
In Naruto as Kokushibou

Our Mc dies and meets God, he reincarnates in Naruto but like Kokushibou, without weakness to sunlight. Oh, he was also adopted by a certain green beast of the leaf, he also had some books containing information about certain breaths. See how he creates his own samurai clan, while he gets a certain Yamanaka as a companion. '' Sorry Sai, but Ino is mine '' I do not complain Naruto not even Demon Slayer, all are works from their respective authors.

Lorenzo5798 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: Childhood and First Form

It's been 6 years since I came to Shinobi World, for the first 3 months I couldn't control my body properly, only after a few months, I manage to crawl, then walk on two legs after 5 months.

I also found that I didn't need to eat human meat, I was able to drink milk and eat baby food normally, I was glad I didn't get the human meat hunger that the oni had.

My dad had to go on missions so I was taken care of by a nanny who was very good to me, she thought I was quite cute even with my red eyes with yellow pupils.

So we moved house as my dad didn't want me to stay in the woods, even if he had to do missions, he would always give plenty of his time to me when he got back.

I thought I would be treated like Naruto because of my appearance but I was mistaken to some extent, the adults treated me well, some thought I was a monster obviously, but my father dealt with it.

Some kids were scared of me because of my eyes, while others thought it was cool, this for me was kind of good, as I was, to a certain extent, being treated like a normal person, different from Naruto.

When it came to Naruto, I saw how he was treated, but I didn't give a damn, some Earth people might pity, but I'm not one of those, I won't make friends with him just to receive the hatred of the citizens of Konoha.

I also found something interesting about my eyes, my middle eyes that had Kanji letters in their pupils, they could analyze quickly, besides reminding me of everything, almost like a Sharingan.

I found this out when I saw that a flower vase near one of my neighbor's windows was falling, I saw how the vase would fall, managed to get the vase in time, and deliver it back to the neighbor.

My dad heard about it and was happy as he screamed about the power of damn youth!

I also started my training in the art of the sword, I was lightly training my body because I was still developing, I'm not like some protagonists who have a perfect body.

My dad was once again happy, this time crying as he said I was using up all my youth.

I wasn't just training and enjoying life, I was making plans to make sure my future and my family's future were good, I used to think about the future on the playground, leaning against a tree while looking at the sky, just like Shikamaru.

It was on one of these days that I had my first meeting with Ino, which was a surprise to me as I was hoping to meet her, maybe at the gym, but not at the playground.


I was looking at the sky as I was thinking about how I should proceed, I wanted to create just one Clan Samurai beforehand, but as time went by I decided to create a clan not only of people who followed the Samurai path but also those who followed the Taijutsu path.

Taijutsu was very underrated, but it proved powerful when Might Guy, my father, fought against Uchiha Madara, even though he lost, it was still a great fight, Madara even declared my father as the Strongest Ninja.

I decided to honor my father's legacy, I started to see Might Guy as my father, in the first few months I saw him as a stranger, but now I care about him as a family, creating a clan would be to honor his legacy and that of my grandfather.

Clan Might show the world the power of Taijutsu, it would also show the power of swordsmen, I will make those who once mocked my father for being able to only use Taijutsu, bow their heads whenever they are in our presence.

But to create a clan I would need money and people, we could adopt some orphans after we create our Might Complex.

Money could also be easily made, I was thinking of creating some Earth recipes in this world, like pizza and taco, the Akimichi will want to do business with us quickly.

I was also thinking about opening bakeries, I had some recipes for cakes and sweets that will be very successful.

While I was thinking about it, a little blonde girl came in front of me while looking at me with her green eyes, she was wearing purple clothes, it made me quickly understand who she was.

Yamanaka Ino, the girl who would turn into a complete Sexy woman in Boruto, the one who was part of Rookie 9.

''Hello I'm Ino, want to play with us?'' Ino asked as she looked at the boy with black hair with red tips.

