

as he hear marie called him "xorrin can i join your crew" said marie, the whole hideout mood drop all the people inside except berrion feel a heavy pressure pressing them to the ground as they fall to their knees, xorrin and berrion stare at marie with a serious face as xorrin said "NO" marie who's on the ground trying to speak "I can be useful" marie said

"In what way" xorrin said "I'm good at navigating and can predict the weather an hour before it happens" marie said, which shock xorrin a little and think if he knows someone in the series that predicts the weather but no one come to his mind as he thinks of nami but nami calculated things to predict the weather as he smile and said while adding more pressure to marie

"what are you trying to achieve" marie flop to the ground as she struggle to stand up remembering why she ask that question, 'why did i ask that for, ahhhh i want to go and travel the sea again, i want to see the end of the world, her mind got clear all of the sudden and the pressure she feels lighten as she got up and said "I WANT TO TRAVEL AND SEE THE END OF THE WORLD" marie said with a pinkish spark flaring in her eye.

Xorrin smile "Prepare your things we will be leaving later" sa he released the pressure on all of them and tell berrion to put the supplies in the ship.

Marie pov

After xorrin let me join the crew, i look around and see some of them laying on the ground and some are kneeling on the ground , as i hear dew speak "Marie you really ask him to let you join their crew are you crazy" marie chuckle a little and said "i told you that last night when we talk about what we are gonna do, now are free and already told you that I'm will ask him" dew reply "i thought you were only joking when you said that" marie just smile and start to prepare what she needs.

Xorrin and berrion are now waiting for marie on the ship, "captain is it necessary to do that" ask berrion "YES berrion do you want me to let someone join in our journey to conquer the world and not test them" said xorrin " you're right captain, I also don't want someone who can't even say their dreams" as they see marie and welcome her to the ship and started to sail.

One day before

Marine headquarters

"Fleet admiral we received a report at branch 39 and 62" said by the marine who is sweating and pale, "what's the report" said by fleet admiral bull " sir branch 39 and 62 said rear admiral garp and sengoku got defeated by a unknown mans name, 'ROCKS D. XORRIN AND ROCKS D. XEBEC' and the 62 branch base got destroyed and of the marines in that base are dead while in 39 branch the base are not destroyed but all of their resource got rob and few of the marines are dead but most of them are only unconscious, that's all the report sir" as the marine salute and waiting for the order,

Fleet admiral bull got shock by that report sengoku and garp got defeated when they're a strong candidate to became a admiral and the base are destroyed this is gonna be a lot of work as he ask the marine "are both of them the same the one who defeated them, and did they have a photo of them, tell sengoku and garp to come back here fast" said bull

"Yes sir, they're different person according to the photos they said but have a similarities between them, I'll go now sir to tell them to return back here fast" as the marine salute and leave.

Present time

Two marine ships arrived at the headquarters, garp and sengoku meet as they land to the port and they look shock to see each other with a bondage over there body "hey garp what happen" said sengoku "Bwahahaha sengoku you look like a mummy" said garp, veins appear on sengoku's for and and grab the collar of garp , a little while they stop and go to the fleet admiral office to report.

"What did you both meet to be in that state garp, sengoku" said bull, Garp speaks "I meet a man who name himself ROCKS D. XORRIN then we fight and i lost" and eat a cracker "Garp how's that a report" said sengoku to garp who's laughing at him and eating,

"how about you sengoku" said bull

"When i arrived and rush to the branch 62 base it's already destroyed and i saw a man leaving the base and rush at him but he blocked it, he also knows haki and got a sword, we battle about 15mins and both of us got received a cuts and broken parts, i punch him but got blocked and almost broke his arm for doing that but he counter me with a kick in the ribs and my broke my rib and rush at him i kick him and send him flying outside the base but he never go back again and I'm start to find him but failed and i remember he shouts his name while he's in the air and said 'I ROCKS D. XEBEC WILL CONQUER THIS WORLD RAHAHAHA' that all fleet admiral bull"

bull frowned at them and said "Hey garp your report is not helpful and you sengoku summarised the report we don't have that much time to hear your fight" as garp laugh at sengoku bull also ask them how much bounty will be posted as they are the one's who fight them.

2 days later

Xorrin and his crew are training at the ship and xorrin give the log lose that he got at the base to marie and tell her about haki and tell her to train that especially observation as xorrin said it might her speciality as she already predicting the weather hour before it happens.

A bird fly and drop a newspaper to their ship and berrion pick it up and got shock and smiling calling his captain "captain there's a news of you and a bounty" Xorrin smile as he reads and got shock he saw,

'WANTED ROCKS D. XEBEC DEAD OR ALIVE 138 million berries' attack a village resulting many of the civilian died'

'WANTED ROCKS D. XORRIN DEAD OR ALIVE 140 million berries attack a village and destroying a property causing many civilian died.

Xorrin smile and said "they don't really want to lose face and cover that they lost xahahaha i wonder what xebec reaction to this"

Somewhere in east blue

"Rahahaha what a coincidence that xorrin and i got bounty at the same time and both do the same to the marines, i know they cover a lot of what happen but that bastard marines give xorrin much higher bounty" said xebec



This is my last chapter for a while, my school will start tomorrow and i write all this chapter starting at 6 to 10 last night and decided to publish all of them and there will be no new chapter for a while but if i have free time to write I'm gonna stock the chapters and publish it on next sunday if i can its not sure, that's all for now thanks to all of you for reading.