
In to the Warhammerverse

A man from Earth dies and gets to meet an all-powerful being which grants him 3 wishes of his own choosing.This man who is considered as the world's smartest programmer ggets reincarnated as the heir to the Dark Elves' patriarch. Will he be able to survive the everlasting conflicts of the different factions and races and rise to the top to be considered as a Legendary Lord and earn his self a place on the annals of history or will he be destroyed and be left as an unnamed lord and be forgotten as the gears of time slowly erases his legacy... There is only one way to find out. ..................................................... I don't own the cover used on this book. The original picture is owned by JonathanKirtz. Neither the Warhammer fantasy world on which this novel is set. https://www.deviantart.com/jonathankirtz/art/Dark-Elf-Black-Guard-Armor-T7-184224010

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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29 Chs

Chapter 15

Title:"Second meeting"

"Y-you! You didn't told me that the world I would be going was the literal meaning of hell on Earth!" shouted Arthas in anger as he rushed towards the man sitting on a grand throne with all his might. But he suddenly felt realized that no matter how hard he tried he the throne was always far away from him.

"H-how, my strength is atleast a psuedo-legendary lord why can't I reach you?!" asked Arthas as his anger his rising continuously.

"Hahahah...You see, no matter what hardwork you put in on trying to reach me you would always fall short." answered the man on the throne.

"What do you mean?!" asked Arthas obce again as he burst with explosive speed trying to once again reach the throne but he failed once again.

"You should know who am I by now my dear Witch King." chuckled the man.

"You're Slaanesh! The Chaos god of Pleasure!" shouted Arthas as he gazed at the man with hateful eyes.

"Errrr...Wrong! I'm not Slaanesh and would never be!" shouted the man anger can be heard from his voice.

"You see, I left a sword on your world that has the power to defeat anyone foolish enough to stand against it. I want you obtain it from Tyrion." said the man as he stood u and slowly walked towards Arthas.

"Tyrion? The current Phoenix King?" asked Arthas in confusion.

"The current Phoenix King...Yeah he doesn't seem to use it very much and he just left it pierced on a stone in a certain shrine so I want you to get it and use it to its full potential." answered the man as he suddenly appeared in front of Arthas which frightened him.

"B-but how can I fight someone the strength of Tyrion?! He killed Malekith and somehow survived an arrow that should proved to be fatal to anyone! said Arthas as he tried to punch the man which the latter easily catched.

"Now why so hostile?I get you're upset that the world is a literal hell on Earth but why throw a punch to me? And you know the world is much more hellish a thousand years ago." chuckled the man as he threw Arthas using the fist he catched. Arthas stumbled tobthe ground but he quickly stood up and dashed towards the man and performed a superman punch. The man easily evaded it and counterattacked with a spinning back kick which hit Arthas on his chest and made him stagger backwards.

"You know you can't defeat me right?" asked the man as he watched Arthas tried to attack him again and again but with no success.

"Why...can't...I...hit...you?!" shouted Arthas as he continued to try and hit the man with a mix of spells and combos but the man grew impatient and spartan kicked Arthas which made him fly backwards tumbling on the ground as he momentum slowly receded.

"You may never reach my power if you won't use everything on your disposal! commented the man as he dusked his shirt off.

"My power was already amplified by more than 100 times! My power could be considered at the level of Legendary Lord already!" said Arthas while gritting his teeth.

"Hahahaha...my strength is far passed that level and let me remind you, I was the one who gave you all you had on this world so you should atleast have a rough idea of my true strength." said the man causally.

"Come, let's drink and celebrate your coronation." offered the man as 2 seats suddenly appeared behind the two of them each and a round table at their center with drinks and glasses prepared.

Seeing this Arthas calmed down and sat down thinking about what the man said in front of him. The man started to drink and saw Arthas on a deep contemplation.

"Shrug it off will you...Attacking me is no big deal and let that serve as a lesson, stop doing foolish things because your emotions dictate you to do so." said the man casually while he drank a wine.

"Then can you answer my questions?" asked Arthas already calmed down.

"Because I'm feeling generous, you can ask 3 questions so choose wisely." said the man as he out his wine glass down and stared at Arthas waiting for his question.

'Asking him why he didn't told me that the world I'll be going is hell on Earth is not a pressing matter and isn't worth to be asked if I only have 3 chances.' thought Arthas, thinking what question he should ask.

"What would my future have in store for me? I mean who would be like my enemies and such." Asked Arthas after a couple of moments of thinking.

