
In This Corner Of The Multiverse

A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse. The catch? No cheats, no powers, no golden fingers. Watch as he crawls, schemes and bleeds for every inch of ground and every bit of power in a multiverse of world ending threats that could sneeze him out of existence. With science and technology, he will rise to new heights, conquer worlds and most importantly, have buttloads of fun. And Bon Voyage~ 7 ch/ week. 100 power stones = Extra chapter. Thanks to LordValmar for the cover fanart. First world : Rick And Morty. Second World : Heroes (TV) Third World : Star Wars Fourth World : Worm (Novel) Fifth World : One Piece (Anime) Sixth World : Marvel Cinematic Universe (Films) __________ If you feel like buying me a cup of coffee, you can support me here. Patr-eon.com/goldenfingers Thsnks for reading! __________ Doscord server : https://discord.gg/jWg6Eu6hFS

GoldFinger · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs

Lovely morning.

I awoke the next morning, wrapped under quilts, a warm sensation permeating through me, something soft pressed against my sides and the smell of sex assaulting my nose.

Looking over, I found Wanda coiled around me like a snake, locking snuggling up against my chest and a soft beat of happiness sprung up within me.

This was nice.

Running my hand through her hair, I kissed her forehead and smiled.


A voice muttered within me.

All mine.

I relished the moment a bit more, before, I teleported out of her iron grip, and stretched as satisfying pops rang out from my body.

Now about that smell....

With a though, two beams shot out from portals, one after another and sterilized the entire room, cleaning up the both of us, simultaneously clothing me with the replicator beam.

I took a deep breath of the now lavender scented room and gagged.

Too much lavender.

Think a locker room of highschool boys, all using axe body spray like it was a substitute for a shower.

And apparently, I wasn't the only one thinking that, as Wanda sniffed the air unconsciously, stirring from sleep with a moan.

"Uhnnn~" She stretched and yawned.

"Good morning, sunshine. Want me to replicate clothes onto you or do you want an actual shower?" I asked.

"Shower, please. The lavender smell is choking me." She giggled, skipping over to plant a kiss on my lips.

"I know. I'll adjust it. Give me a minute." I said, connecting to the computer when Wanda grabbed my arm.

"Later." She licked her lips, "I want something else to choke me right now~"

And that got me up for round two.


By the time we came to the living room for breakfast, the kids were already watching tv, eating a second breakfast.

I smiled, a familiar warmth bubbling in my heart at the serene, homely sight.

Ace, Saraswati and Star were playing Mario Cart while Riley was just sat beside them, watching over the three fondly.

It reminded me of my own little brother. We used to play Need For Speed on the PS4 we had begged our parents for years to buy. It was also the only game we had, because apparently we had our whole life to play video games, but tenth grade came only once.

Once this exam was passed, we could do anything.

Of course that was a fucking lie, one they repeated on and on.

Just give your 12th grade exams, then it's smooth sailing.

Then it changed to just finishing up our university entrance exams.

And if I hadn't been pulled out into the multiverse at the tail end of my final year of engineering at Stanford, I'd still be hearing the updated version of, 'just get a job, then it's all smooth sailing!'

I chuckled.

Man, I missed even those aspects now.


I sighed, and clapped, getting the kids' attention.

"Family meeting. Pause the game. And I know it's not an online game, so don't try to pull that on me." I gave Ace a stern look, and she just deflated like a balloon.

Damn, I've become my dad!

I shook my head.

With a flick of my wrist, bowls of ice cream appeared on the table.

"And you can have ice cream while we talk."

"Yay!" Star and Saraswati cheered, running over, and Ace gave in to her sweet tooth, following Riley over, unable to remain miffed.

I ruffled her hair lovingly, as she sat down, muttering a small 'sorry' to her that seemed to cheer her up.

"S'okay Papa!" Ace smiled, taking a big spoonful of the ice cream, as she buzzed with brain freeze, "I'll figgive yu!" She stuttered, her teeth clattering.

"Small bites." I advised her, taking my seat at the table.

Once we got seated, I grabbed Wanda's hand, our fingers intertwined as I cleared my throat.

"Ahehem!" I began, "So....you know how Mama Offee is not going to be here for a long while? It may be years before we revive her. In the meantime you guys are growing up so fast, it's like I blink an you've grown another inch.

The home feels broken without a mother in it.

And ... and science says that children grow up best with two parents in the home.

So, um Aunty Wanda and I, we decided to get together."

"And I'll try my best to be a good mom!" Wanda added, hyped up.

I smiled.

Glad she didn't take it the wrong way.

"But I want you kids to know that you're always my first priority and if you're against it-"

"I called it!" Ace giggled, making a beckoning gesture at Riley.

Riley rolled eyes, handing her a chocolate toffee under the table before returning her attention to me.

"We get it Papa. It's okay. You don't have to justify it." Riley interjected, reassuring me kindly as the others nodded.

"That's great. Just one thing, are you, were you keeping bets about this?" I asked amused.

"Just me and Ace." Riley excused.

"And it was so obvious! You guys were making those hoogly eyes at each other for months. Someone would have to be blind not to see it." Ace teased Riley with a side-eye.

"You're going to hold this over my head for months aren't you?" Riley huffed.

"Months? I'll call it to your last day!" Ace cackled.

"Or yours." Riley shot back.

"Girls, girls. No fighting on the dinner table. And no talk of dying." I flicked their foreheads, "You're sisters. You're supposed to love each other." I said when I recalled how much worse me and my brother were.

"Or not. Just don't push each other too far." I patted their heads.

