

Got reincarnated in mcu with a twist.

DaoistGAPi2L · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 9: Maya Hansen

I hacked into the servers of MIT and added my fake profile as a student who pursued his degree and Ph.D. in Genetics without alerting anyone.

You can say that it is quite difficult to do that but you are forgetting one thing Natasha Romanoff fooled Tony Stark and Pepper Potts with her fake identity and joined as personal security of Pepper Potts, CEO of the Stark Industries and the most technologically developed company.

I am quite Overpowered and only the Ancient one can stop me on the earth, So there was no reason for me to hide from any authorities but I don't like to force them with my fists as it will only cause more bad than good. If you have seen the movie ' X-Men: Days of future past' Mystique aka Raven Darkhölme assassinated Bolivar Trask which made leaders of all nations fear Mutants and wanted to eradicate them. So they created Sentinel which can assimilate any mutant's powers from the DNA of Mystique which almost eradicated Mutants. This is Marvel here anything can happen here, a single serum can create Sentry-like beings who made One above all to act and eradicate him. So even though the earth is technologically behind when compared to other planets in the universe, it can't be underestimated as the whole story revolves around the earth or just because of plot armor.

This is the reason for not forcing the government to clear my name of all the charges against Hulk, my alter ego. But that will be possible if the president clears my name from the list of criminals as I am going to make Rodriguez the next president with the launch of Extremis by his hands and raisins his fame to win the upcoming elections.

The serum which I will release to the public will only have the ability to regrow lost limbs and heals Internal injuries Completely, I am not stupid like Aldrich Killian to weaponize a money-making cow, and is also the best way to boost my reputation in a good way.

So, the next morning I came to the restaurant to meet Hansen as an investor, and she was already waiting for me.

Maya: Hello, Mr. Wayne I am Maya Hansen the one whom you spoke with on the phone yesterday.

Bruce: It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Hansen, and you look gorgeous in this dress.

Maya: Thank you for your praise. Now can we talk about the investment Mr.Wayne?

Bruce: well, the funds that I invest in your research will depend on its current progress and what is your goal in researching it.

Maya: It is