
In Naruto as Kokushibou

Our Mc dies and meets God, he reincarnates in Naruto but like Kokushibou, without weakness to sunlight. Oh, he was also adopted by a certain green beast of the leaf, he also had some books containing information about certain breaths. See how he creates his own samurai clan, while he gets a certain Yamanaka as a companion. '' Sorry Sai, but Ino is mine '' I do not complain Naruto not even Demon Slayer, all are works from their respective authors.

Lorenzo5798 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 4: Uchiha Massacre and Benefits

Uchiha Itachi was on top of a building looking at the Uchiha Clan Complex, today would be the day he would have to exterminate his entire Clan, to prevent the coup d'etat for the sake of the Village.

At least he can guarantee his brother Sasuke's future, the third Hokage promised to protect him, Itachi hoped that his brother would grow up and kill him.

While he was thinking, a vortex appeared beside him, from there came a man wearing an orange mask with only one eye open, while wearing black clothes that had red clouds, that was the Uchiha Obito.

''Itachi, are you ready? '' Obito asked as he looked directly into her eyes.

''Hai'' Itachi replied as he nodded, it was now or never.

Then began what would be known as the ''Uchiha Massacre'', when Itachi was known for killing his entire clan, leaving only his brother alive, but what no one knew was that someone else had helped in the massacre.

While all this was going on, our MC was in his house sitting while looking at the moon, drinking some tea.

''If I can convince Hiruzen, maybe I can get all the lands of the Uchiha Clan hehehe,'' Kokushibou said while chuckling weakly, then went back to drinking his tea.

Everything was according to Keikaku, the Uchiha Clan dies, the Elders along with Danzo will try to take the land for themselves, but he will ask the Hokage to leave the land in Sasuke's hands, as he is the last Uchiha and heir of the Clan.

If Kokushibou can convince the old man then he will begin his plan to manipulate Sasuke into selling the Uchiha Clan lands to him, of course, they will pay the fair price as well as give him a mansion so he doesn't have to live ''homeless''.

If his plan doesn't work, he won't get angry and will have a tantrum but will lose a good chance to increase the Might Clan's power of influence.

His plan was to create a Merchant Center on Clan Uchiha land, so they could create some stores for the sole purpose of selling Shinobi equipment Konoha ceased to be a Shinobi Village to some extent and became a Civil Village.

This was beneficial to Kokushibou because, traders would sell expensive Shinobi equipment, profiting from it, but with the stores, he would create, the profit would be even higher, as they would be of quality and for a cheap price.

Obviously, he would have problems with the merchants, but what could they do? In addition to already having a certain influence over the Hokage, they were a Clan, no civilians dared mess with a Clan of Konoha.

And that's how time passed, the massacre happened, people were surprised, everyone started looking at Sasuke with pity, which obviously made Kokushibou disgusted by the Civilians, as they spoke and slandered the Uchiha before, if not for the usefulness of the civilians in his plans and he was strong, he wouldn't mind massacring every civilian in Konoha.

Then it happened that the Clan leaders, along with the Elders of Konoha, Koharu, Homura, and Danzo, tried to take the land from the Uchiha Clan Complex and leave Sasuke in an apartment, but Guy was against this, the Akimichi, Yamanaka, and the Nara Clan sided with Guy, surprisingly the Hyuuga also supported.

Hiashi supported the Clan Might because he was willing to try to make the two Clans have a good relationship, a meeting between the Clan Elders and he made them agree to try to make them friends.

He also enjoyed seeing the change his daughter was going through because of Kokushibou's influence, Hinata was slowly but surely putting aside her merciful side at the time of the fight, as she started training, but was worried about the new side of his daughter had.

Hiashi remembers visiting his daughter's room to see how she was doing but was surprised when he saw several images of Kokushibou in her room, her daughter was holding a photo of Kokushibou while saying softly ''You will soon be mine, mine, mine'' she repeated times.

It reminded him of his wife, who had the same side his daughter was having, he couldn't help but pray to the Six-Eyed Boy.

In addition to the fact that the Elders of the Hyuuga Clan were thinking of maybe signing a marriage between Hinata and Kokushibou, the Elders could see that the Might Clan would grow even more thanks to Kokushibou, so such a marriage would be beneficial, which Hiashi didn't like, as he didn't want his daughter was used to an arranged marriage, plus his fatherly senses were burning like a burning building.

But back to the meeting, because of opposition from Clan Might, along with Clan Akimichi, Yamanaka, Nara, and Hyuuga, and other smaller clans that followed the flow, the Hokage declared that Sasuke would have full possession of the compound's land. Uchiha.