The man clearly baffled by the question decided to answer it on what he knows.

"I'm not a god of destiny or something so I don't know what is your exact future...but I know you would have uncountable enemies and the world would once again plunge into war just like the olden times...of course that's what my power tells me at the very least...Countless war and murder would happen because of you or has an indirect connection to you.The world would may be much worst or as worst as the time before the "End times"." answered the man truthfully.

Arthas, shocked by this revelation didn't know what to say. He clearly knew how bad the world is on the time of Malekith, and his deeds was clearly quite bad on a global scale.So he didn't expect that he would be much worse than that.

He thought that 'Would I send millions upon millions if people to their death just because of a goal? Would I be considered as the bane of all races on the whole world?' many thoughts and questions appeared on his sea of thoughts.

Seeing his reaction the man jusy shrugged it off and didn't mind him. But as time slowly passed Arthas still didn't spoke so the man decided to just give his blessings and send him back to the mortal world.

The scenery changed to that of a battlefield.Countless body of different species lay dead on the ground, the mud was colored red because of blood.Weapons and armor lay scattered on the battlefield.On the horizon an army slowly marched towards their position.Soldiers looking like demons from the pits of hell was marching forward with great discipline.Headed by a human on black armor they slowly march and suddenly stopped a couple of hundred meters away from Arthas's position.Arthas on reflex held the nearest weapon to him. Then he heard another sound of marching coming from his back. There he saw a scene that was considered unimaginable. The Druchii, Asur, humans, dwarf,tomb king and many more species and different kingdoms standing shoulder to shoulder. Tyrion and Malekith together with every other species against the Warriors of Chaos. Malekith against his mother Morathi , Tyrion the Avatar of Khaine against Tyrion the incarnate of Light. The champions of Heaven against the Champions of Chaos. The number of each side reached hundreds of million. A battle so large that the battlefield spans more than thousands of kilometers.

"What is this..." asked Arthas as he surveyed his surroundings.

"The great battle against the Chaos, My avatar is actually on the chaos side but let's not talk about that." said the man embarrassed.

"This battle is so large...Did this really happen?" asked Arthas having a suspicious that this was all joke.

"Yes, It's the darkest day of the world... millions died on both side, the likes of your power was considered cannon fodder at this battle. This battle is no longer a battle between mortals but a war of the gods. Almost each god has an avatar or incarnate on either side." as he speaks the battle moved based on what he narrated. Malekith fought against his mother, Tyrion against Tyrion. Soldiers dropping to the ground everywhere.Then the mages of both side started casting different destructive spells coloring the surroundings with different colors.

"Amazing..." commented Arthas as he was mesmerized by the scenery.

"It truly is mesmerizing, that is if you're not a part of the battle." said the man while looking at the skies where different spells was constantly raining down on both sides.

"Will this happen again?" asked Arthas as he thought of a possibility of such thing happening again.

"History tends to repeat itself." answered the man as the battle slowly approached its climax. The Champions of Heaven fced off against Champions of Chaos, their battle overshadowed the battlefield.Wielding the power of the gods they battled amongst themselves, no one wants to forfeit.

Arthas was shocked on what's happening before his eyes, people wielding power beyond what a mortal can have.

As the battle slowly reached its end and the warriors of Chaos was on a brink of destruction. Their champions was being defeated left and right and they were on a verge of defeat.

Suddenly, Arthas felt a hand tap his shoulder and they were back once again on a white room.

Arthas quickly got out of his trance and looked at the man as if asking why.

"Our time here is running out so I'll give you my blessings now." said the man as he transformed into full armor and murderous intent spread all throughout the surroundings.

Arthas was forced to kneel by this intent. The intent was so powerful that anyone who would feel it would shudder and pee their pants while forced to kneel.

"I, the god of Murder hereby give my blessings to Arthas Deathbringer the rightful Phoenix King, the prince of Naggarythe, and the Witch King. You shall be my champion on this world, I bless you with the ability to fully wield my power and sword. You shall be Death incarnate, your very existence make the world shudder in fear. Your life wouldn't be taken by natural causes or diseases, you shall attain immortality.Every one you kill makes you stronger.Death is you and you are Death. Now go my champion, make the world tremble once more by seeing the Druchii march on their lands murdering everyone on sight."

"Let the world know, that Death has descended once again!"

This chapter is an AU of the "End Times".

Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself afterall criticisms are part of life and will helo you improve yourself as a whole

Stay safe everyone <3

SomeGuyOnDarkArmorcreators' thoughts