
In The Mid-Summers Bloom

Rose_gold_garden · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"Hello Poppy."

"H-Hi!" She ran in for a big hug, just like she did with her mom, but this time, it felt different. Her sister did not hug, or smile back. In fact, she pushed her off as if she just met her. With an expressionless face, her sister looked at her and said, "Let's get to business. You are getting married in 2 days." Said her sister. "Wait, 2 days?! Last time I counted it was 3" Said Poppy, frightened. "Well, you have been sleeping for quite a while. Anyways, like I was saying, you are getting married in 2 days, and we need to have you ready for your dress fitting." As her sister continued, all she was saying sounded like blabber to Poppy. She did not want to get married! Especially to someone she did not know. Interrupting her sister she asked, "Why do I have to get married?" Her sister looked at her, and with a clearly fake smile, she turned and said, "Because I said so!" Her smile turned into a grim frown when she said those words. "But you are only 5 years older than me! It's not fair that you get to decide my life! What does mother have to say about all of this? Hm? Because to me, it sounds like you are not even talking with her anymore. You act like you own the place!" 

"I do not own the place! My boss does. You will meet him soon enough! Now, come on, follow me."

As Poppy followed her sister through the well lit rooms, she had a sense of coldness down her spine, even though it was quite warm in the castle. Her mother came around the corner, held Poppys hand, and said, "Everything is going to be fine. Just do what everyone tells you to do. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can talk privately. Although, I guess we are never alone, especially with those two pinheads following us!" She let out a nervous laughter. The "pinheads" she was referring to were the guards following them. As long as they were around, they could never be private.

Still walking, the halls seemed as long as a football stadium. They had doors, and doors in every corner of the rooms. As they reached the last door of the hallway, her sister said with a big sigh, "We are here." At last, their walking was over, but Poppy had a feeling of suspense, trying to figure out what was behind that door.

"Poppy, meet Benjamin."

Benjamin seemed nice to Poppy, but underneath that mask, hid someone truly awful. "Hello Poppy, it is nice to finally meet my bride to be." Poppy felt disgusted with that term. "Everyone sounds British here! Where are we?" Said Poppy, worried about what the answer was going to be. "Great Britain." What?! How could this be? How could they have traveled from Pennsylvania, all the way to Great Britain?! "Wow." Said Poppy, feeling like she was about to throw up. She tried to run away, but tripped over her dress on the way out. "Darn palace clothing!" 

"My my my, what language!" Said Benjamin, clearly annoying Poppy. 

"As you can see, my palace is quite the luxurious place. Nothing less for a person like me!" Benjamin let a snobby type laughter out of his mouth. Poppy quickly said "I need to go to the bathroom!" Everyone looked at her, Poppy was confused why. Then Benjamin said, "Ohhhhh, the loo!" Poppy said yes, and exited out of the room. 

A few hours later, Poppy came back, she said laughing, "Oof, that was a big one, if you know what I mean." She laughed, but no one else did. Her mother looked at her as if she was worried. You see, Poppy got lost in the grand halls of the palace when looking for her knife. It was the only way she could protect herself from the people in the palace. When she was about to return, she actually did need to use the restroom, and when she did, it was not a "number 2" or a "number 1", it was a "number 3", and it was very messy. As they continued to talk, Poppy was getting very impatient. "Why am I even getting married anyways?!" Benjamin and her sister looked at each other. Her sister got close and said, "We need someone young and healthy to be able to apply an alliance for their country. Now, you better not misbehave, or we will have to make it harder than it already is." Poppy looked at her mother, longing for help, but her mother looked down at the ground, not saying a word.