
In The Mid-Summers Bloom

Rose_gold_garden · Fantasy
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5 Chs


In and out of consciousness, she had so many things going on around her. The smell of leather was in the air. It was a strong smell, she could not handle it. 

She woke up, what she was guessing was an hour later. She was in a dark room. Scared, the first thing she did was look for a light of some sort. Drawing her fingers against the walls, she found one. She turned on the light, and she was in, what looked like, one of the fanciest rooms she's ever been in. She saw a door, locked. One window was in her room, but it was barred. She felt like a prisoner that was a princess. She held her head as if it was pounding, which it was. 

Footsteps approached the door, she quickly jumped in bed, and pretended that she was asleep. She eavesdropped on the near conversations. It seemed that they were talking about a promised marriage. It could not have been for her though, right? Another familiar voice talked. It was muffled, but she could make out what it was saying. "She is my daughter and I decide what is best for her, not you!" The voice sounded angry. She thought to herself, "That voice sounded like my mother, could it have been?" 

'Click' The doorknob opened. A woman entered. She was dressed in very fancy clothes, was holding a clipboard, and was holding a bucket of water. Before Poppy knew it, a whole gallon of water was poured on her face. With a startle she got up and yelled, "What the heck! I was already awake, you did not have to do that!" In a British accent, the woman calmly said, "Well, if you were awake, you should have told me that, you should not mind being wet, you are about to take a shower anyways. If you were faking sleeping, I don't think you should do that anymore." Poppy was so confused. She was not sure what she could have done at that moment. Before the woman left, she turned around and said, "Your dull kitchen knife is on the table over there. Along with some food. You looked starved." Poppy did not know why, but she took great offence to that statement. 

In Poppys shower, she felt a sense of relief. She got out, and put on the clothes that the people had prepared for her. She had never been dressed so fancy before. As she stepped down the stairs, she saw how big of a place she was in. Not only was her room fancy but the whole entire place was. It looked like a castle. The floors were all marble. There were three big crystal chandeliers hanging above the lobby. There were flags and drapes in every room. Flags she did not recognize. She walked through the grand halls of the building until she saw something. A figure. A woman. Her mother. As tears dripped down her face, she ran to hug her mother tightly. A sigh of relief came out of her mom, and herself. "I missed you so dear!" She said. Poppy looked up at the face she thought she never would see again, and said, "Mother, I love you". Her voice was soft and kind. Not like they ever had talked before. Her mother looked down and said, "And I love you, which is why we need to talk, and why you need to listen." This worried Poppy. As they sat down on the soft felt couches, her mother looked at her and calmly said, "You are getting married". These 4 simple words dug into her heart like a knife. How could she get married! She didn't even know where she was, or who she was marrying! "I-I-I won't!" She said nervously. "Oh, but you will, it is already planned. On your 20th birthday, you are to be wed to Benjamin Luke the 3rd." As hard as this was to take in, Poppy knew that she had no choice. Whatever her mother said, is what would go. "I have just one question, mother" She said with a scowl. "Where is my sister? My loving sister?" Her mother looked at her with a smirk and said, "I guess you will have to find her yourself!" And with that sentence, she left the room, and instead of being alone, 2 men walked in, along with her sister.