
In TDG with Bleach System(dropped)

smut smut smut smut...... Netori netori netori..... Blackmail...blackmail......blackmail..... Action....action...action Pedo....pedo...pedo... cuck nie li.....cuck nie li...... Ass whooping of everyone that I don't like...... Face slapping...bashing..... cursing....lot of cursing. IF U DON'T LIKE IT DONT YOU FUCKING READ IT.....AND SAY HOW DISGUSTING OR RETARDED IT IS....IF U DO I SwEAR IM GONNA CURSE U TO OBLIVION. NOTE: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Vergin_till_now · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"Well I guess I interrupted your hunting, hope you dont mind." Ban said with an amiable smile and walked towards the group.

'What is he doing here and I didn't even sense him coming...he is like an enigma to me.' Nie li thought as he stared at Ban, "No it's alright, what are you doing here this late at night." Nie li Asked.

"Well I was curious about you, since the time you declared to be the strongest and the confidence you were giving off showed that they weren't any shallow words." Ban said.

'Well you are quite mysterious yourself' Nie li thought, "Hehehe what can I say I didn't like the things Shen xiu said and blurted out...no need to take my words seriously." he said laughing in a sheepish way, 'I can't attract much attention this early who knows who is he...' he thought.

"Anyways I have the same goal, so thought that we could help out each other..." Ban said

"Ohh You are here to help." Finally lu piao spoke with a happy face as he got bored of only listening.

"Well yeah if you guys don't mind.." ban said.

"Alright the more the merrier...you can join us." Nie li finally said not thinking much about ban as he had many other stuff in his mind.

'If i find him suspicious I'll just deal with him, there are more important stuff to focus on.' nie li thought.

"Hurry up and clean up. We do not want anything other than the horns, the fur on the neck, the demon crystal, and the demon spirit!" Nie Li quickly ordered. A Horned Sheep's demon crystal and demon spirit are located in the brain area. Demon crystals are thumb-sized crystals and most demon beasts had a demon crystal. As for the demon spirit, only one or two would appear within tens of thousands of Horned Sheep. The shape of the demon spirit is like a candle's flame.

A Horned Sheep with a demon spirit would generally be stronger than the other Horned Sheeps.

Horned Sheeps are relatively low level, only 1-star Bronze rank demon beasts. The materials from them are relatively cheap. A pair of horns could be sold for five demon spirit coins, and the fur on its neck could be sold for three demon spirit coins. As for the demon crystal, it can be sold for five demon spirit coins.

Counting it this way, even if there is no demon spirit in it, it can still fetch a price of thirteen demon spirit coins.

They only took, at most, five minutes to kill the Horned Sheep. If it only takes this long, wouldn't the three of them get thousands of demon spirit coins in one day?

Du Ze couldn't help feeling excited. His family is very poor and their income would only be two to three thousand demon spirit coins annually. In order to let him enter the Holy Orchid Institute, Du Ze's family had to borrow a lot of money from relatives and friends. Du Ze is the hope of their family! If he hunts horned sheep together with Nie Li, he would be able to pay for his own school fees in the future!

Nie Li smiled and said, "We have to be a little bit faster. There will be no rest tonight!"

"Okay!" Du Ze excitedly replied. Although they have yet to enter 1-star Bronze rank, their bodies are extremely strong. Staying up all night is nothing.

"Well, I'm in." Ban replied smiling.

Then they started their hunt...

The three of them worked closely together and continuously hunted Horned sheep because Ban would kill every sheep he saw within in seconds and a single strike of his katana. After killing dozens of them, Lu Piao would transport the materials out to have it sold.

"Hey man I didn't know you were so powerful, have you already reached the bronze rank or what..." Lu piao asked excitedly as he saw Ban killing sheeps like cabbages.

"Well no I just trained my body to it's extreme when I was young." Ban replied.

Nie li and Du Ze were shocked too by his show.

'How did he became so strong, I never heard of him in my past life....now he's getting more mysterious and unknown enemies are the worst..I hope he isn't some bad guy.' Nie li thought with worry.

'Maybe someday I'll be that strong too...' Du Ze thought while clutching his fists as he looked towards Ban with respect in his eyes.

He thought that Ban was an orphan not only him every one thought that as he didn't have a surname .




In one night's time, Nie Li's group of four had already hunted a total of about three hundred and sixty horned sheep. Ban alone hunting the two hundred give or take, which was sold for about four thousand, six hundred demon spirit coins. Splitting it equally, they each received about four hundred demon spirit coins.

Even though Ban didn't need any money as he already was quite rich...but he didn't rejected it.

'Who rejects more money...not me ofcourse keep it coming. Even a penny matters.' he thought as he looked at the money.

Seven consecutive days were spent attending lessons during the day, while at night the four of them would come to the training grounds to kill Horned Sheep. Their money has now reached to more than twenty thousand demon spirit coins, which can be considered a huge amount of wealth for them except Ban.




On the eighth day inside the Fighter Classroom.

Ban, Ning'er and Ziyun were sitting in the same desk. It was lunch time and they were talking while eating.

"So you guys have been hunting for a whole week now...huh." Ziyun asked glancing towards the back of class taking a look towards nie li sleeping group.

"Yea...just helping them out, I like their determination." ban said as Ning'er gave him a sushi with her hands...which ban accepted with open mouth.

They have already told Ziyun about their relationship...and even the whole class knew about their relationship, ofcourse sacred family had yet to take any action.

Ziyun watching them felt a little jealous but didn't show it on her face, 'Ninger is my best friend I shouldn't be jealous if her...' she tried to tell herself.

"By the way Ning'er how is your training going..." Ban asked...

"Well it's going fine but the soul force increase has become quite slow...." Ning'er said with a sad face looking down.

Ziyun who was beside them heard her, "Ning'er don't be sad, you are already very strong. Look at me I am not even a bronze rank while you are almost on gold rank..."

"Shush, Ziyun I told you not talk about this in public." Ning'er hurriedly hushed Ziyun.

"Oops, sorry." Ziyun stuck her tongue out.

"Well no worries Ning'er I'll get you a cultivation technique to increase your soul force..." Ban said as he side glanced towards the sleeping Nie li.

"Mhmm" Ning'er nodded her head...

They continued their talk, and soon the class resumed.




On the eighth consecutive evening, Nie Li's group of four was in the dark hunting Horned Sheep. The sky was dark and it was already midnight.




To be continued.

(A/N: Hey guys hope you like this chap and btw hope you do vote power Stones and comment yiur thoughts.)