
In the Light of Destiny

Three friends on different paths in life to make their dreams come true.

Aluna_Bloom · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 2

"Hello, Miss Lia?" says the voice.

"Yes, That is me." She says

" My name is Mr. Kylen Roy." He says

Surprised "Mr. Kylen Roy?!" looking down at her phone. "Am I dreaming? Are you serious?"

He chuckles "Our office Made an audition tape of you a few weeks ago. We sent it out to some casting offices we work with." he said.

"Ok thank you sir." She says biting her lip nervously.

He smiles on the other end of the phone. "Well the good news is one of the companies we sent it to liked your audition."

"Really? They liked it?" she ask

"Yes they did. In fact they would like for you on set as soon as possible. If you are not working on another project."

She jumps up and down. "I am not busy."

"Great, I will inform them you will be there. You have to be there at 8pm tonight."

She starts to squeal. "I will be there at 730pm just to be early."

Emma comes to the living room. "Lia, have you seen my necklace?"

Lia holds a finger to her lips to hush her friend.

"Ok, that will be all Miss Lia, Have a great night. Mr. Roy says and hangs up.

"Guess what Emma, that was Kylen Roy on the phone. I got a part." She smiles widely. "He sent my audition tape and they want me on set tonight." She says happily.

"That is super awesome girl. Let's celebrate later." Emma says hugging her friend.

Just as the excitement was dying down Emma's phone rings. "Hello" she answers.

"May I speak to Miss Emma please?" says the voice

She frowns "This is she. May I ask who is speaking?" she asks.

"This is Mr. Kylen Roy from Abutilon Entertainment." He says "Seen your resume and would like you to come to Abutilon's office to record an audition tape for us."

"Really?!" she asks with a shocked expression.

"Yes, please be at the office at 9am tomorrow." Say Mr. Roy.

"Thank you Mr. Roy I will be there.'' She hangs up the phone. Looking over at Lia They both start to squeal in excitement again.

A few days later, Emma is running into her dorm room.

Yelling excitedly "Kira, Kira! Are you home?"

Kira comes from the bathroom wiping her hands with a towel. "I am right here. What is going on?" she asks

Catching her breath. "I got a big part today. The actress that was supposed to play the third female lead got fired today."

"That is great, Emma." She said with a huge smile. "So you are signed with Abutilon Entertainment?"

"Hell no, They never called me back after I went to do the tape." She says with a huff. "I went to Mr. Jonas office- -"

Kira's eyes went wide with amazement "Mr. Jonas? He is the biggest producer right now."