
In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

CoffeeLovers · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

World [ Version 2]

Marine Headquarters, meeting room.

The hallway buzzed with activity, with Garp and Aokiji taking center stage. Aokiji, in his laid-back manner, struck up a conversation.

"Yo, Garp-san. Capturing over 500 pirates in one day? That's impressive!" Aokiji remarked with a lazy grin.

Garp laughed heartily, "Hahaha! Just another day, they're all small fry!"

Before they could proceed, a formidable figure stormed in, incensed. It was Sengoku, face flushed with irritation, eyes sparking.

Sengoku exclaimed, "GARP! How DARE you skip a meeting summoned by Kong-san?! Who do you think you are?"

Garp, with a finger nonchalantly up his nose, shrugged. "Ah, Sengoku. I just wasn't in the mood today. Knew you'd handle it."

Sengoku's face turned even redder, almost purple, at Garp's dismissive response. "Garp, your constant insubordination is intolerable! You can't just do as you please and expect others to clean up your mess!"

As the face-off between Garp and Sengoku still hung in the air, Brandnew, his face stern and resolute, stepped up in front of the assembled officers and began his report.

Brandnew started, "Gentlemen," adjusting his glasses and unfurling a scroll laden with images and figures, "we have disturbing reports about emerging pirates."

He pointed to the first image, depicting a man with piercing eyes and a long black sword. "Dracule Mihawk, considered by many as the current best swordsman of the Grand Line. He's been leaving a trail of destruction in his wake, challenging the Marine's top swordsmen."

A concerned murmur filled the room. Some officers exchanged worried glances, while others raised their eyebrows in recognition.

Next, Brandnew unveiled a shadowy image of a man engulfed by shadows. "Moria, gentlemen. With his ability to control shadows, he's causing havoc with corpses and other nefarious uses."

Sengoku furrowed his brow, worry evident in his eyes. Beside him, Aokiji maintained a stoic expression, though his gaze acknowledged the threat.

The atmosphere grew heavier with every word, but the next picture brought an almost tangible silence to the room - that of Donquixote Doflamingo.

Brandnew continued, "Then we have Doflamingo. His sadism is well-known. Reports of entire villages subjected to his cruel whims, people forced to fight to the death for his mere amusement, and worst of all, tales of him playing with people, manipulating them against their loved ones."

At this, Sengoku's gaze darkened, a shadow passing his eyes as he recalled Rosinante and his mission as a member of SWORD.

Aokiji, despite his usual nonchalance, intently observed each image.

Brandnew added, "And there's more, gentlemen." He quickly proceeded, "Lastly, Loguetown, the day after Gold D. Roger's execution. A concerning and potentially problematic presence has been detected. We're still assessing the situation."

Commodore Kizaru, watching the exchange, murmured, "The seas are becoming ever more unpredictable, aren't they, Sengoku?"

Sengoku instructed, "Brandnew, keep me updated on this Loguetown situation. We can't afford to overlook any threat."

Brandnew affirmed, "Yes, Admiral."


Alubarna Palace, Alabasta.

The grand hall of the palace brimmed with tension. Maps and plans lay strewn over a large table at the center. King Cobra, with his noble posture and dark hair, stood at its heart, receiving reports from his trusted commanders, Shaka and Pell.

Shaka: "Your Majesty, pirate attacks have risen exponentially. It seems Gold D. Roger's execution has ignited a new wave of piracy."

King Cobra ran a hand over his face, clearly concerned. "I feared as much. Roger and his death have become a symbol for many."

He looked out the window, viewing Alabasta's desert landscape. "Our people already face many challenges with the weather and water shortage. We don't need more troubles."

At that moment, the gentle, reassuring voice of his wife echoed in the hall: "Cobra..."

All turned to behold the Queen of Alabasta, a beautiful woman with blue hair and compassionate eyes. Guards immediately straightened up, pounding their chests in salute. Some exchanged admiring and respectful glances, while others cast their eyes down in deference.

She gracefully approached him, her hands gently cradling her clearly pregnant belly.

Queen: "We might not control events beyond our borders, but we can protect our people and land. And we'll do it together."

King Cobra, deeply moved, replied, "I just... worry about you and our daughter."

She smiled gently, playfully reprimanding him with a twinkle in her eye, "You always forget, Cobra. I might be a queen, but I'm not so fragile."

The king chuckled softly, touched by her affection. "I would never underestimate the strongest woman in Alabasta."

Drawing closer, he gently placed a hand on her belly, feeling the subtle movement of their future child. The queen giggled softly, the two sharing a moment of pure joy and love.

