
In to the Warhammerverse

A man from Earth dies and gets to meet an all-powerful being which grants him 3 wishes of his own choosing.This man who is considered as the world's smartest programmer ggets reincarnated as the heir to the Dark Elves' patriarch. Will he be able to survive the everlasting conflicts of the different factions and races and rise to the top to be considered as a Legendary Lord and earn his self a place on the annals of history or will he be destroyed and be left as an unnamed lord and be forgotten as the gears of time slowly erases his legacy... There is only one way to find out. ..................................................... I don't own the cover used on this book. The original picture is owned by JonathanKirtz. Neither the Warhammer fantasy world on which this novel is set. https://www.deviantart.com/jonathankirtz/art/Dark-Elf-Black-Guard-Armor-T7-184224010

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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Chapter 2

Title:"The Loremaster against the Witch King 1"

The combined fleet of the Knights of Caledor and Order of Loremasters was sailing at full speed to meet the grand armada of the Druchii.They have a little more than 7,000 fully decked out ships and more than 300,000 fully equipped Elven warriors combined. On a a big warship with the color of white and has sky-blue for its railings and mass, stood an Elven wizard. He was clad in white armor with a face carved on it, together with a blue cape while wielding moon staff and a sword. His name is Teclis, the Loremaster of Hoeth, Warden of the White tower and considered as the greatest Wizard to ever live. His twin brother, Tyrion gave him this task of fending off the invasion of the Druchii to preserve the peace of the old world learning on the events that transpired thousands of years ago.

'I defeated the Witch King before and I was the one to send him to the Chaos territory before, and I will do it again.To preserve peace, I won't let you land!"' thought Teclis in his mind. As they quickly approached the Druchii armada they received a report from their dispatched smaller fleets whose job is to stall the landing of any of the vanguard fleets of their enemy.

"My lord, our dispatched fleets has engaged the enemy vanguard! As stated on the report, they were delaying their land waiting for us to defeat the main armada and closed in on their enemies' rear." reported a soldier.

"Good, just have them stall the vanguard, and tell them to prevent any reinforcements coming from them." ordered Teclis as he looked at the warrior.

"Yes my lord" said the warrior and quickly delivered his order.Teclis just shrugged it off and focused his sights to the ever growing ever expanding sea of black ships.

"I will not repeat my mistake I done on Malekith before, I will kill you, Witch King!"


As the Asurian fleet quickly closed in on the Drchii fleet, the situation of the Druchii fleet was great. They were informed about the enemy fleet of their cousins and that they will fight them once more. Everyone's blood boiled, ready to fight their cousins once more. They thought that this will be the first time they will fight their eoven counterpart after half a millenia. Everyone was looking forward to this battle and they were already on top of their own ships decks' fully equipped and ready for battle.The Dreadshards has triple checked their crossbows to ensure that it is on its best condition.The Dreadspears sharpened their spears in order to make sure they can kill their enemy and deliver their own vengeance.On the other hand the spearmen of the Asur was also getting ready, sharpening their spears and shining their armor.

As time went by the two fleets slowed downed and waited for the other to make the first move. There are skirmishes that was happening here and there but no full blown battle. The new and improved ballistas of the Druchii was put to show and made the magically reinforced hulls of the Asurian ships shred like paper. The Asurians was dumbfounded by this scene. They knew that the Druchii are born with a sword in hand so they can't seem to wrap their heads about them holding paper and experimenting stuffs.Teclis was also shocked by this scene but he quickly regained his composure and ordered the ships to use their magical ballistas and try to defeat their enemies in a shootout.

Magic-enhanced bolts fired a volley from the engaged ships, their enemy also answered with a volley of their own. Explosions sounded from both sides. Countless limbs was cut off. Body charred. The scene is horrifying. But the Druchii was gaining the upper hand as time slowly passed by, thw magic-enhances bolts was getting fewer and fewer in number and they can't resupply from the provision ships in fear of being outfired by the enemy. More and more ships was joining the skirmish and it eventually turned to a full blown naval warfare.

Inside a room of the Elven flag ship two lords can be seen overlooking the battle from a far with magic.

"What is happening Teclis!? We why are they outpowering us?" asked Imrik the lord of the Knights of Caledor.

"They have improved ballistas, apparently it's much more powerful than our magic-enhanced variation." answered Teclis with a flat tone.

"How can that be! They are born warriors, they have no affinity for things like that!" shouted Imrik.

"Imrik, calm down will you? They probably enslaved some smart researchers and forced them to develop it." Teclis tried to calm down Imrik.

"You're right, I need to calm down... So what should we do?" Asked Imrik who forcefully calmed himself down.

