
In to the Warhammerverse

A man from Earth dies and gets to meet an all-powerful being which grants him 3 wishes of his own choosing.This man who is considered as the world's smartest programmer ggets reincarnated as the heir to the Dark Elves' patriarch. Will he be able to survive the everlasting conflicts of the different factions and races and rise to the top to be considered as a Legendary Lord and earn his self a place on the annals of history or will he be destroyed and be left as an unnamed lord and be forgotten as the gears of time slowly erases his legacy... There is only one way to find out. ..................................................... I don't own the cover used on this book. The original picture is owned by JonathanKirtz. Neither the Warhammer fantasy world on which this novel is set. https://www.deviantart.com/jonathankirtz/art/Dark-Elf-Black-Guard-Armor-T7-184224010

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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Chapter 9

Title:"The world is watching"

3534 E.C.

The whole world were now watching the supposedly small civil war between the Druchii which now turned into a bloody 4 year war. Their spies which infiltrated the territory of the Druchii gave them a heads up saying that a large scale assault will happen courtesy of the new king. They are of course interested in such news. For the past a thousand years or so, just after the fall of Malekith the Druchii were sent to a free fall, be it economy, military or political stability all started to crumble after the death of Malekith. So now, their spies reported a large scale assault composed of more than 400,000 Druchii, everyone immediately knew something must be going on with the current king. They thought that he was doing a forced conscription amongst his citizens. But they were wrong, completely wrong.

A spy that successfully infiltrated the capital city of the Dark elves through being captured by the Druchii sailors who were doing priacy at the new world and enslaving everything they captured. The spy reported to the empress of the Empire of Man that the capital of the Druchii were flourishing unlike what they expected it to be. It somehow has the blessings and recognition of the Old gods and Chaos gods combined. He also reported that from the looks of everyone they were earning more than they could spend and looks like there weren't any thoughts of rebellion which is considered weird for the other races because the Druchii are considered the most rebellious and untrustworthy people in the world. It's stated on his report that in his first day he saw an army of Dreadspears, marching down the main streets, he was shocked to see how well-equipped they all were. He added that he thought he time traveled to the times of war and the Druchii were one of the most powerful races in the world to the point that the High elves were having a hard time dealing with them. But the most shocking was yet to come. The spy saw two different infantry units guarding the outside of the palace walls.One wore a black full body armor with a tinge of gold on some parts of it with a great axe on hand.The other unit is wearing a dark green full body armor with giant two handed scythe swords on hand. Once the spy saw this the next morning when he heard that his master is going to the palace he tried to go with his master who brought him, towards the palace to confirm his suspicion. He was turned down sadly, but he saw his owner having a conversation with one of the infrantry units he thought were extinct until yesterday. The Black guards of Naggarond. This soldiers were loyal and only loyal to the Witch King Malekith. They were sadly, wiped out after the death of Malekith when they were deemed uncontrollable for the new nobles. This were his last report before the next day when he was captured and executed on the spot.

Altdorf, Empire of Man

The empress is sitting on her throne discussing the events that was currently happening on the other side of the world. The ReiksMarshall and Supreme patriarch was also present on the meeting. A scene that was last seen during the time of Emperor Karl Franz,a thousand years ago.

"The spy hasn't brought us any more reports, it has been a month since he has done a transmission and he only transmissioned one time and it's his first day inside the city. Their counter-intelligence is surely effective." said the empress while looking at the reports in her desk. She is a 35 year old woman who's beauty is unrivaled in her empire.

"Your highness, he may have been caught and executed by now, after all the Druchii were not known for their mercy, I even doubt they have a word like that in their dictionary.But still to be able to find the spy in the span of 48 hours after he infiltrated, this can't be simply seen as effective, this is beyond unreal and almost godlike. " said the ReiksMarshal while inspecting the last report they got fron the spy. An old man with an Italian style moustache and bald head. He's currently the head of Reiksguard who's the personal guards of the emperor or empress including their family. He also is the Imperial Marshall of the Army which job is coordinating the armies of the empire.

"I don't know what to feel about the reinstatement of the Order of the Black guards if Naggarondand and the Har Ganeth Executioners. But we should be wary of them after all the weird things that are happening to them according to the spy." said the Supreme patriarch while drinking his wine and pointing out the two infantry orders. The Supreme patriarch is man with a golden mask whose design is that of unexplainable. He's the leader of all the mages and sorcerers on the empire.

"Your highness, what is the stance of the king of Brettonia regarding this events?" asked the ReiksMarshall.

"Marshall Charlemagne, King Gerard Jean'ne has not yet seen the reports as if the moment and I doubt he would di anything baiut it either he was currently tied down by the nobles of his kingdom." answered the empress.

"Supreme patriarch, I task you on gathering more information about the current state of the Druchii, we must always be prepared in case they finished their war and turned their sights on the mainland." ordered the empress.

"Yes, your highness Empress Cleopatra" saluted the Supreme patriach.

Phoenix's landing, Capital of the High elves

On a grand throne room sat a beautiful middle aged man. This man is Tyrion the great, slayer of Malekith. He was the current Phoenix King and right now he was reading the information that the Empire of Man has given them.