"Okay." Riley nodded, making a cute noise.

Ever the daddy's girl.

"Sure." Ace answered happily, returning to her ice cream.

I am 99 percent sure she's going to try this again.

She was just childish that way.

But it was endearing, so I let it slide.

"Star, Saraswati, do you have anything to say?" I asked, only to find Star already in Wanda's lap, eating his part.

"I like new mommy Wanda!" He answered, and Wanda cooed over him.

"Yeah! She makes great food!" Saraswati agreed.

"All you think of is food." I chuckled.

"Because Papa said no fighting! I only have food and games to enjoy." Saraswati sulked.

"Maybe I set the wrong precedent with you, Saraswati but there more to life than fighting."

"For the love of all things tasty, Papa please don't say family." Saraswati replied sarcastically.

I snorted with laughter.

"Well, I was going to say learning new things but sure? Do I say it that much?"

"More times than you think, Papa." Saraswati replied with a haunted look.

"What a little drama queen!" I pinched her cheeks, "You take after Papa!"

"Hehehehehe!" Saraswati giggled cutely.

"Okay. Now that that's out of the way, let's move on to the main topic.

The next world we are going to visit."

There were mutterings of 'finally' and groans of relief as I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you really hate this world that much?"

"Honestly Papa, you were so overprotective, we didn't go anywhere, do anything! We didn't even see the Earth that much!" Riley complained.

"We went to blips and chitz last week? And Disneyland the week before." I offered.

"But we want to go on adventures with you Papa! Please!" Ace gave me the puppy eyes.


How cute!

I patted her head and sadly refused. "That's the thing about this next world.

I can't take you with me. At all. Let me explain....."


"So if there are Old Gods there, then can I ask why we're going there in the first place Papa? You said children need a mother to grow up right but the constant stress of a life and death situation is arguably far worse for our growth! Can't we go to a fun world of adventure and unicorns and magic sometimes?" Riley asked.

"Well technically the next world has all of that but I get your point.

Okay." I tapped the table, making my decision, "While mine and Wanda's clones visit the new world, we're going over to a nice and fun world called Hunter X Hunter and we'll have some fun adventures there, okay?" I relented.

"Okay." Riley nodded, "That's better. But please be careful Papa. Aunty Wanda."

"You know we will. We can delay our exit by a couple of days. This world is now completely safe. So, as a plus, let's go have some fun here for a bit." I pulled up a map of the MCU universe on the holoscreen, highlighting all the fun quests available, ruin exploration, alien amusement parks, fancy galactic hunting grounds, and much, much more. Pick out something you like and we'll do it together!" I handed the screen over to the kids as I leaned back in my chair relaxed.

Wanda leaned into me, placing her head on my shoulders as we watched the kids bicker over the destinations.

"Say, Jay, why don't we just send our clones over from the safety of this universe. You have a barrier around it, and it's pretty safe and isolated. Not to mention there's that quantum immortality system you have set up.

And the Old Gods don't have any power here. Wouldn't this be a better option?"

I nodded.

"Yes, it would but if we're here I can't use my geass to chart the most optimal path due to that same barrier and that puts us at a severe disadvantage. We need every avenue of victory possible. Using a parallel reality goggles won't cut it with this one, especially since my evolution into an asgardian with the domain over quantum possibilities has eliminated every other variant of me in this multiversal cluster.

No variants mean we have no parallel realities to sift through to find out what happens if we change something on our decisions.

Operating out of the void of existence next to the Magicians multiverse is a necessary measure. Especially since three of my clones have died because of unforeseen shit trying to get foot in the door. I wish there was a different choice, but there isn't."

" I see. Let's hope this doesn't go horribly wrong then."

She sighed, when a realisation struck.

"I just jinxed it, didn't I?"

"Oh pish posh. Jinxes don't exist." I waved off her concerns.

"No. Jinxes literally do exist. We're sorcerers, remember?"

"Just don't worry too much. I've got this under control. Trust me a little would you?" I said, kissing Wanda.

"Okay. If you say so." She gave in, and snuggled up against me.

"I still have a bad feeling about this."

I just put my arm around her and ribbed her shoulders assuringly.

"Everything will be just fine." I whispered.

"It's all right."

Of course, things rarely go according to plan and maybe there was something to that jinx, because boy, did we drop like a fat load into a thornbush.

If that thornbush was full of fire ants and black widows.


An unknown amount of time later.

Brakebills, January 2016.

A neon green portal opened up and I stumbled out of it, ragged and tired, with nothing but the clothes on my back regretting the entirety of my life choices.

And so began the last step of my journey into godhood. With a horrible oversight, and a long arduous chase across the multiverse and a difficult decision.

All for this one chance.

And I don't intend to fail it now!

Onward, to glory!


Final chapter of the MCU!

We are finally done here and moving onto the next world.

This is just a prototype for the chapter. I can write another version if you don't like it.

Tell me in the comments!

Also, do tell me if you want the chase sequence and disaster that happens as a mini arc before we get to Magicians?


Do you want to see it as ocassional flashbacks in the beginning of the Magicians arc?

The mini arc is about 4 chapters worth.

One chapter for the disastrous fight.

One for the chase to Gantz where the clone thing from Ch.10 happens as prophecied.

One chapter for the recovery in Lord Of The Rings.

One chapter formulating a new plan and getting back on track before jumping to Magicians world.

Vote on it!

Thanks for reading!

Extra chapter at 600 powerstones.

Till then, see ya!

Also, if you want to support me buy me a cup of coffee or read ahead go to,