"We can't afford to let this continue we need to board their ships." answered Teclis with a calm tone.

"Okay, I'll ready the Sea guards, they will first initiate the boarding battle due to their skill in sea battles." said Imrik as he left the room with haste.

"Servant! Ready the swordmasters, we will engage the Witch King once he appeared!" ordered Teclis to his nearby servant.

The servant quickly bowed and left the room to relay his orders.

As the battle continued it changed to a boarding battles, Druchii warriors boarding their enemy ships killing everyone inside and moving forward to the next. It was also the same for the Asurians, lead by the Lothern Sea Guards they pierce through ships easily. At one ships a regiment of Lothern Sea Guards was battling a regiment of Black Ark corsairs. The Black Ark corsairs was obviously winning, the citizen militia that is the Sea guards, they easily shred through them like butter.

Seeing this seen Khae who was standing on the highest balcony of his tower in the capital Black Ark was smiling, he knew that militias won't hold a candle against professional pirates.

As more and more ships was ither sinking or burning, Imrik finally joined the fray. He together with the Fireborn the elites of the cavalry units of the Asur charged on the battle. They don't ride their mounts to ensure maximum vattoe flexibility but instead brought their lances and directly joined the battle.

"Die you traitorous elf!" shouted Imrik as he stabbed a Dreadspear and who was instantly killed.

Imrik wielded his lance like a part of his body, killing tens in a swing. None dared to encircle him as they can get easily killed with a circular swing from him. Khae who was observing the battle from his tower was frowning.

"Legendary level lords are truly troublesome, They can easily kill everyone who was below their level." said Khae while frowning and thinking of a way to easily deal with the trouble. Just then one of his gurdians appeared in front of him kneeling.

"My lord, give this man to me, I shall kill him without him realizing it." said Hasha, an assassin of the highest caliber.She can kill anyone without them knowing.With the use of her charm and exceptionally beautiful face and well toned body she can give her victim both the best and the worst time of their life.

"Shinook, go with her and help her if the time arises." ordered Khae to a robed man with masked face.

"Yes, my lord." said Shinook as he kneeles revealing glaring green eyes.

Just then a powerful magical disturbance was felt. A powerful magic was being cast, that's what everyone knew. Khae also felt the magic and disappeared in a brass colored flash. He needed to stop the casting of the spell, if he let this to be casted it would be a disaster for his fleet.

He directly arrived at the capital ship ofbthe Asurian's. Together with his spear he killed everyone he saw. As he slowly made his way to the center of the disturbance he was stopped by a battalion of swordsmen in blue armor. They wield Hoeth forged swords and was the best swordsmen of the Star tower.

"You can't proceed, our lord is doing something busy inside!" ordered the captain of the swordsmen.

"You people don't know who am I?" asked Khae as he pointed his spear to the captain.

"You should be the Witch King, yes? If so then it just adds another reason for me, us to stop you!" shouted the captain.

"Stubborn..." said Khae as he disappeared and arrived directly at the center of the swordsmen, he spinned and created a whirlwind of death, anyone that gets near it was killed instantly. Eventually the whole battalion was annihilated up to the last men but before their death they continued to fight fiercely not knowing when to surrender.

"Death's favorite meal is fools" commented Khae as he stabbed the last swordsmen alive and entered the room where Teclis was casting a spell. When he entered the room he instantly used his skill named Death's charge and appeared in front of Teclis instantly stabbing his spear directly at his heart. Teclis was happy that Khae took his bait. He quickly and easily cancelled his channeling and deflected the attack directed towards his heart with a barrier spell. After he deflected the attack he created a space between him and Khae and instantly launched spells after spells. Khae also launched spells after spells, their speed on casting their spells left even the so called geniuses on magic in dust. Their showdown lasted for a good 5 minutes ajd by then they had already launched 500 spells each having an average cast time of a 6th of a second per spell.

Khae was satisfied with this exchange, he read from the books that this man should be the one who defeated his grandfather because of to the face on his armor gave it away.

Khae stabbed his spear on the wooden ground and folded his arms.

"I expected as much from the greatest mage to ever live.If you didn't have this much of power, I would doubt about my grandfather's ability." said Khae as he looked down on Teclis.

'Grandfather? Then that makes him my... ' Teclis didn't show any emotions on his face but his thoughts was quickly cut as Khae taked once again but this time his voice became so ice cold that the temperature plummeted and the wodden walls reinforced by magic showed signs of freezing and made Teclis, the great Defender of Ulthuan shiver in fear.


"Do you want to dance?"

Can I bother you people to send some power stones. This fan-fic is currently number 1

Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself afterall criticisms are part of life and will helo you improve yourself as a whole

Stay safe everyone <3

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