
In to the Warhammerverse

A man from Earth dies and gets to meet an all-powerful being which grants him 3 wishes of his own choosing.This man who is considered as the world's smartest programmer ggets reincarnated as the heir to the Dark Elves' patriarch. Will he be able to survive the everlasting conflicts of the different factions and races and rise to the top to be considered as a Legendary Lord and earn his self a place on the annals of history or will he be destroyed and be left as an unnamed lord and be forgotten as the gears of time slowly erases his legacy... There is only one way to find out. ..................................................... I don't own the cover used on this book. The original picture is owned by JonathanKirtz. Neither the Warhammer fantasy world on which this novel is set. https://www.deviantart.com/jonathankirtz/art/Dark-Elf-Black-Guard-Armor-T7-184224010

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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Chapter 3

Title:"The Loremaster against the Witch King 2"

"What?" Teclis didn't understood what he said but he quickly out his guard on as an instinct.He raised his staff and unsheathed his sword guarding for any possible attacks from Khae. Khae disappeared from his orginal position and appeared right in front of Teclis and immediately shot flurry of stabs all throughout Teclis's body. Teclis raised his magical barrier and tried to parry the attacks. He successfully parried a couple of attacks but much more attacks hit his barrier which was gradually weakened.

'How can his barrier sustain this much damage from me?' pondered Khae as he increased the speed his spear is stabbing.

Teclis knew his barrier wouldn't last forever so he decided to create some spce between Khae and himself. He casted an explosion magic on his foot, and once it exploded he quickly dashed backwards and started casting spells at an even faster speed than before.

Khae who was temporarily blinded by the explosion was hit the spells as he struggled to get back on his feet. Teclis didn't gave him any time to recover as he started to cast even more powerful offensive spells. Khae on the other hand was getting thrown backwards with the barrage of powerful spells. Thankfully his armor was augmented by powerful defensive spells so he doesn't really get hurt very muc. But his armor also has a limit, so he needed to act fast.

He held out his hand and casted a reflecting magic. His reflecting magic only reflected a sing spell but the time it creates was enough for him to stand up and unleash a barrage of spells of his own.

The fight turned to a showdown on who has the fastest casting speed and who has the most powerful spells on their arsenal.

Spells after spells was being cast, spells hitting each other and exploding. The ship they were on was shaking due to this catastrophic event. But The Loremaster, true to its name for being the greatest mage to ever lived was getting the upper hand. Both of them has the same speed in casting the spells and the spells casted are equally powerful, but Teclis has more experience on battles like this and duel in general. He was getting a hit on Khae every now and then. Khae on the other hand was having a hard time even hitting Teclis due to his unpredictable movements.

'Experience really makes a difference between two equally strong magicians.' thought Khae as he decided to unlock the limiter he set on his personal augmentation program and burte force his way to win this fight.

"Limit booster v5 limiter beeing released... 24%"

"Limit booster v5 limiter beeing released... 58%"

"Limit booster v5 limiter beeing released... 100%"

"Limiter released..."

Just then his mana pool who was getting low was suddenly replenished and was increasing at an alarming rate. Teclis felt this and was alarmed as he also realeased his seal on his mana pool. A mana vortex appeared inside the body of two, sucking every mana on the air creating weather turbulence. The mages of both side suddenly felt weak and the spells they originally casted was turned to mana and sucked by the two vortex. A whirlpool suddenly appeared under the ship the two was on, and it started to spin really fast. Both Khae and Teclis quickly jumped out of the spinning ship as the ship turned to wreckage and the beautiful Asurian ship was turned to scrap wood.

As the two were falling from the sky due to their high jump, they decided to call their trusted mount. Teclis shouted something on Eltharin and a powerful bird roar was heard, just then a majestic arcane phoenix was seen flying towards Teclis intending to catch him. The phoenix has a sunrise colored faethers on its wing with a cyan for its neck part and a navy blue on its head with a glaring red eyes. It has 2 tails each with greenish colored feathers on its tip. Overall his mount looks majestic and truly represents his status of power.

Khae on the other hand just sent a telephatic message and his mount, the Black demonic looking pegasus was seen also flying towards him at an unprecedented speed. His mount, Invincible was fully armored from head to toe, it has a head protector that covers all of its face and horns protruding out of it. His body covered with shining black armor has a demonic and majestic look to it. The wings was colored black and has sharp blades on the farthest part of its wings.

