
In Naruto as Kokushibou

Our Mc dies and meets God, he reincarnates in Naruto but like Kokushibou, without weakness to sunlight. Oh, he was also adopted by a certain green beast of the leaf, he also had some books containing information about certain breaths. See how he creates his own samurai clan, while he gets a certain Yamanaka as a companion. '' Sorry Sai, but Ino is mine '' I do not complain Naruto not even Demon Slayer, all are works from their respective authors.

Lorenzo5798 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Attention and Saving a Hyuuga

{ AN: It won't be Harem, our protagonist will only have 2 wives who are already decided, Hinata and Ino, he won't go to anyone else, that's all, keep the chapter }

The 3rd Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was shocked by the news he got from Guy, young Kokushibou had mastered the First Form of Moon Breath, he was quite happy about it as it means the Village had a good seedling, he wasn't regretting leaving young Kokushibou in the Village and giving the techniques to him.

''Congratulations Guy, it seems your son will have a bright future ahead of him!'' Spoke Hiruzen with happiness clear in his tone, he was sure that Kokushibou would carry the Will of Fire, he could become a pillar for Konoha in the future.

{AN: In this fanfic, I'll make Hiruzen a good person, not an old manipulator like other fanfics, he'll just trust his friends too much and know little about what happens in the dark}

''Thank you Hokage-Sama'' Guy thanked him for the congratulations, he was also quite happy and proud of his son, what father wouldn't be?

After some time talking, Hiruzen dismissed Guy and was thinking about the future, the boy was becoming friends with the Ino-Shika-Chō Alliance, as well as doing business with the Akimichi, from what he understood by Guy, Kokushibou wanted to create a Clan to honor his father and grandfather, he had to show respect for that young man because his goal was beautiful and noble.

While thinking about Kokushibou, his office was invaded by none other than Shimura Danzo, owner of Anbu Root and one of the Elders of Konoha.

''Hiruzen! Give me the boy Kokushibou, he needs to be at the Root'' Spoke Danzo as he stood in front of Hiruzen, he knew quickly thanks to his Anbus that Kokushibou had mastered the First Form.

He was already keeping an eye on him because of the techniques that were with our protagonist, but when he learned that the boy had mastered the First Form of one of the most powerful techniques, his attention was completely turned to him.

''No Danzo, young Kokushibou will be a future Pillar of the Village, besides, he's Guy's son, and I know very well you won't do anything to them,'' said Hiruzen while looking seriously at his old friend, he won't let Kokushibou be taken by the Root, as he knew he would transform into a person without feelings, he would never allow that to happen.

Danzo left the office angrily, he might not have gotten Kokushibou, but he would make sure a Root Anbu had an eye on him.

Hiruzen could only sigh as he looked at his friend who had left the office. ''I'm too old for this'' he said as he took out his cigar and started smoking it.

That's how another 3 years passed, now would be the time for Kokushibou to take his first steps to be the greatest swordsman there is.

During the 3 years a lot happened, first being that his recipes were making success among the people, he also used his acquired money to create his bakeries, increasing the income they earned, he then bought land far from Konoha to make his grape plantation to create wine, he included Kurenai in this endeavor, as she knew more about wine.

In addition to buying certain land to build Hotels, the Hotels were still under construction because of Kokushibou's demands, they also managed to hire some merchants, one even had connections in the Honey Country, so they got a good income from the sale of honey that was from great quality.

These merchants were indebted, some even with Gatō, Kokushibou gave them an offer that could not be denied as it was too good, after paying their debts, they signed contracts, Kushibou was very lucky as only the merchant who had connections in the Country of Honey it was enough for his income to double, if he hadn't known and acted in time, probably Gatō would kill him.

But how did he get all the money he needed? Because only the money he got from his bakeries and recipes wouldn't be enough, well, he got from the Hokage after he declared some of his ''suspicions'', let's go back a little bit in the past.


