
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 225 Meeting Uatu,don't disturb me

I went ahead and met Jean, needless to say, she was excited to go to space, though I believe she could have gone using her powers as a Phoenix host, but a spaceship is a whole another deal alright.

We arrived at the hideout where the space ship was located, Bruce was standing outside with giant boxes by his side, he looked back at me and said,

"It won't let me in." his face was priceless.

"Welcome, Master." Upon hearing the voice, Bruce was surprised before he had a look of understanding and loopked at me like I was his sworn enemy.

"You changed things up without me." he hurriedly walked inside the ship followed by an excited Jean and me.

The space ship was the same size as before, but it now had ample space on the inside, The spaceship now had a larger room for storage, Four bedrooms for sleeping, The cockpit and weapons room.

All this was inside a ship that was no bigger then a private jet of a normal size. A courtesy of Great sage working his magic.

Jean and Bruce started looking around the space ship, I, on the other hand, made quick work and took the biggest room for myself, we met back in the cockpit after five minutes, Bruce looked at me with his soul piercing eyes and said,

"You had to go ahead and ruin the fun, didn't you." He said to me.

"Come on, I made it better, would you want to be stuck in the same room with me, I wouldn't, The space ship barely had ample space, plus now we have four rooms, One big storage, Auto pilot, Jumpdrive technology is upgraded, and we have a weapons room as well." I told him.

He thought for a while before begrudgingly agreeing that the space ship was looking better then ever.

"So! where do we go first?" He asked me.

I could potentially look for civilizations and we could go on our journey, but whats the fun in that!!

"Bruce...I believe in you." I gave his shoulders a squeeze, before I went back and sat on the Co-pilot seat, Jean sat behind us.

"Alright...buckle up....launching in t-minus 9....8....7.....6....5...4.....3.....2.....1...0."


A faint sound of the thrusters sounded as we began to hover in the air before the space ship rocketed into the space with unimaginable speeds.

Before I could say wow, we had already breached into space.

Bruce kept messing around with the monitors before we decided to go ahead and see the moon for a bit.

"Do you think there is life on moon?" Jean asked me.

Bruce also put his attention on me.

"Could be, I know for a fact that there is supposed to be an alien on moom that oversees the events of the world to record them or whatever, he has also been known to have acted on his own accord to help the humans once in a while?" I told them.

Bruce had a contemplative look on his face as he asked me

"How do you know that, that there is an alien on the moon, wait, can you survive in the atmosphere of space." he asked me.

"Yeah, I can, but the knowledge about the alien came to me from the records in the Kamar-Taj."

I lied out of my ass.

After careful thoughts, we decided to go and have a look at the moon, the spaceship was designed to have the cloaking technology in it so we won't risk being on the Radars of any NASA satellite.

We arrived on the dark side of the moon quite easily, Jean and I landed on the surface without any difficulty, Bruce on the other hand had fo wear a space suit, because he was not in his hulk mode.

The space suit was designed by stark and resembled the suits they used to travel through the quantum realm.

"There is nothing here." Bruce said through the comms as we looked around for any signs of life.

Though I could feel the life signatures of our giant headed friend who was peaking at us, I looked to the south and gave a wave.

I could see him as clear as day, don't know about Jean and Bruce though, the guy was surprised that I was able to see him and after some thoughts he decided to return the gesture to me, I established a telepathic connection and greeted him, I don't really remember what he was called.

'Hey! how about you come out and greet us, it's only right for you to do so, after all the peeping that you do.' I said to him.

I knew he was from a race of extra terrestrial species who had vast cosmic powers and other things.

What really interested me their ability to travel through space and time, particularly time.

'Greetings, strongest human, I am Uatu, also know as watcher...i have been observing you and the Earth for a while.'

'Yeah, I already know that, we were just here to see you, so if it's not a bother, maybe you could show yourself to my friends.'

I had a small talk with him, during this time I thought countless times about just using predator and analyzing his abilities.

I am pretty sure I can take this version of him on and win.

In the end, he said that he didn't want to show himself as it was against the rules so I left him be

'I can get time related abilities from the time stone, The ancient did tell me that I can get it for studying once the new sorcerer supreme is nominated.'

I told the others that it wasn't the right time and after a few minutes we left the place....

Our destination is unknown...though I knew exactly where we were going.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon



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