
Chapter Four

Staring intensely at the door,It felt like I was dragged into another world. My breathing became hard as my lungs tightened,' I ..I can't breathe' I said inwardly, while the old woman kept staring at me with hatred .

"Sarah?!" I could hear my name but I didn't know who was calling, all I could feel was life was seeping out of me.

"Sister?" another voice called out ,I could sense that the voice was familiar .

"Sister!" the voice yelled again pulling me out from whatever was holding me.

"Sarah what's going on with you?" Jake asked with concern, while Danielle and Michelle looked at me with worry.

"I'm ..I'm just not comfortable after looking at that door for too long" I said massaging my temples.

"Jake do you know what would have been behind the door?" Michelle asked with a soft voice. " N..No I don't t.." Jake was cut of by the bell.

"I guess it's time for second class,let's go." I said and stood up,carrying my plate along to where I'd throw it.

" You didn't touch your food" Danielle said making Jake and Michelle turned their head towards my plate.

"it's okay I'm not too hungry" I said with a little smile on my face.

Walking out from the school cafeteria i mistakenly bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry I wasn't watching." I said ; while trying to leave I paused my steps at the person's voice.

"I don't need your apology,go take care of your eyes or I'll help you with them". the person said coldly and walked away. 'That person's voice, I've heard it before,.. when was it?' I thought .

" Sis? who was that he sounded rude" Danielle said with a frown, Michelle turned to look at the retreating back of the person, so as Jake.

"I..I don't know" I said facing forward.

We reached the stairs going up to the junior class and I waved and watched my younger twins climbed up.

Walking alongside Jake ,I pondered on the event that had happened after I encountered that grey door.

The second class was ..preferable than the first one,at least I understood it and didn't daze out ,after all mathematics was one of my favourite subjects.

At 2pm, school had dismissed and we were going home together. Jake told me his house wasn't far from ours,he lived three blocks before ours.

I gestured for my sisters to move ahead of Jake and i.

"Jake ?" I called.

"Yes" he answered quickly.

"Were you not going to tell me about the woman we saw behind us when we stopped at the grey door?"

"hehe, I thought you were never gonna ask " he said with a smile, showing his dimples which I never got to see because of my illusion.. I guess, and he really looked charming at the moment.

"okay..go on with it" I said .

"well the reason I said she was mysterious,.. is no teacher in school knows her except two people" he said

"which people?"

"I don't know that's all I've been hearing, they also said one is a student like us and the other is a teacher"

"So these two people wasn't mentioned?" I asked, curiosity was written all over my face.

I waited for two seconds but Jake didn't reply me instead he looked at the floor, maybe he was thinking but he was taking long.

"Were they mentioned?" I asked again with my voice a little bit high,pulling him out from his thoughts.

"it's what I heard I told you Sarah ,they were never mentioned, and the grey door have said to be there since the time of our ancestors or so." Jake said .

"Ancestors?" I mumbled.

"Jake is this your house?" I heard Michelle's voice,and turned to look at where she was pointing. It was a normal building for a nuclear family, painted grey and white, and it was beautiful to the sight.

"Yes it is , then we'll end our discussion here Sarah" he said looking at me before entering his house.