
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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339 Chs

Chapter 227 Andromeda Galaxy, Xandar

We had been running around in the Andromeda Galaxy for a while and just as everyone was becoming skeptical if the galaxy even had life.

We finally saw a giant plant teeming with life.

The ship failed to scan for life due to the various protections put in place.

As I had guessed, our spaceship wasn't licensed or whatever and we were asked to identify ourselves.

Hulk wanted to be the one to talk so we let him.

As we landed on the docks for spaceships, forces of the said planet which I knew for fact was Xandar came upon us.

"Alright everyone, don't be alarmed, you might not understand them, but they can understand whatever we say, alright." I told them so that we don't fall into any uncomfortable situation.

A giant scanner passed over our docked spaceship and came out as a normal of whatever kind of spaceship, so we were clear in that regard.

One of the men scanned me and the scanner gave an error, which surprised him before he proceeded to scan Jean and Hulk and both came out as humans.

"Speak Terrans, what business do you have on Xander!" Asked the guy.

"We are here to explore the vast universe, our planet is not scientifically advanced enough to be called a space civilization, there is no unity as well, we are here for sightseeing, in simple words." I told them.

"We mean no harm." Bruce said calmly, though that only managed to make them chuckle, if they knew who was standing in front of them, they wouldn't be so glum

I could feel Jean's annoyance, I asked her to calm down by establishing a mental connection.

I thought the most they would do is have sinful out some form and we will be on our way, but surprisingly.

The Head of the planet, The Nova prime wanted to have a word with us, I could only ask my buddies to calm down as they took off our cuffs and took us to Irani Rael.

"Hulk is mad!" Bruce said to me as we were being led across the halls.

"Tell him to calm down, we can play later." I told him.

Nothing good would come out of us fighting, I didn't wanna start a fight just because they made fun of us, particularly hulk who doesn't like being looked down on.

After walking around we were finally led to another room of the tall sky scrapper to meet a woman who had a haircut that could mean many things.

"I hope you had a good journey, dear terrans." She said.

She turned around and gave us a calculating look,

"Yeah, I suppose you could say that." Bruce replied. I noticed the way he was speaking,

he seemed to like the Nova Prime.

The person in question asked us our reason to come to Xandar and we told her why we were here and that we were just here to sightsee and buy stuff.

We didn't bother mentioning Thanos for now. although I could get so much info from her, first we need to relax for a while.

While we sat down and had a talk with her, Bruce talked with her about Xandar and slipped up about some things such as the Avengers and stuff.

"This means that Mr Cedric here is someone we can talk about regarding things such as trades."

I nodded at that, noticing the similar look on Bruce, the one he had when he was with his previous girlfriends, for god's sake, she is an old granny.

I nodded to that, if the trade was something that the nova prime would consider, we can talk.

A guy walked in while we were talking and handed something to her.

"Here is your ID in case you want to travel around in the future, a Rule book you should pay good time reading as I know for a fact that your kind doesn't take to abiding by the rules."


"And here is a coordinate for all the things you need to be careful for when travelling in space."

The Nova prime treated us fairly and with a decent attitude so I decided to help her in the future if she needed anything, Bruce seemed to smile like he had won the lottery as he left the place and started looking around.

"Guys! first we need to do something about money, let's sell some stuff and get credits so that we can buy some stuff and gifts for our friends back home." I told them and we asked around for the location of a trading place or a market place, the thing was we had no problem talking as everyone had a translation embedded in them.

I didn't get one for us because we had no money, plus Great Sage has already given me a new skill by this time.

Every new language we come across he adds it to the skill and I can learn and speak it easily.

Jean and Bruce were surprised when I suddenly started speaking Xandarian. but they quickly adjusted it as I have done much weirder things.

'Though what can we sell to Xandarians, I think I can make a bunch of plasma weapons and stuff, plus all the Vibranium my clones have acquired from outer space, maybe that's a good option'

I could feel a presence looking at us,I knew it was that Nova prime, who else have we met until now, lets see what she is planning...


Nova Prime.

"keep an eye on the Terrans, see if they are affiliated to that Terran who escaped, if they are, throw them in the prison if they don't give his location."

"Yes, Prime." Replied a Nova officer as he left.

Nova kept looking at the screen that was observing the Terrans as they toured around the place.

No one knew what she was thinking at the moment, not even herself.

What she didn't know was that she was being preyed upon by the ones she was observing as well.

"hmm, so Peter Quill has just escape, which means that Ronan is coming, good for me, I can get rid of another part of thanos and his army, provided Ronan isn't strictly allied with Thanos." Jack cut off the connection as he looked around the market place.

No scheme was going to work on him anyway.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon



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I love you guys <3

By the way, Jean is now the confrimed love interest as Jack has finally felt some love for her,hope you guys have a good day and find someone you love and vice verse