
In to the Warhammerverse

A man from Earth dies and gets to meet an all-powerful being which grants him 3 wishes of his own choosing.This man who is considered as the world's smartest programmer ggets reincarnated as the heir to the Dark Elves' patriarch. Will he be able to survive the everlasting conflicts of the different factions and races and rise to the top to be considered as a Legendary Lord and earn his self a place on the annals of history or will he be destroyed and be left as an unnamed lord and be forgotten as the gears of time slowly erases his legacy... There is only one way to find out. ..................................................... I don't own the cover used on this book. The original picture is owned by JonathanKirtz. Neither the Warhammer fantasy world on which this novel is set. https://www.deviantart.com/jonathankirtz/art/Dark-Elf-Black-Guard-Armor-T7-184224010

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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Chapter 11

Title:"The girl who was given a hard task"

As the cheers were erupting Theraki who was in her room inside the capital ship was looking outside towards the direction where Arthas is. She has grown to love his king more than what a subordinate should be. Yes, she is inlove to a teenager which is her king. But right now that doesn't as she is happy, happy that everything is going as she planned and that her king is now considered as the Witch King without him proclaiming it. As she was being happy she held a dagger given to her by Arthas which signifies her as the army leader. As she looked at it she remembered the exact events that transpired on that faithful day.

3435 E.C. 5th day of spring

Dread Rock, Capital of the Dark elves

The weather is nice, the sun can be seen and coats everyone on her rays. The farmers would has already started planting crops in order to meet their quota for today.

Inside the grand throne room at the palace of the Dark elves there exist a room inside one of the doors inside it used only for important meetings regarding wars. Inside this room one can see that different people are already inside, from female nobles to army marshalls they all sat down on their respective seats patiently waiting for their king to arrive. In fact, Arthas wasn't late on this meeting, they were just early, afterall it's said that first impression lasts. As time slowly passed the people inside didn't get bored one bit, instead they used this time to make contacts with other nobles or generals inside the room.

Not long after the doors swung open revealing the figure of a handsome teenager with the body of pre-adolescent he wore a black rove with gold embroidered on its cuffs and neckline. He was accompanied by a beautiful maid named Elijah and 5 Black Guards, it's not a secret that Elijah was saved by Arthas during Arthas's adventure on the forest nearby. The story was a bit unclear as Arthas didn't actually confirmed any of it but the information given by his guards at that time said so.

Everyone stood up from their seats and saluted to Arthas as a form of respect. Arthas signalled for everyone to be at ease and sat down on the biggest chair in front of the large rectangular table with a map of the nation of Druchii on the center. Everyone waited for Arthas to sit down before sitting down. Everyone inside the room is absolutely loyal to Arthas due to his abilities to rule and the strange powers he yields.

Everyone has experienced a strange power by Arthas. One power of which is the high fertility and fast growth. They all felt it and on one instance Arthas explained that his power came from the different sacrifices he made to different gods of different pantheons. He even proclaimed that he's the chosen one that would unite every race on the world and was worthy to be called Champion of all Divine. At that moment they started to become more loyal to Arthas and as time slowly passed by they completely became loyal to Arthas and thus leading to this scene.

"Everyone, I am happy to tell you that the gods is on our side, our population has increased by more than 5000% opposed to the almost 70% decline on the last 4 years and we have enough manpower to carry on different big projects at the same time. Now as our army is ever increasing with the production and industrial aspect of our city you may think that we can't equip everyone, but no, everyone can be equipped with the best armor and weapon befitting of their regiment. Our resources is also quite high with our researchers discovering new location of resources we have created a cycle that made us the most powerful and richest amongst the other 2. Now, next year I plan to unite our race and once again step to the mainland with our mighty army. So, for this to happen I plan to proclaim myself as the Witch King." Arthas said to them waiting for their reaction about his plan.

"A-are you sure your majesty? I mean by proclaiming yourself as the Witch King you basically told everyone that you're the new Malekith and might unite them to destroy us once and for all. Afterall the time Malekith proclaimed himself as the Witch King a bloody war occurred all throughout the world. " asked a fat male noble.

"I think he's right your majesty, we should first consolidate our gains from unifying our race whilst increasing our army number, economy and sustainability incase of a long war." agreed a female general with a metal mouth mask.

