
In to the Warhammerverse

A man from Earth dies and gets to meet an all-powerful being which grants him 3 wishes of his own choosing.This man who is considered as the world's smartest programmer ggets reincarnated as the heir to the Dark Elves' patriarch. Will he be able to survive the everlasting conflicts of the different factions and races and rise to the top to be considered as a Legendary Lord and earn his self a place on the annals of history or will he be destroyed and be left as an unnamed lord and be forgotten as the gears of time slowly erases his legacy... There is only one way to find out. ..................................................... I don't own the cover used on this book. The original picture is owned by JonathanKirtz. Neither the Warhammer fantasy world on which this novel is set. https://www.deviantart.com/jonathankirtz/art/Dark-Elf-Black-Guard-Armor-T7-184224010

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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29 Chs

Chapter 8

Title:"Inner thoughts and potential spouses"

When this words came out of Sheyu's mouth the guards quickly subdued her and brought her to her knees while hvaing her neck extended and a guard oh her side raised his halberd waiting for Arthas's order. The retinue of the duo unsheathed their swords and entered a defensive stance ready to fight for their lords in case.

Arthas who was still shook just look at Sheyu with a dumbfounded face. But after sometime he quickly regained his calm and returned to poker face.

"At ease." ordered Arthas to the guards. The guards then released Sheyu and quickly returned to their previous post without question.

"Okay, now's everything is fine, what did you say lady Sheyu?" asked Arthas swhile looking directly at the eyes of Sheyu.

"I propose we marry your majesty." said Sheyu while smiling sweetly towards Arthas.

The subordinates of Arthas was clearly furious, some spouted insults towards Sheyu's direction.

"You whore! To dare propose such thing in front if the king!" shouted a man on a robe with a scholar designed on it.

"By the grace of Khaine! You dare to say such absurd thing in front of his future wife!" shouted a woman with a crown on her.

'What! Since when did I became her fiancé? I can't remember my parents making a contract about my marriage! But still, this lady hs the audacity to propose a marriage between us, she must have giant balls, not that she has one." thought Arthas while having existential crisis inside him.

"Silence!" ordered Arthas. The room quicjly became quiet and you could hear a everyone's breathing.

"So you propose for us to marry right?" asked Arthas while still thinking she probably is pranking him or something.

"Yes your majesty, this is the only way I can think of right now to save our neck, MY neck." answered Sheyu truthfully.

"But... I'm only 35 years old, I'm barely an adult!" said Arthas while still looking at her direction.

"I know your majesty, so I propose that we should just be engaged for now and once you're adult we can marry." said Sheyu thinking her charms are finally working.

"But marriage is a sacred ritual that we Druchii doesn't take lightly, and you're currently considered as the enemy of me so I don't think I can accept such offer." said Arthas after a while of contemplation.

'Heck, I wouldn't marry someone who betrayed me even if she is the last woman left on the world!" thought Arthas to himself while still thinking on what to do with the traitors standing in front of him.

Hearing his words, Sheyu's world fell apart, he body shivered from anxiety and fear after Arthas declined her offer.

"B-but your majesty-"

But before she could finish her plead a messenger came running from the door the guards were quick to react and stopped the messenger from even taking two steps inside the room.

"Release me! I have an important message to report to his majesty" shouted the messenger towards the 2 guards stopping him from making a further step inside.

Arthas just waved his hand and thr messenger was released quickly. The messenger made his way just below the throne of Arthas anf kneeled while holding his hands high up presenting a parchment with a seal of his appointed Field Marshall.A servant then took the parchment and carefully and meticulously checked the parchment for any suspicious things that may be included with the letter. When the servant finished the check she then gave the letter to Arthas.

"Thank you Elijah." Arthas thanked his servant while smiling who made her blush like a tomato. He just turned a blind eye on the reaction of Elijah and he proceeded to read the letter.

'Hmmm, so they were doing a last stand inside the Governor's castle huh. Quite brave or should I say stupid for them?" Arthas thought to himself while thinking of his orders.

"Tell Marshall Fey he is allowed to flatten the castle, we wouldn't need it anyway and it woyld only serve as a symbol of resistance if left standing." Arthas ordered the messenger to deliver his medsage quickly.

"Yes you majesty, I shall deliver this message no matter what." the messenger said with conviction.

'I guess my brainwashing courses work then... Still I don't know if I should fear loyal subordinates whose loyalty is borderline fanaticism. Well, time will tell.' Arthas grumbled inside.

The contents of the letter were then given by Arthas to his subordinates. Each of them have their own thoughts about the last stand of the enemy. Some thought it's extremely foolish and he should've just surrendered, while ithers thought it was extremely brave and hounarable to fight to the end but they all agreed on one thing, the people who would be participating will be erased from the face of the world.

The discussion then started once again when Grada asked the king what will be their punishment.

"Well..." Arthas didn't know what to say, he may have matured from the last years but he still didn't have the guts to outright order the death of someone. Afterall he wasn't the one who ordered the execution of his traitorous maid it was his loyal subordinates who decided it through a unanimous vote.

The lords and ladies under him then started to give out different suggestions. One being them enslaved and worked for the rest of their lives, while others who was a little more compassionate for being a Dark elves suggested them to be exiled, while others just wanted them dead on the spot. Seeing this Arthas just decided to postpone his decision and adjourned the meeting.

