
In to the Warhammerverse

A man from Earth dies and gets to meet an all-powerful being which grants him 3 wishes of his own choosing.This man who is considered as the world's smartest programmer ggets reincarnated as the heir to the Dark Elves' patriarch. Will he be able to survive the everlasting conflicts of the different factions and races and rise to the top to be considered as a Legendary Lord and earn his self a place on the annals of history or will he be destroyed and be left as an unnamed lord and be forgotten as the gears of time slowly erases his legacy... There is only one way to find out. ..................................................... I don't own the cover used on this book. The original picture is owned by JonathanKirtz. Neither the Warhammer fantasy world on which this novel is set. https://www.deviantart.com/jonathankirtz/art/Dark-Elf-Black-Guard-Armor-T7-184224010

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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Chapter 1

Title:"Prologue to the Eclipse"

Months went by without anything big happening. The world thought the declaration of genocide was just a heat of the moment thing but they were quickly proven wrong.

(This is the start of the year) Winter, 3536 E.C. near a beastmen tribe village.

All is well today, the fur that would be made to winter clothing is still abundant, their stocked food is also still abundant. Gruntor, the village head felt that he has done his part greatly helping his villagers survive on winter, the rest is up to the people. While he was still daydreaming where he sees his village turn into a giant city just off the shore near his village a large armada of black ships was sailing on full speed. Headed by a gigantic warship they made their way to the shore.

This armada was only part of a grand fleet. They were dispatched and were tasked capture this beach at all cost acting as the vanguard of the grand fleet. Their lineup of ships was totally terrifying for a vanguard force. 1000 escorts, 500 destroyers, 500 frigates,and 279 man-o-wars. With the speed of the production sector and the seemingly limitless amount of resources thanks to Khae's program the whole fleet of the Druchii was increased to more than 50,000 ships and more than 100 Black Arks, 5 of which is part of this grand fleet with 15,000 ships from the complete 50,000.

On top of the largest man-o-war ship a man can be seen wearing a scale armor made up of Sea Dragon,couple it with a Sea Dragon cloak and helmet he looks ready for battle.

"Drachau Hailous Dreadsword, the weather is nice today, yes?" approached a man whose wearing a robe with a fur cloak on top of it while holding a glass wine. (Drachau is lord in Druchii language)

"Why are you still not on your armor? We will reach the shore in a couple of hours." said Hailous while looking at the faraway shore with mixed emotions.

"Come on everything would be fine...His majesty has made us grow to this extent in mere 5 years and I can feel that we would reclaim our holy city and once again be feared by everyone." said the man as he slowly turned serious.

"I agree with you, his majesty is truly worthy to be the Avatar of Khaine and Champion of the Divine" agreed Hailous while nodding.

"Then do you think we would achieve our goal before the end of this year?" asked the man as he leaned on a railing of the ship.

"Wiping out the beastmen tribes on this land? Yes. Defeating the Knights of Caledor? No. If we move too fast for our supply lines to keep up, we would have a disadvantage on a siege, so I don't believe his majesty would have us mive too fast just to reach the capital of the Knights of Caledor." answered Hailous truthfully.

"Then how about that Khaine's Berserkers? They were already so deep on the Beastmen tribe confederation.They might reach the Capital of Caledor before fall." asked the man while thinking about the elite vanguard that was dispatched days before them and was already near the capital of the beastmen confederation.

"Those men are unstoppable, they have already reached the flatlands near the capital city of the beastmen confederation and based on the reports they killed each and everyone on the villages they passed by." answered Hailous.

The man just nodded, thinking about different things and scenarios in his head. Just then a soldier approached them and delivered a message. Hailous opened the parchment containing the message and was shocked.

"What it said?" asked the man feeling confuse on why his friend has a face of shock.

"A-Asurs has sent their fleet to stop our landing." said Hailous fearing a tinge of fear.

"The Caledor?" asked the man who was now the one shocked.

"Yes and the Loremasters also sent their fleet" said Hailous who continued to read the parchment.Just then a liud drum sound was heard. Realizing what this is Hailous quickly barked his orders.