"A massive militarization?" said Tyrion while still reading both the report of The Empire of Man and what their own spy could get.

"Economy strengthening through enslavement and piracy..." Tyrion muttered under his breath, still looking at the papers in his hand.

"They were getting ready for..." Tyrion paused before looking at the ministers seated in front of him.

"War..." said Tyrion after a long pause.

The whole room erupted in discussion. Some were proposing they go to war and crush them immediately before any problems arise, others opt for a more peaceful approach. But overall, the choice that will Tyrion make will affect the whole race and world in the future.

'Sigh* I should've exterminated your bloodline Malekith, but I don't know if I should do this, the current Druchii king may be your grandson but he hasn't to do anything with our enmity I can't simply kill him just because he's your kin. He may be your own blood but he can be different from you.' thought Tyrion in anger and confusion while holding a wine glass.

"I want you all to send our best spies and gather as much information they can get we must be ready for war" ordered Tyrion to his ministers.

Kazar-Kuruk, Dwarven Capital

In a luxurious room inside the palace high up in the mountains an argument was currently happening between the dwarves. After the Empire of Man gave them the reports of their spy the dwarven king, Loki Grudgebearer was restless.He's a timid and easily controlled dwarf with the usual appearance of middle aged man with a thick dark red beard.He thought of the stories his grandfather told him. The stories about the Dark elves are used as a scaring tool for children to do what their family wants them to. His grandfather told him that the Dark elves are a special kind of sophisticated brutal people. They were both luxurious and savage at the same time. Unlike their elven counterpart they are much worst in terms of savageness and brutality. But what scared him the most is the reinstatement of the Order of Black Guards of Naggarond and Har Ganeth Executioners.

This two groups were considered as the greatest catastrophe for the dwarves who loves infrantry and swarm tactics. His grandfather even said that once these two groups mived on the battlefield consider it to become much bloodier. They won't stop even if their comrades died around them. One order from their king and they will gladly kill anyone with no care on the world. The dwarves has long hated the Druchii, they were some of the entities that was considered enemies of the whole dwarven race. They got themselves an entry to the book of grudges which lists down everything that has been done to a dwarf and this Book of Grudges must be resolved one way or another.

As Loki was having an indescribable expression due to fear. His ministers was arguing about their next move regarding this matter.

"Those damn Druchii must be annihilated! They're nothing but a waste of living space I'm sure we could make best use of their living space than them once we annihilated those abominations!" shouted a dwarf with a squared moustachea and sleek hairstyle

"Is war all you think of?! Even if we go to war against them didn't you read the report that the Black guards and Executioners are back! They will slice through our troops like a damn butter! We would be like bringing cats to a fight against a tiger!" retorted one minister who has a really thick beard that reaches his foot.

"Everyone please be silent you're in front of the king" reminded the Prime Minister who has ling brown hair and bushy beard.

"U-uhm... Yes, I think we should take the diplomatic option first before going to war... Right Prime Minister Meredin?" asked Loki to the man beside him.

"Umu, yes I think so to your majesty but we should just ready the troops for war just incase and send our own spies to gather sufficient information before considering iur next move." agreed Meredin while internally smirking.

"Then we'll do just that now everyone this court is adjourned" declared Loki before he left the room for the dining room.

Present day on the "Wrath of the Witch King, just off shore of Dread reef

As Arthas was waiting for his mount to be prepared Theraki approached him to report a news.

"Yoyr majesty, the spies of the world superpowers are all watching us from the start they seem to be able to get our troop composition,our shades are all in position to eliminate them, shall we mive against to them? asked Theraki.

"Just let them be, this would present us new opportunities to contact the other superpowers without breaking a sweat. Sooner or later, probably after our civil war one if not all of them would engage with us on diplomatic talks. They are probably scouting our war capabilities, and they would act upon this information. After all, no matter how strong our nation is, if we can't defend it, it's useless." said Arthas while looking towards the city.

"But what if they launched an assault against us amidst our civil war, what will we do with them then?" Therika asked in fear of the other superpowers attacking them.

"They will easily get repelled, we Druchii are known for our Black Arks, they would be foolish to challenge us in a naval warfare and it's pretty unrealistic for them to attack us except if they're fools" answered Arthas reassuring Therika.

Just as Theraki will ask another question the personal guards of Arthas together with his mount arrived. His retinue consits of 25 Black Guards on foot surroundings the triangle formation inside them. Inside the triangle formation consists of Arthas's most trusted gurdians and heroes. Arthas has 10 guardians and 5 heroes inside the triangle formation while he is at the lead. His mount is an ancient Dark Pegasus he named Invincible. As his retinue arrived he quickly saddled up and on his hands he held his spear he called the god-slayer spear and left for the city to duel some nobody.

As Arthas's figure continued to get smaller as he rode towards the city a worried expression can be seen on the face of Theraki as she held her hands towards her chest and murmured.

"Arthas please win this, the world is watching"

Been trying to write a chapter every time I get a chance, my schedule is full of practice for our upcoming tournament. :(

Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself afterall criticisms are part of life and will helo you improve yourself as a whole

Stay safe everyone <3

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