
In the Light of Destiny

Three friends on different paths in life to make their dreams come true.

Aluna_Bloom · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 3

Emma nods her head up and down quickly. "I was waiting for him outside the building, when he walked out of his car. I stopped him in his tracks, I asked him how he is a producer if he never sees any new actors and actresses. He looked at me and there were about four other people waiting to be seen as well. "I told him all of us are looking for a chance to prove that we are just as great, but we have not had a chance to shine." She stops to take a breath.

Kira sitting with her jaw floored in shock that her friend spoke to someone with great influence in that manner. "Then what happened?"

"He said he was a busy man and had people to handle the new recruits." Say Emma "Then I told him his people are always busy with meetings or out to lunch at 1030am. He looked pissed when I said that."

Flash back to this morning at Brassica Agency.

"That is not possible. The doors to this agency are always open to new talent." Says Mr. Jonas

"That is what everyone here thought as well." Pointing to the crowd. "But we don't get an appointment or any calls. We wait here for hours for days. Still we are not seen by anyone." Says Emma.

Mr. Jonas looks over at the front desk and calls over a lady named Angie. "Have you seen these people before?" Angie looks at all of them and lowers her head

"Yes sir, they all have come here multiple times." She says with her eyes on the ground.


"I-I-I was told not to send any new recruits by Mr. Colson." She said

"Oh really?" he looks at her "Look me in the eye and say that again."

She looks him in the eyes and repeats what she had said.

Turning to his assistant. "Cancel all my meetings until noon. I will see all of them personally and you know how to handle the other situation."

"Yes sir," Says the assistant.

"Alright let's get started on all of your auditions. The time will be short and I am sorry about it. But I am a busy man." He apologizes to the crowd.

"That is alright sir, we will do our best in the time you give us." Emma says smiling.

End of flashback.

"Ok, but how did you get the third lead?" ask Kira

"Oh right, they were looking for someone to replace her for a few days. After my audition Mr. Jonas was impressed by it so he called the studio and I headed right over to start filming. There were only a few scenes today, so I came home." She explains

"I am so happy for you, Emma" she gives her a hug.

"Thank you. It is late so I will go to bed early. I have to be back at 8am." She turns to leave to go to her room.

Kira watches as she closes the door to her room and starts to cry. Thinking to herself, I have been looking for work for years and she gets something in a year. Why am I not that lucky?