
In to the Warhammerverse

A man from Earth dies and gets to meet an all-powerful being which grants him 3 wishes of his own choosing.This man who is considered as the world's smartest programmer ggets reincarnated as the heir to the Dark Elves' patriarch. Will he be able to survive the everlasting conflicts of the different factions and races and rise to the top to be considered as a Legendary Lord and earn his self a place on the annals of history or will he be destroyed and be left as an unnamed lord and be forgotten as the gears of time slowly erases his legacy... There is only one way to find out. ..................................................... I don't own the cover used on this book. The original picture is owned by JonathanKirtz. Neither the Warhammer fantasy world on which this novel is set. https://www.deviantart.com/jonathankirtz/art/Dark-Elf-Black-Guard-Armor-T7-184224010

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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29 Chs

Volume 1:Epilogue

Before I start this chapter I would like to send my deepest condolences to the family of Chadwick Boseman.

May his soul rest in peace.



Title:"Start of a calamity "

As Arthas slowly opened his eyes a powerful murderous intent burst out of his body. His eyes suddenly glowed brass.Everyone in the world clearly felt the intent. From the lowest of low and to the highest of high. They clearly felt the intent and shuddered.On the far away lands near the new world inside a grand elven palace, Tyrion can be seen sitting in the throne of the Phoenix King while listening to the blabbering of his ministers and the other princes and princess. Then suddenly an extreme murderous intent was felt by everyone inside the room.The weak willed ministers was brought to prostration and peed their robes.While the princes and princess had a frown on their faces especially Tyrion.

'That intent... I have only felt it from the other Tyrion during the End times... Has he descended once again?' thought Tyrion as he tried to sense where originated from.Surely enough he sensed its exact location easily. Being the incarnate of light has given him immense power.

'The new Witch King? The grandson of Malekith has succeeded him where in his own son failed to do so.' thought Tyrion as he delved deeper on the Druchii political situation. But then suddenly, he noticed that Arthas directly looking at his direction and his now brass coloured eyes says everything to be said. He quickly cancelled his divination and opened his eyes to look at his subordinates, he suddenly felt the backlash of the using divination in such a long distance which made him feel weak.

"Have you found who is releasing that murderous intent, your great majesty?" asked one of Tyrion's minister.

Tyrion nodded and fell on a deep contemplation as he ordered that his ministers sort things out and they will continue the meeting tomorrow.Everyone bowed and exited the throne but a couple of other prince and princess remained. The others just didn't thought of it, afterall they knew what this situation means and knew better than cause any ruckus.

"Is it coming from them your majesty?" asked Teclis, a great wizard, said to have enough strength to contend with Malekith himself.

"It is..." Tyrion answered without any thoughts of hiding it.

"Should we mobilise our army and sail towarss the Dragon Isles? We can defeat them while they're still weak! We can have my Knights of Caledor sail there and wreck havoc among their remaining cities." said Imrik an elven prince and leader of the dragon riders known as the Knights of Caledor.

"We will do that if their infamous Black Arks wasn't around, but now they have more than 5 of those all decked out and each has a fleet protecting them." answered Tyrion as he rejected the idea and explained the reason behind it.

"Then should we tell this to the Empire of Man and ask them to have their fleet engage the Black Arks?" asked Alarielle.A woman with unparalleled beauty and was the current Everqueen.

"Those humans was a xenophobic bunch, they may have given us the info about the happenings there but they stand to gain more from doing so. They plan on letting us take the brunt of the Druchii once who sent our troops there and once we and them are weakened those humans will sweep in and claim the glory and reason that humanity is the greatest aming other species and the others are not worthy on living in this world." explained Tyrion as he once again rejected a request.

"Then what should we do your majesty?" asked Teclis.

"We shall..."

Inside the throne room of the Druchii.

Everyone was still kneeling, none dared to lift their heads up as the murderous intent was still coursing through their bodies intensely.Arthas on the other hand was observing his subjects one by one. When he finished observing everyone he receded his murderous intent and everyone broke a cold sweat their clothes was now completely drenched in sweat as they still kneeled infront of Arthas.

"Rise my subjects." Arthas said in a deep and ice-cold voice completely different from his usual voice of soft and monotonous.

Everyone started to slowly rise from their knees and wiped the sweats on their forehead with a handkerchief and faced Arthas with a mixed of fear, respect,admiration and loyalty on their faces.

"On this day forth, I shall not be called Arthas anymore but instead be called Khae Deathbringer for all of enternity to come!" ordered Arthas which is now called Khae with his deep ice-cold voice.