"Hmmmm... You're right, but we can't actually unit everyone under my banner if I don't proclaim myself as the Witch King, just look at father's time, civil unrest and bad things happened all throughout his time reigning." argued Arthas.

"Well your majesty, we can actually make the people view you as the Witch King and at the same time not proclaiming anything." said a beautiful female admiral.

"Oh... Tell me more." ordered Arthas as fascination can be seen all over his handsome face as he thought of it while looking down the floor.

"We can have your majesty personally lead an attack on the capital of one of our enemy and at the same time show them his majesties' combat prowess and charisma." suggested the female admiral.

"Interesting...You, what's your name? I feel like I saw you before but can't remember where. " asked Arthas as he faced the female admiral completely revealing his handsome face to her.

The girl didn't expect that Arthas would face her, at best she expected that he would just give her a side glance but now he completely faced her. It should be known that during the award ceremony a couple of years ago but at that time his hair was obstructing her view of him so she didn't really saw his face completely. Due to shock her brain took sometime to process but quickly regained her composure as a hand tapped her shoulder.

"U-uhm... Theraki your majesty." answered Theraki quickly.

"Such a beautiful name befitting of a beauty like yourself." complimented Arthas as he stood from his seat and walked towards Theraki.

Theraki's pale purple skin was tainted by red as blood rushed to her face making her blush. She tried to regain what little dignity she had left by trying to control herself from doing anything embarrassing but when she saw Arthas walking towards her she completely lost it.

Arthas stopped from walking and presented her a dagger from inside his robe. This dagger who has an appearance of a black curved blade which is made up of a precious material with the grip made out of black crystal, a pommel who is made out of a dragon bones with the appearance of a dragon head.On the blade the word written on Druhir language using a shining green metal can be seen, this word which say "Vaulkhar".Literally translating to "Maker of Chains" or the army leader appointed by a Dreadlord. Signifies that whoever given this blade shall have the right to lead the Dreadlord's army and enslave anyone he/she wants.

Seeing Arthas offering her a blade she subconsciously accepted it respectfully and looked towards the shiny part and read it. She was dumbfounded swhen she read the word and she looked at Arthas as if waiting for him to say that he's just joking. But she didn't get what she wanted.

"I present this blade to you Theraki to give you command to the army I am forming. We are to go with your plan and shall attack, after you finished formulating your strategy. You are also to teach me the ways of war during every free time you have. I declare this in my name as the king and patriarch of the Druchii." Arthas declared.

Everyone quickly reacted and congratulated Theraki while singing praises on how a genius and great at planning Arthas is.

Arthas just stood there with a stiff smile thinking on what he have done may make something bad or worse for his already stressful life.

"Anyway, I'll leave you guys now help her if she asked you to." Arthas said as he slowly exited towards the door where he came from together with his maid and 5 guards.

Meanwhile, Theraki just stood there having a hard time processing the events that transpired. She originally planned to just observe everything inside while giving opinions on issues she thought she can help. But now this all backfired to her, she was designated as the army leader of the grand army her majesty is forming. Then she remembered that she is a nouveau on court things and even though she is appointed as The Grand Admiral, it's only for one grand fleet and there's like 3 other more fleets each has their own Grand Admiral. Though the other 2 is more of a pirate than actual soldiers they still are grand fleets. But now, she who was only appointed 2 years ago should formulate a plan that will make her majesty the Witch King without proclamation but she also need to make a plan that would facilitate the capture of a capital city of their enemy which would surely be defended fiercely. Plus she was also to teach her king the way of war when she herself isn't even that familiar with strategies. And she's only a tad bit great at tactics.

'What should I do now?!'


Author's Note:

A boring but a needed chapter. This flashback should continue next 1 to 2 chapters depending on the length of a chapter. The purpose if this chapter and probably the next couple or more are to ensure little to no plot holes ir minimizing the plot holes.

(I wrote here because the designated AN has a character limit) :-(

Wrote this during practice breaks and frankly I don't think it's a good one. But the story should improve after this volume.(This volume has a little more than 5 chapters left if everything would go exactly as my storyboard)

Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself afterall criticisms are part of life and will helo you improve yourself as a whole

Stay safe everyone <3

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