''So young Kokushibou, what do you want to tell me about?'' Asked the Hokage as he looked at the 6-eyed boy in front of him, he had to agree that it was a little scary, but for someone who knew the terror of War, I knew those eyes weren't so frightening.

''Hokage-Sama, I suspect something is up as some kids have suddenly disappeared these days, also my neighbor's wife next door is missing'' replied Kokushibou as he looked into Hiruzen's eyes to show he wasn't lying, his father also came to support him.

''Hai Hokage-Sama, some children have disappeared, our neighbor was even trying to find his wife'' Said Guy while supporting his son's words, he had an extremely serious face, he was worried that the same would happen to his son, even though he knew he could defend himself, you can't be too careful.

''Hmm, I'll take care of this, we can't allow the citizens of Konoha to keep disappearing'' Spoke Hiruzen after thinking a bit, he felt that something big was involved in this, so he needed to investigate and try to find the missing.

Flashback End

It was then that the Anbu of the Hokage found out that this was the Civil Council, having several members involved in Trafficking in Persons and other crimes, the cleanup of the Council had started, killing several of the members.

Hiruzen gave help to the victims, plus a sincere apology for not knowing, he gave a few million Ryo to Kokushibou for helping him, if not for him, Hiruzen would probably still be in the dark not knowing anything.

In the meantime the Might Compound was created, so they started to adopt children and bring them to the Compound, the Might Clan was founded and recognized not only by the Hokage but also by the Daimyo and the Fire Country Royal Family as they were using their wines and other products.

The children who joined the Clan were more than happy, even though the Clan was new, just being a Clan in Konoha raises their status in society a little.

The young people were receiving training in Taijutsu every day, some started to follow the Path of the Sword after seeing Kokushibou cut down several trees using the First Form, they were taught depending on their element, some started to learn Medical Jutsu as they had levels Similar to Sakura's, they also received more intense melee training to make up for the lack of Chakra.

Kokushibou decided to recreate the Demon Slayer Kakushi, they would be medical ninjas fully trained in hand-to-hand combat, he never understood why Genin teams never had one medical ninja per team, the chances of the team surviving would increase a lot.

Two Young Men stood out in Clan Might: the 1st was Might Akira, a young man with black hair with green tips, blue eyes, and tanned skin from so much exercise in the sun, he could perfectly use the First Form of Thunder Breath, in addition to Sixfold-Rokuren, he is a charismatic person, always having a smile on his face, but serious when necessary, having his own Fangirls in and out of the Clan.

Might Hana is a young girl with short blond hair, brown eyes, and milky white skin, who demonstrated a great future as Kakushi, she was ahead of her Clanmates when it came to melee combat and medical Jutsu, she was extremely cold to people outside the Clan.

But the two had something in common: their loyalty to Kokushibou, in addition to being his ''Body Guard'', when our protagonist saw that they could grow more, he gave all the assistance they needed to improve, they also had the same age that Kokushibou.

Kokushibou didn't delay his training, he managed to master the Second Form of Moon Breath, he was still trying to master the Third, but he was already happy to have mastered Two Forms.

Some people were also hired to teach those who wanted to follow the normal Ninja Way, even though Kokushibou wanted to create a Samurai Clan, he can't deny people if they wanted to be ninja, but he would ensure they had one of the people in front of their peers. was training the youth was Hatake Kakashi.

Kakashi would normally say ''No'' to our protagonist when he asked to teach the youngsters, but Kokushibou offered something irresistible, books from the Icha-Icha Paradise limited collection.

The training the young people were receiving might not be much, but it was enough to surpass their Classroom peers.

Now they were going to their classrooms, they were finally able to go to the Ninja Academy, after listening for almost half an hour the Hokage's speech about how the whole Village was one family and Will of Fire, blah blah blah, they went to the Class where the Heirs of the Clans are located, as well as children of Merchants and other Upper-Class civilians.

