
In TDG with Bleach System(dropped)

smut smut smut smut...... Netori netori netori..... Blackmail...blackmail......blackmail..... Action....action...action Pedo....pedo...pedo... cuck nie li.....cuck nie li...... Ass whooping of everyone that I don't like...... Face slapping...bashing..... cursing....lot of cursing. IF U DON'T LIKE IT DONT YOU FUCKING READ IT.....AND SAY HOW DISGUSTING OR RETARDED IT IS....IF U DO I SwEAR IM GONNA CURSE U TO OBLIVION. NOTE: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Vergin_till_now · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter- 13

Meanwhile with Ziyun.

She was sitting inside her room looking outside the window gazing.... thinking about today's events in evening.

'If what Ning'er said is true then there really is human civilization outside the glory city, and Ban is really not from the glory city. But the main thing is the powers she showed today...the pressure was so much that if not for Ban I would have lost my conciousness.

I have so many questions to ask to Ning'er....when is she coming? I told her to come quickly....ahhh I am dying to know more.' she groaned while still looking outside her window.





Ning'er who have rested was now up, when she opened her eyes she saw Ban looking at her face with a smile.

"How was your sleep." he asked caressing her cheeks.

She smiled and replied as she buried her head in Ban's chest, " It was the best sleep I ever had."

"Well me too by the way I wanted to tell you that you don't need to worry about the sacred family, I'll handle them...and now you need to go and meet Ziyun too as she asked you to meet her." he said caressing her back.


Then they both shared a deep intimate kiss which lasted for quite a while....until they were out of breath.

"Well you should go now otherwise I might be not able to control myself." Ban whispered in her ears...giving her earlobes a lick.

Ning'er shivered to that feeling, "Me neither...D~a~d~d~y...." she being bold as usual replied in a sultry voice and bit his ear lobes.

'Ohh....man this girl will be the death of me...' he thought as his heart started pounding like crazy because of Ning'er.

Then suddenly Ning'er flash stepped...

Ban stood There with surprise face...." My own cat now meaows at me...hehe good good." he chuckled as he then laid down....

'Now should I go to nie li and get the cultivation techniques from him or should I leave it.....well I can increase my reiatsu by just buying pills and bloodlines from system, but then Ning'er needs the techniques to increase her soul power....to make herself more stronger and now since she have awakened her shikai she cant have a Spritual Demon in her soul space. Which means I need to get cultivation techniques from Nie li in the end. But how... it's not like he'll just give it to me...hmm i guess i need to play dirty. Ziyun is the only one who can get ask him for it and he will willingly give it to her no questions asked whatsoever.

So I need to get Ziyun in under my control I guess...'

After having of thought all that he suddenly vanished from his place.

It was already evening and the night street of glory city was bustling with people, entering different shops enjoying their evening.

Ban was also walking down the streets searching for the alchemist guild, he had another plan in mind as he doesn't have the pill formulas he can't be of any use to alchemist guild unless he could get the pill formulas from system then substitute the materials from bleach world to that of TDG world....

'So system is it possible to substitute it....and yea make the quality tad bit lower too, as pills from bleach are quite potent...' he asked in his mind.

[Yes, Ban it's possible but the effect of the pills will be very lower as materials from here are not upto the standards of Bleach world.]

'Ohh lucky. Well then buy all the pill formulas but don't integrate it in my mind now do it later.' he said.

[All pills formulas Bought.

Integration on hold.]

After getting the notification he asked a random guy about Alchemist association and got to know that he can't meet anyone now as it's already closed.

So he decided to stroll around and try some street food.

While walking and eating something similar to skewers with beast meat, 'Hmmm what to do now, I am very bored. Hmmm, oh well I can try that soul stone thing which nie li did with others...' he then went towards a store and bought few soul stones.

'Should I go to Training ground to meet nie li and others...I mean it's no harm in getting close to him. And it'll be more fun to fuck other girls When he is near without him knowing. Hehe I've become so much evil.'

He then went towards training grounds to meet nie li and his company.

Nie Li half squatted. His left arm was straightened with the crossbow over his left arm. His right hand was clenching the trigger. His eyes were glued to the sight and the crossbow was so stable it was as though it was placed onto a holder.

Du Ze had an indescribable feeling. Nie Li had yet to fire a bolt, but Du Ze had a feeling that the bolt will surely hit the Horned Sheep. Nie Li, at this moment, was like a cheetah crouching in the bushes, waiting for his prey. He was releasing an awe-inspiring aura.

Although his physique is weak and he was not even a Bronze rank Fighter yet, the rich experience from his previous life was still there. The experience was accumulated with every bloody battle Nie Li went through. Some were even near death experiences. No matter what kind of weapon, be it swords, crossbows, or even a piece of metal. In the hands of Nie Li, they would all become deadly weapons. Even though Nie Li wasn't a Bronze rank Fighter yet, he had countless methods to kill a Bronze rank or even a Silver rank Fighter.

The surrounding area seemed to have only one person there. The look Nie Li had in his eyes was like a hawk waiting to catch its prey.

Nie Li's slightly significant tender cheeks, firm look, and gestures would give others a feeling of a 'Lake without depth.'


Nie Li pulled the trigger and a crossbow bolt was unleashed. The bolt that left turned into a silvery light and gracefully flew quickly. The angle that Nie Li targeted was in the blind spot of the Horned Sheep's sight.

"It hit!"

Seeing the bolt fly passed, Du Ze's heart was surprised. Nie Li gave him a weird feeling. It was as though he was a veteran shooter.

The Horned Sheep didn't manage to dodge in time.


The bolt hit the back leg of the horned sheep.


The horned sheep fell to the ground wailing, landed in front of Ban. 'Well, that is interesting.'

Nie li and others were surprised to see another figure beside the horn sheep.




To be continued.....

(A/N: I decided to not only focus and sex and just write whatever i think of from now as I dont enjoy writing if i get restricted by my own choices of writing sex scenes....so from now I'll write whatever comes in my mind...and if u don't like it then no one's forcing u....so politely pull ur pants up and fuck off...)