"Full sail! I want everyone be ready for boarding action in 5 minutes! Tell the Darkshards to prepare their shields and crossbows! I want the Black Ark Corsairs be ready for action! Load the ballistas!" Hailous barked orders and the men surrounding him quickly relayed it masterfully.

The man just returned to his room and prepared for battle.The giant fleet suddenly became noisy and everyone was preparing for a naval battle against their cousins and only one shall prevail.


Inside of the Capital Black Ark titled "Floating Naggarond" Marshalls can be seen inside the throne room discussing things about the war. Khae was sitting on the highest chair, his throne. Theraki on the other hand was sitting on a smaller seat at the feat of Khae's chair. Everyone pretty much accepted that it would only be a matter of time before she became the queen. After a certain night, everyone considered her as the Blood Queen of Khae. Khae looked at Theraki who was observing the scene in fron of them and smiled warmly.

"You're truly worthy to be named as the Blood Queen, my Blood Queen." whispered Khae as he thought of her future coronation.

Flash back....

The night after the coronation. Khae's figure can be seen on the balcony of his room, looking at the vast star-filled navy blue sky. Khae was currently holding a wine glass with nothing but a simple robe that covers his body. Just then a knock sounded coming from the door. His servant Elijah quickly got in to the door and opened it. The door revealed a beautiful Druchii woman wearing a silver colored night gown. Her name is of course Theraki and she's here because she need something.

"Your highness, it's Grand Admiral Theraki." said Elijah with a low voice trying her best not to whimper.Realizing something would surely happen between his lord and Theraki.

Khae turned around to ask why is she here. But as he turned around he was dumbfounded by the hypnotizing figure of Theraki. Her ample breasts was perfectly visible on the thin night gown. Her godly curvaceous body was liked sculpted by a god with her long legs couple it off with her smooth skin and a bit of tomboyish air shw can be considered as an exotic beauty. It's either the influence of alcohol or Theraki is just really beautiful Khae didn't know, all he knew is that she is worthy of his feelings. Still his logic dictated him to act using his brain and not the other head.

"Theraki, such a beautiful night isn't? It's calming to the mind seeing such a scenery, come drink with and let's enjoy this night together."offered Khae as he raised his wine glass while talking.

Theraki agreed to Khae's offer and Elijah quickly brought her a wine glass filled with exquisite wine. Elijah on the other hand was doing her best not to cry and shame herself in front of her love, but she can't seem to do it as tears started to slowly pour out of her eyes while pouring wine on the wine glass. She offered the wine glass to Theraki while doing her best to smile but to no avail. Khae seeing her miserable situation held the cup from her hand and dismissed her. Elijah thanked Khae and quickly retreated to the exit crying and whimpering.Khae didn't know what to feel about this, he knew that Elijah has feelings for him but he wasn't sure that he too has the same thing for her. But for now he will deal with it later and have fun with Theraki.

The two of them have a hearty talk under the moonlight while drinking wine. Their conversation went from a bit of politics to personal and then to naughty things.

Their talk went and became more intimate, and as the night slowly progressed they became intoxicated with alcohol and eventually their bodies united as one.

Flash back end...

The discussion is getting heated as they can't seem to decide on their next move regarding the fleet of the Asur. Khae seeing how useless his Marshalls were, he decided to solve this problem himself.

"Silence!" Khae shouted in his deep ice cold voice.

"Let the Asurian fleet come! They will inevitably lose and shall be used as a sacrifice to honor my grandfather and Khaine.Their blood will flow down from the sacrificial altar pleasing Khaine and my grandfather! " said Khae as he slowly stepped down from his high throne.

"They will experience the vengeance of Malekith in form of me.They will become my first stepping stones.And I shall be achieve what my grandfather failed to do in his lifetime! " he stopped on the center of the throne room gazed at his Marshalls.

"I will become the Phoenix King!"

New volume at last! I think this chapter is a bit unclear and unpolished so let me know if you have any question.

Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself afterall criticisms are part of life and will helo you improve yourself as a whole

Stay safe everyone <3

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