Some children were keeping away from Kokushibou while talking about his red eyes, she was curious when they started talking about a boy with six eyes, so she went looking for him, when she saw him she decided to try to bring him to play with her.

When she saw his eyes, she had to agree that his eyes were a little scary, but his cute face didn't matter.

''...Yes'' Kokushibou agreed after thinking a bit, he thought that fate was giving him a helping hand, as he could now try to become friends with the Yamanaka Clan Heiress, he could also try to use it to your favor to be able to form ties with the Ino–Shika–Chō Alliance.

Flashback End

And that's how I had my first meeting with Ino, after that I started playing with her more, I also met Sakura, I tried to at least make sure she didn't turn into a crazy useless Fangirl, why would I do that? because I feel sorry for Sasuke.

In addition to having an idiot who just screamed that he would be Hokage as part of the group, there was also a girl who kept bugging him, who managed to be more useless than Naruto.

So I tried to make her side of her Fangirl hers calmer, I also suggested that she research medical ninjutsu as her Chakra reserves were a few points higher than that of a civilian, to which she agreed after a while.

My dad heard that I had become Ino's friend and gave me a mischievous smile, which I thought was impossible, as the only smile he ever gave was his characteristic smile, which flashed his teeth.

I also got to meet Ino's father, it looked like the man wanted to take me to T&I for getting close to his daughter, thank goodness Ms. Yamanaka was there to make sure he did nothing.

I also got to know Akimichi Chōza and Nara Shikaku, besides their children, Shikaku liked me because I was more mature than the other children, I was also hardworking, as for Chōza and Choji, they started to idolize me after I showed some of the mine recipes, all the Akimichi were worshiping me as their idol.

I also trained my breathing, I was almost able to master the First Form of the Moon's Breath: Yamizuki - Yoi no Miya

Now I was in the forest with my father training my swordplay, I had gotten a katana from my father, it wasn't very big because of my size, but it was big enough for me to practice swordplay and my breathing without problems.

My father and I always train in the forest, while he trains Taijutsu, I train Moon Breath, he always motivated me when I couldn't master the first form, but this time I promised I wouldn't stop until I could.

I took a breath and concentrated as I passed chakra to my lungs I drew my katana I cut in one movement, causing several crescent moons to appear at the cut site, the tree I used as a target split in half and fell to To the side, I backed away from the tree that had fallen.

I had finally made it, after doing a lot of research on the human body, the days I suffered from pain because it sent a lot of chakra to my lungs, the days I stayed in bed, had finally paid off!

I finally mastered the First Form! this might be considered little for people born with OP power, but for me, it was the biggest achievement of my life!

3rd POV

''Son, you.....'' Might Guy was speechless, his son finally managed to master the First Form, he saw with his own eyes the crescent moons and the tree being torn in half.

He was proud, he saw how hard his son was working, every day he practiced his swordplay and it finally got results, but he couldn't help but be worried about him.

Kokushibou always tried too hard, several times they had to go to a doctor because he used too much chakra in his lungs, causing him to have big problems, but they would heal quickly, the doctor had said he had an extremely fast regeneration and powerful.

Now that your son had completed his First Form, this should be celebrated, and that is what they did.

He forgot about his training because what mattered now was to celebrate his son's conquest, he invited Kokushibou's friends along with their family, after the party, he would have to report to the Hokage.

The party was joyful, the Akimichi were eating with happiness in their eyes the foods that were created by Kokushibou, barely waiting for the day it would be sold, Ino was beside her ''Koshi-Kun'', as she liked to call it our protagonist, Sakura was also on his side congratulating and talking about life.

Inoichi was drinking in his corner with sweat coming out of his face as his wife saw that he could attack Kokushibou at any time by being too close to his daughter.

The Nara was also having fun, two other people were at the party, Yūhi Kurenai and Hatake Kakashi, they were called and took the opportunity to relax a bit.