"I will be postponing my decision, lock them up on the cells below and give them proper treatment equivalent to their rank."

The guards saluted and quickly went to work. The duo and their retinue just went quietly without any fuss with the guards because they know they were no match against 1 one them let alone 5.

"This meeting is adjourned." Arthas then made his way out of throne room and his servant followed after him while everyone still sitting on their own chairs waiting for him to leave as a sign of respect. Once Arthas left for his room discussion started to brew once again among his subordinates.

"Now that marriage is brought, I think we need to prepare for the future." said a certain tall burly man.

"I agree, I for one nominate myself as a candidate for the spouse of his majesty." said a woman who wears a crown on her head.

"Everyone, please calm down I know his majesty has everything planned out we should just be loyal to him and continue be useful." Said Shima a strategist directly under Arthas. Shima is currently 238 years old with an appearance of a simple 30 year old human. He has a brown hair with an asian like face with a purple eyes. He is slim and has the aura of a scholar radiating from him.

"I agree with lord Shema we should just trust his majesty I know he already thought of the future of our race, after all he's the "Child of Prophecy"." Said Theraki in agreement.

Meanwhile in the roon where Arthas sleeps he was currently sitting on a comfy exquisitely looking chair beside the window which gives him a good view of the ocean.

"Elijah, please bring me snacks" Arthas ordered.

"Yes your majesty." Elijah bowed and left the room to get snacks for her master.

Arthas waited for her to leave then leaped to his king sized bed face first. The soft mattress cushioned his fall but now he was having a hard time standing up because he still hasn't changed out of his full body armor. When he tried to stand using his hands as a lifting force, tje mattress will suddenly shrink under the force making it hard for him to stand up. So he just roll at the side of the bed until he fell.


'Ahhhhhh, I'm always doing something for my people for the last 5 damn years, I didn't have time for myself anymore... That's it, after I unified the Druchii and stabled the economy, military, and political scene here I will travel this world to enjoy what it hss to offer!' thought Arthas while still lying down face first on the floor.

'God, what have I gotten myself into. The last thing before I met that goddess was my world having an all out nuclear war between Chinese and Americans over a pretentious conspiracy bullcrap! In the end, even if I'm considered the smartest programmer that ever lived I'm but a tool to my government. Then now, I became the king of the most sadistic race in this world and I can probably considered taking the definition of masochism to a whole new level with all that rituals I'm doing.' Arthas still lying on the floor were having a breakdown.

"I wish my plan can work smoothly and then I can automate everything on my kingdom while leisurely traveling" said Arthas under his breath.

Then a knock on the door sounded which made Arthas stand up from lmthe floor and fix his self.

"Cough* Come in" said Arthas.

The door then opened revealing his servant Elijah.

"U-uhm... Here's the snacks your majesty" said Elijah while blushing upon seeing the majestic figure of his master.

'H-his majesty is so magnificent, I think I'll pass out's thiught Elijah while slowly walking towards Arthas.

"Leave it here, I'll call you if I need anything" said Arthas while pointing at the nearby table. He saw his servant blushing and he's no fool to think that it's just because of the heat.

'She must have some kind of feelings for me on a physical level. Not that I find it weird or something but sex is not really considered sacred. Heck there's a freaking cult named "Cult of Pleasure" in my kingdom for freaks sake. So maybe I could do some casual flings with her on a gist of "Stress-reliever".Now that I think of it maybe I could do something together with the leader of that cult, it's said she is beyond beautiful and great in bed. Oh boy, I gonna need to find it out. Arthas thought while watching his servant leave the room.

"Scratch that! I'm still on war I must leave that for the next time. Now, that everything is going smoothly I can just sit back and wait for the good new-" his words were cut off when a quick knocks on door were heard.

'What is it this time?'

"Come in" Arthas said and the door swung open revealing soldier clad in full armor with his facr being covered by a helmet.

"Your majesty, the messenger from earliervhas another report for you, shall I let him in?" asked the guard.

"Yes let him in" Arthas answered

The messenger then entered and kneeled just a couple of steps away from Arthas and delivered his report.

"Your majesty, the lords named Vhanelik challenged you to a duel." reported the messenger.

'Duel? I didn't know there's something like this with the Druchii.' Arthas thought inside.

"Tell him I accept if there's something at stake with equal importance." Arthas said to the messenger while he started to eat his snacks.

"Your majesty he offers his whole clan up to the 9th familial branch to be your slaves and he requests that if he won he be spared from any punishment and attain his rank and be a noble in your court." said the messenger.

"9th familial! Is he out of his mind that's basically enslaving everyone that has a tinge of his blood!" shouted Arthad in anger.

"Tell him I accept! I shall punish him for such an absurd offer." ordered Arthas which made the messenger shivered in fear and he quickly left to deliver the message.

'Why did this even escalated to such a situation? I would demand an explanation from Fey later!' thought Arthas while still thinking why would Vhanelik use offer his family just to have a duel with him.

"But for now, let's enjoy this tasty snack."

Can't update yesterday, been busy on training for an online tournament. :-(

Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself afterall criticisms are part of life and will helo you improve yourself as a whole

Stay safe everyone <3

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