Homura and Koharu didn't like it one bit, but they didn't do anything, especially when Hiruzen was benefiting Clan Might, because of the information given to him 3 years ago.

Danzo didn't care much, as what mattered to him were the Sharingan's of the Uchiha Clan, whether or not he gained a piece of land was of little importance, but he quickly understood what was going on up to a point.

That's how a few months went by, nothing changed at the Academy, other than Sasuke being emo wanting revenge, always trying to outdo Kokushibou and his two bodyguards.

Whenever he lost he felt nothing but anger, as he declared a goal for him: to beat Kokushibou and his group, for in his mind, that way he would be closer to getting strong enough to kill his brother.

Kokushibou saw that now would be the ideal time to finally give Sasuke a helping hand by making a demonic offer.

''Sasuke, I want to talk to you, I have an offer that would be irrefutable'' Kokushibou said while preventing Sasuke from leaving the Academy, classes were already over and it was time for everyone to return.

''Hn'' waved Sasuke after thinking a bit, he was wondering what Kokushibou would have to offer him.

After all the students left the Academy and went to a restaurant to eat, Kokushibou offered to pay the bill, which Sasuke accepted.

After they sat down and placed their orders, Kokushibou said ''I'm going to cut to the chase Sasuke, I came here to offer you something you most want... power, but I want something in return'' After he finished speaking, Kokushibou looked directly into Sasuke's eyes which were wide with disbelief.

''W-What kind of power?!'' Sasuke spoke almost screaming as he put his hands.

''....I'll train you in some Clan Might techniques, however...I want something and it's quite specific'' Kokushibou said, not caring about Sasuke's outburst, as that was the reaction he wanted.

''What is it? If I have, I'm willing to give it!'' Sasuke replied with excitement in his voice, he understood very well the power of Clan Might techniques, if he can get himself trained in at least one, he will be more than willing to even give his soul, as that meant he would be stronger and closer to getting his revenge.

''....The lands where the Uchiha Complex is located, I will pay the fair price for the land, in addition to giving you a Mansion so that you don't become homeless, I think you are the one who benefits the most from this because, in addition to receiving the price of land in cash and a Mansion, Clan Might will teach you some of their techniques'' Spoke Kokushibou as he looked at Sasuke with a smile on his face that showed his white teeth, in addition to the two canine teeth that were quite sharp.

This took Sasuke by surprise, he expected anything but that, he then started thinking about the pros and cons if he said yes, but his desire for revenge clouded a little without thought, plus Kokushibou was right, he's what else if would benefit from it.

With a nod from Sasuke, Kokushibou reached out to him, which Sasuke shook, with that the deal was closed, then the waitress came with the food, they ate in pleasant silence and after the food was paid for, the two left, Kokushibou had a smile on his face that wasn't coming out as he was quite happy that it worked.

Kokushibou was thinking that fate truly loved him, all that would be left for the Hokage to approve of his suggestion that Clan Might replace the now nearly destroyed Clan Uchiha in control of Konoha's Military Police.

He could already imagine having the Might controlling the Military Police, their symbol replacing the Uchiha symbol in the Police Building, but he didn't get carried away by his daydreams, he needed to first suggest it to the Hokage.

(The Might Clan Symbol is the Hydra Symbol of MCU)

He would also invite the Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi clans to this endeavor, perhaps even bring the Hyuuga as a way of thanks for the support he was given, but the Konoha Police control would be under the leadership of the Might Clan leader: him (his father who is the leader of the Clan, but everyone knows that Kokushibou is the one who thinks and commands)

With that your Clan would automatically become a Noble Clan of Konoha, not only because you have the Military Police in your pocket, but also have businesses that were doing well, probably the Daimyo of Land of Fire would give a seal of approval, so all that would be missing is the Hokage sign and go.

It may not seem like much, but being a Clan Noble has its benefits, but Kokushibou would have to decide the High-Level Konoha Police Officers if the Hokage accepts, if the Nara accept, they can be part of the officers within the Police, as they have a powerful intelligence that would help a lot.

Kokushibou didn't worry that the Police had few people from his Clan, as he had several teenagers who were adopted and received Hashira training so that they had discipline and order, everyone is totally loyal to the Clan, but if someone doesn't fulfill their role, they can come to a tragic end.

Even though Clan Might only have youngsters and teenagers, they are all quite strong because of the training they do, and the Clan invested a lot in their development, even a Kakushi received a lot of attention from the Clan.