Everyone once again kneeled and accepted the order without any hesitation. Seeing this Khae felt satisfied with himself. He doesn't know what changes occurred on him by being the Avatar of Khaine but he knew that some of the changes is his voice,imposition and his knowledge about the world.

He stood from his throne and started to walk towards the exit of the throne room.The important ministers,nobles and generals also walked with him towards the exit of the room perfectly lined up with a social distancing the length of a sword.(A culture of the Druchii that you can't be too close to a noble ranked higher than you, the distance is usually a sword's length)


Outside the throne on a grand courtyard. Hundreds of thousands of soldier stood tall disciplined waiting for their king. More than hundreds of square formation formed by no less than 10,000 soldiers each. The whole army of the Druchii presented before their great Witch King.

The army of 700,000 from before was expanded to 900,000. Each of the three regions has a garrison of 300,000 fully armed and ready troops. The sight is something to behold for each and every Druchii citizen. They were all here waiting for their king to present himself to them as their new Witch King.As they were all waiting patiently, some citizens was having conversations with their fellow citizens.

"Can you believe it? We will have another Witch King once more!" exclaimed a Druchii woman.

"I heard he's the Champion of the Divine! Our future is bright!" shouted a man in delight.

As they were continuing their own conversations a loud trumpet sound was heard on a distance. Everyone straighten their backs and got ready to face their king.

Khae's figure started to appear from the door of the throne room. His footsteps stopped just before he took the step the the stairs leading downwards toward the courtyard.He surveyed his subjects with his brass colored eyes.Everyone held their breath waiting for their kings first words.

"Sa'an'ishar" shouted Khae. Everyone shuddered and broke a cold sweat hearing their kings voice but nonetheless the soldiers clanged their weapons to their shields or armor and stood ready awaiting for their orders.

"It's already far too long that we have awaited for a moment where we could end this self-induced exile..." said Khae without any trace of emotions still observing his subjects.

"The people on the whole world treated us as if we're scums! Not worthy to be left alive..." continued Khae having a sad tone.

"We were part of the coalition which defeated the invading Chaos Warriors on this world!" shouted Khae anger can be heard from his voice.The sodiers clanged their weapons to their shields or armor on his words, the citizens stomped their feet on the bricked ground.

"But tell me this, are we the one at fault for what we are?!" asked Khae shouting it in anger.


"NO! We are not the one at fault! The only one who has a fault here was them and their close-mindedness!" Khae said with a loud voice, he started his walk towards to end of the stairs.The clanging of metal and stomps on hard brick grew louder.

"My people, I stand before you here today as your Witch King! Follow me, and reclaim our holy land, the City of Naggarond!" said Khae as he stopped in front of millions of people.Shouts of joy and admiration can be heard from the masses.

"I Khae Deathbringer, descendant of Aenarion the Defender,grandson of the first Witch King Malekith the Great, the rightful Phoenix King, the true prince of Nagarythe, and the second Witch King of the Druchii hereby declare war on all and every race that has wronged us!" his voice is slowly increasing.

"Let it be known throughout all places in the world that death has descended once more. Let them feel despair knowing that the only safe place they thought is nonexistent! That the legions of the Druchii shall haunt them to the ends of the world, following them to hell and back." Khae's voice has tinge if ruthlessness on it and was nearing the loundness of a shout.

"Death and murder shall plauge their lands and everyone of them, from men, women, and children regardless of age shall succumb to our blades and be offered to the God of Murder!" Khae shouted on top of his voice.

Everyone together with Khae shouted on top of their lungs. Their faces filled with hope and joy.

"Glory to Khaine! All hail the Witch King!" a shouted a random soldier.Everyone repeated the same phrase and after a short time the phrase can be heard by everyone on the whole city. Be they men, women, or children.A noble or a commoner, they all shouted the same phrase on top of their lungs fearing that anything quiter may signify they disrespect their new and beloved Witch King.

Near Khae a woman can be seen looking at Khae's back joyfully.

'My champion, Khaine has blessed you with power and completely changed you as a whole, now all you need is a queen with the same power as you. I will be your Crone Hellebron.I will worship you like a god you are. You shall be the King of Murder and I the Blood Queen

'The whole world shall prepare for the descent of the Monarchs of Death.'

AN:This chapter is the final chapter of this volume. Next chapter shall be the start of volume 2 and the first battle against the High Elves shall occur. Be prepared cause the scale would on the the Lord's Empire level of absurdity. :-)

Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself afterall criticisms are part of life and will helo you improve yourself as a whole

Stay safe everyone <3

SomeGuyOnDarkArmorcreators' thoughts