The queen, looking deeply into his eyes, murmured, "We'll overcome this. For our people. For our daughter."

And amidst the chaos and concern, they shared a kiss, a symbol of hope and determination for Alabasta's future.


Amazon Lily, Kuja Village.

The village air was saturated with the energy of the Kuja warriors, training and conversing among themselves. At the village's heart, a group of young girls gathered, a freshly arrived newspaper in the hands of the tallest: a young Boa Hancock. Though she hadn't yet reached the fullness of her beauty and power, the determination in her eyes was already apparent.

"Look at this! Gold D. Roger, the Pirate King, has been executed!" Boa Hancock exclaimed, excitedly.

"The age of pirates truly is beginning..." Boa Marigold murmured, re-reading the events.

"Does this... mean more challenges and dangers for us?" Boa Sandersonia said, somewhat tense.

"I don't know. But it just shows we need to become stronger! We can't depend on anyone but ourselves!" Hancock declared with her noted leadership spirit, facing her sisters.

"We have to prepare for what's to come!" Marigold chimed in, animatedly.

Hancock nodded with resolve. "Then let's train! Every day, until our bodies can take no more."

The sisters exchanged glances, and their admiration for Hancock was evident. Her influence and willpower were infectious. Even young, the three sisters were already showing the grit and determination that would, in the future, make them legendary figures in the history of the seas.

Water Seven, Tom's Company.

In the design room, Iceburg and Franky stood side by side, examining a new ship blueprint. The atmosphere was somewhat chaotic, with papers and sketches scattered everywhere. Their facial expressions clearly marked a clash of opinions.

Franky: "Look, Ice! This design is a revolution in naval technology! It's SUPER!"

Iceburg, raising an eyebrow, responded, "Franky, this is... a genuinely... unique idea. But, honestly, ships are for water, not roads."

Franky scoffed, "Aww, the 'great' Iceburg can't think a bit outside the box? What a surprise!"

Iceburg, feeling exasperated, replied, "It's not about thinking outside the box. It's about having some sense of logic and practicality."

They gesticulated dramatically, each countering the other with fervent arguments.

Away from them, inside a house, sitting at a sturdy wooden table was Tom-san, the legendary carpenter and fish-man who once built the Oro Jackson, the ship of the Pirate King. He held a newspaper, its headlines highlighting the recent execution of Gold D. Roger. With a distant look, a mix of sadness and pride, Tom reminisced about the times he spent with Roger and his crew and all the moments they shared together.

Slowly, he grabbed a bottle of rum and an empty glass. He poured the golden liquid to the brim, then raised the glass towards the window, looking at the horizon where sea met sky.

"To the man who sailed all seas, Gold D. Roger! DOOM! Hahahaha!"

Tom-san then took a sip, savoring the rum and reminiscing about the good old days. Outside, Franky and Iceburg remained engrossed in their unending debate.


The sea swelled beneath the powerful ship, reflecting the sun's rays that shimmered upon the waters. The sails were taut, rustling from the marine breeze, guiding the ship through the waves. The goblins tirelessly adjusted the ropes and coordinated the ship's course, each movement calculated and precise.

Satoru Gojo lay on a beach chair. Suddenly, he lifted his blindfold for a brief moment, allowing his blue eyes with a starry pattern to gaze upon the distant horizon. An emotion of anticipation was evident in his expression.

Beside him, Mai Shiranui was also lounging on a beach chair. She flipped her fan, quickly fanning her face, an eyebrow raised in amusement watching the goblins.

Mai laughed, "I just hope they don't decide to rebel. I wouldn't want to have to use my fans against them."

Satoru found the thought amusing. He was certain this wouldn't happen. The goblins were too dim-witted.

Satoru recalled the moment they boarded the ship. There were still many pirates, waiting aboard in hopes of their captain's return.

Satoru drained their life energies, transforming the ship's tools into 'goblins'. He believes he understood how the process of sucking out the souls of others worked, having experienced it in his last fight. However, he was keen on mastering it even further. He remembered that Big Mom's "akuma no mi" wasn't originally as formidable. But after awakening, it was unparalleled.

Currently, he couldn't decide the type of creature that would emerge when harnessing another person's soul as life energy. The creature would be a 'reflection' of the extracted soul. And if the individual didn't fear him sufficiently, he would struggle to drain their energy. In this aspect, it greatly resembled Big Mom.

As Satoru pondered, one of the goblins approached, bowing in a form of salute. With a nod, it conveyed a message, to which he responded.

His eyes gleaming with excitement, "We're nearing our destination, Mai. Fusha Village is in sight."