Both of them landed perfectly on their respective mounts.Teclis landed on both of his feet on his mount and started to once again unleash barrages or spells towards Khae.Khae just sat on the saddle of his mount and easily evaded the barrage of spells by running around on full speed. Teclis just continued his barrage for a couple of moments before seeing it wasn't effective as before so he tried to approach the speed on which Khae's mount was running at. He was successful on reaching the speed, he then cast a special spell.

"Swords of the gods, lend me your strength to punish this evil, let him taste your wrath!Everburning Sword of Flames" casted Teclis.Countless burning swords appeared on his behind filling the sky with its majestic form. Each one of them is so sharp it can cut the ocean in two and each sword has the temperature to that of a core of the sun.Seeing this scene Khae swiftly stopped his mount and turned to face Teclis.

The two of them just stared at each other, the background was a sunset. Their own soldiers was still continuing to fight, they don't care about them. Just then the sword on the left hand of Teclis became burning just like the swords on his back. He pointed this sword at Khae and offered him to surrender.

"Surrender now Witch King, my burning swords will cut through your body and not even your mother can identify you." said Teclis with a domineering tone.

"The Witch King shall never surrender, especially no to Asuryans like you, only one of us shall live,and I guarantee you, I will be that one." said Khae still having the deep freezing ice-cold voice from before.

"Then, you shall die Witch King!" shouted Teclis as countless swords that once filled the sky shot forward to Khae.

Then an intense explosion comparable to the detonation of the strongest bomb mankind has ever created.The epicenter of the explosion is Khae's body. This explosion lit up the sky and the battling soldiers all stop to look at it, they saw a little sun on the sky so close to them. Everyone didn't know what is happening, they were so occupied on fighting their enemies.

On the other hand Teclis was satisfied by this scene, he knew in himself he killed the Witch King.He doesn't sense his life force or mana energy anymore. But then he saw an abnormality in his little sun.

'Hmmmm, why is the swords not exploding, they should have exploded long ago' thought Teclis as he looked at the expanding little sun in front of him.

'I-is he...' suddenly Teclis thought of a grave possibility. Teclis tried to forcefully explode the little sun but he failed and the sun suddenly expanded to a scale so large it can be seen right on the palace of Tyrion on the north west.Seeing this Teclis used a long range teleportation spell and he brought with him Imrik, the two of them just got out in time as the sun exploded. The explosion that occurred was so large that the people on the north, the Norscans can see it clearly.

On the tower of Khae on the capital Black Ark, his queen, Theraki was looking at the explosion with proud eyes.

She thought of a Asuryan saying because of this scene.

"In the death of a phoenix, ashes shall fall..."

Menawhile inside the royal palace of the Phoenix King, Tyrion was looking at the supernova that occurred on the south west.He looked calm despite this event as he remembered what his parents had said.

"In the death of a phoenix, ashes shall fall..."

"And from the ashes, shall rise... " said both Therika and Tyrion simultaneously.The supernova is starting to sudside as it slowly revealed a figure sat on top of a pegasus.

"A new king that shall shake the very foundations of the..." The supernova has already disappeared and it revealed a man in full body plate armor without a helmet. He sat on top of his pegasus who's armor was nowhere to be seen. His eyes has 2 distinctive colors. On his left eye glowed ash grey and his right eye brass. He carried a black apear with dragons wrapping on its shaft and its head is a pyramid shaped blade. His whole body screams both majestic and ruthlessness.He looked at the soldiers on top of their ships as if he's looking at ants. The whole world seemed to stop and everyone is looking at the direction of this battle.

Tyrion sighed and stopped looking at this site, while Theraki was eager to see how far can his beloved man achieve on this wretched world, as they both finished their sentence.



Clarifications(My first try on doing this double speaking thing, so I may need to clarify it to avoid confusions cause I know I messes it up from the looks of it.) :-(

The last scene, both Tyrion and Theraki was speaking the same saying at the same time. Think of a movie where 2 different characters both spoke about something and finished up with the same word. This scene is like that. :-)

Thanks for sending power stones, we actually peaked at top 100 for quite sometime and I'm very thankful for that. :-)

Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself afterall criticisms are part of life and will helo you improve yourself as a whole

Stay safe everyone <3

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