Kokushibou was going with Akira and Hana to the same room, they received certain favoritism from the Hokage.

Everyone was here, including the quasi-emo Uchiha Sasuke, while the Uchiha Clan hasn't been massacred yet, Kokushibou was barely waiting for the opportunity, not to get Sharingan, but the Uchiha Complex, if he got a piece of the land, he could use it to creating a new Shopping Mall, Kokushibou cared more about the money than a few eyes, he might have to bribe the Elders to get a piece of the pie, as he didn't doubt that the Uchiha Land hadn't been taken by them after the Clan was gone. massacred.

''Koshi-Kun!'' shouted Ino while waving at Kokushibou, their relationship was very good, Ino wasn't a Sasuke fangirl, instead, she had her eye on Kokushibou, he was thoughtful, strong and gentlemanly, everything that made Ino's heart caught by our protagonist, she didn't even care if he had Six Eyes.

Kokushibou sat next to Ino while Hana and Akira took a few chairs further away, they knew very well the relationship between their future Clan Leader and Clan Heir Yamanaka.

Sensei Iruka finally arrived and started teaching the students, first it was time for the introduction, everyone said their dreams, including Naruto who said it would be Hokage, Sasuke introduced himself and his Fangirls screaming like crazy, except Sakura, then came to Instead of our protagonist, everyone was paying attention to him.

''My name is Might Kokushibou, my dream is to become the Greatest Swordsman the Shinobi World has ever seen, besides showing people the power of Clan Might'' Spoke Kokushibou passionately, people who didn't know Kokushibou were surprised, instead of saying that he wanted to be a powerful Shinobi and protect Konoha, he wanted to become a Swordsman and bring glory to his Clan, even Iruka was surprised.

After that there were some exercises with the students, Kokushibou received privilege as their Clan when it locks in the Academy exercises, they just needed to do the Taijutsu exercises and show their fighting power with the katana.

Needless to say, the students were surprised with the Breathing Techniques and the power of Kokushibou, Akira, and Hana no Taijutsu, Akira cleaned the floor with Sasuke, the fight didn't even last 2 minutes, it was one-sided.

But they were more surprised by Kokushibou's power, Iruka had asked to show the Moon's First Form of Breath, they were taken to a forest where they could see the power of Breath, entire trees were cut down with a simple swing of his Katana.

After that, the classes ended and everyone went home, except our protagonist and his group, as they saw a girl being bullied by three boys, Kokushibou paid more attention and saw that it was Hyuuga Hinata, which made him remember that today was the day when Naruto saved her from bullies and stole her heart.

But Kokushibou wouldn't allow it, so without thinking twice he runs up to the bullies and punches a fat boy, making him fly away, the other two tried to say something but got their faces on the ground because of Akira and Hana.

''I'm surprised you did something like that, Young Master, you were never one to act impulsively'' Said Akira while looking at Kokushibou, our protagonist was always calm and never got involved in anything that didn't concern his Clan, Family, or Business, seeing their Young Master do this shocked Akira and Hana.

Kokushibou didn't respond to Akira, instead was focusing on Hinata who was looking at him.

''May I know your name?'' Kokushibou asked, even though he knew what it was, he needed to show ignorance.

''M-My name is H-Hyuuga Hinata'' Hinata replied with a certain stutter as she looked at our protagonist, her face was a little red as she looked at Kokushibou.

''Well Miss Hinata, My name is Might Kokushibou, I can see you can't walk, so I'll take you to your Clan Compound, meanwhile, it points us in the direction'' Said Kokushibou as he picked up Hinata and put her on his back, the little girl gave a little cry of surprise when she was lifted, her face turning redder and steam rising from her head.

After handing Hinata over to the Hyyugaa Clan, the Might left, but we could see a gleam in Hinata's eyes as she looked at our protagonist's back.

''Kokushibou...'' Hinata spoke softly while looking intensely at Kokushibou's back, he suddenly sneezed, not knowing why.