
In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

CoffeeLovers · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


At the Loguetown Marine Base

The marine base was stifling under the midday sun's heat. The tension in the air was palpable, with sailors swiftly moving to and fro, some exchanging words in hushed tones, others appearing worried and alarmed.

At the center of the chaos stood the Marine Lieutenant Officer, Kumori. He bore a commanding presence, deeply engrossed in thought, his brow furrowed and eyes staring blankly ahead. His hands, firm and calloused, rested on the table before him, fingers lightly drumming on the wooden surface.

A sailor approached with a slightly hesitant demeanor. He looked young and anxious, his breathing rapid. "Sir," he began, his voice slightly shaky, "Petty Officer Kazuki was attacked. He... he was taken down by a stranger peddling suspicious wares around the town."

Kumori looked up, clear surprise on his face. His expression quickly hardened, the gaze turning icier. "Give me more details."

The sailor swallowed hard, visibly intimidated. "He was with a woman, sir. They assaulted several of our men and then fled. It seems the stranger possesses... strange abilities."

Kumori raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Strange how?"

"He touched one of the sailors and... something came out of him, sir. The sailor died shortly after."

For a moment, silence took over the post. Kumori's eyes narrowed.

A Devil Fruit?

"I want those two located. Order an immediate pursuit and request a depiction of the assailant for a bounty poster. Furthermore, the docks should be cordoned off." His voice was firm, leaving no room for dispute.

"Yes, sir!" the sailor responded, turning to carry out the orders.

At that moment, another sailor, looking anxious, approached swiftly. "Sir, we have news of the Black Harpoon Pirates. They're headed for Loguetown."

Kumori's expression turned even graver, stress lines on his forehead deepening. He took a deep breath, trying to contain his frustration. "Hell! With everything that transpired yesterday, the last thing I need is these pirates causing trouble. Inform Navy Captain Kaito."

The sailor nodded, hesitating for a moment. "Sir, they are beyond our capability. The Black Harpoon Pirates are..."

Kumori cut him off with a stern look. "I know who they are. Just do as I said."

With a formal nod, the sailor departed, leaving Kumori lost in his thoughts. Concern was evident on his face. He knew the coming days in Loguetown would be anything but peacef