
In to the Warhammerverse

A man from Earth dies and gets to meet an all-powerful being which grants him 3 wishes of his own choosing.This man who is considered as the world's smartest programmer ggets reincarnated as the heir to the Dark Elves' patriarch. Will he be able to survive the everlasting conflicts of the different factions and races and rise to the top to be considered as a Legendary Lord and earn his self a place on the annals of history or will he be destroyed and be left as an unnamed lord and be forgotten as the gears of time slowly erases his legacy... There is only one way to find out. ..................................................... I don't own the cover used on this book. The original picture is owned by JonathanKirtz. Neither the Warhammer fantasy world on which this novel is set. https://www.deviantart.com/jonathankirtz/art/Dark-Elf-Black-Guard-Armor-T7-184224010

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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29 Chs

Chapter 14


Dread Rock, 6 months after the battle of Dread Reef

The city is on a festive mode. The streets has different decorations hung on it. The insignia of the Druchii with the personal coat of arms of the new Witch King was frequently seen hanging. The peace keepers who was established just after the end of the civil war was on a overdrive. They ensure that the city outside of the palace would be safe and no hiccups would happen today. A peace keeper wearing a black armor with gray outlines and equipped with a shield and spear can be seen together with his squad. His squad consists of 10 men including him. They were one of the many groups tasked to protect and patrol one of the major streets that leads directly to the palace.

"Captain, the mood today is so great and refreshing." commented one of the his soldiers.

"Yeah captain, it's like the civil war never happened." seconded another one.

"You two are right, after the end of civil war there have been many reforms that were enacted courtesy of his majesty." agreed the captain.

"Khaine really watches over us." said a soldier while he observes his surroundings.

"You know they say that his majesty is Khaine incarnate." said another soldier.

"Well that may or may not be true but that doesn't change the fact that he's the new Witch King" assured the captain to his men.

They continued their uneventful patro throughout the street.There they saw many Druchii laughing, drinking and overall celebrating for the possible fruitful years to come after this coronation. Everyone was happy as if a civil war didn't happen. The captain can't believe his own two eyes. He was just an ordinary soldier a year ago and with his majesty's maguc and blessing he quickly became a captain. On the time of the invasion he was part of the 3rd assault group responsible for seazing the port. His experience was gruesome. Men the same as his color were cut down like a field of wheat on harvest season. As the captain reminisce his experiences his soldier tapped his shoulder lightly bringing him out of his stupor.

"You okay captain?" asked the soldier.

"A-ah yeah just thought something."answered the captain.

"Let's go back to the barracks our shift is over" ordered the captain.

Inside the palace, everyone was giving their 200%, from maids to guards they all were giving the best of their best. The palace gas been on an overdrive as much as a week before the coronation.All the important people where coordinating something ensuring that the coronation would be as grand as possible.After the military reforms have been carried out, the security of the whole city has improved by a lot. With the combination of the newly established Peace keepers and the army top it off with the Order of the Shades every nook and cranny of the city has someone guarding it and none dared to do something funny with the security out in place.As the day progresses the time set for the coronation is getting near Arthas on his room was also preparing for this big day.

"Your majesty, today is your coronation...The Druchii would have the Witch King once again." said Elijah while she's helping Arthas wear his outfit. His outfit consists of a Black Armor with gold outlines and a long beautiful gold cape. His hair is tied on a ponytail which hepls to emphasize his beauty.

"You're right, but I can't feel nervous after all my grandfather is the first and only Witch King, I don't know if I should take that title." said Arthas while he's putting on his greaves.

"I'm sure you read the history your majesty...The title of the Witch King is the same as the Phoenix King title to the Asur and you've proven to be the capable leader to the Druchii." said Elijah while she secretly caressed Arthas's back.

"I know about that but I just can't seem to accept that grandfather's title would be given to me considering how powerful he is." Arthas said feeling unconvinced.

"Yes, his majesty Malekith is powerful to the point of invincibility, but he's already dead... No matter how powerful you are if you're dead, you're dead." consoled Elijah.

"You're right, I need to stop comparing myself to a dead man, I need to open a new path for me, I won't be shadowed by grandfather instead I shall shadow him with my achievements! Once I die I shall face him with my heads high and make him proud." said Arthas with eagerness in his eyes.

'Ackkk he's so cool when he did that!' thought Elijah struggling to keep her demeanor after what Arthas said.

Then a knock on the door was heard and Elijah quickly openned it. The door revealed a beautiful lady wearing a revealing dress with light makeup on her.

"Your majesty, it's time..." said Theraki.

"Umu, go ahead I shall just finish putting on my greaves." ordered Arthas.

"Yes your majesty." answered Theraki while bowing slightly. She left there shortly which worked in her favor because she's blushing like crazy when she saw Arthas on his armor.

'He's so handsome and thankfully he doesn't wear a weird mask like the first Witch King.' thought Theraki as she slowly made her way to the throne room.

As time slowly passed hordes of people slowly entered the palace,from rich merchants to nobles, they all wear grand outfits befitting of their status and rank. As the throne room was slowly filled with people Arthas was outside his courtyard walking towards his mount. His Black guards was already waiting near his mount together with his gurdians and heroes.

"Your majesty, shall we?" asked one Arthas's gurdians.

Arthas nodded and their convoy started to make their way inside the throne room.

Meanwhile, the countless people both waited insidr and outside the throne room. The throne room is filled to the brim with people but it doesn't feel crowded or look crowded at the very least. The black guards were responsible for the safety of inside the throne room and one can't simply breeze through without proper clearance no matter his/her status.

As the music started to slowly cease the talking of people also slowly started to stop as they looked at the giant door on the main entrance slowly open and the music change to that of a royal sounding one. After the door was completely open the figure of Arthas slowly appeared on the view of the people inside. His figure slowly walked towards the throne. He stopped just before he took his first sit on the throne and turned towards his subjects' direction.Everyone kneeled as Arthas turned towards them. He swept his eyes on everyone inside, none dared to look up and meet his gaze.The music turned to a ceremonial song and Arthas finally sat on the throne. A servant slowly walked towards the throne, he took slow steps as he walked through the stairs leading to the throne, on his hands were a the crown of the Witch King sitting on a purple cushion.The crown has the appearance of a helmet during the medieval time and has a top which looks like a priest's hat and has four horns that surround it while a pair of it intertwined on each other. He stopped and kneeled in front of Arthas offering the crown to him.

Arthas slowly reached for the crown with his two hands and brought it towards his head and slowly wear it. As he wore it he felt immense power coursing through his body and he felt that he was transported to a different realm. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the familiar scene where a god or goddess met him and sent him to his current world. He was startled and quickly stood up and surveyed his surroundings searching fir the divine being.

"It seems we have met again,Richard..."

Quick chapter cause I'm happy and we won!

Earned 40 bucks from the tournament. :-)

Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself afterall criticisms are part of life and will helo you improve yourself as a whole

Stay safe everyone <3

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