
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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339 Chs

Chapter 222. Healing Pietro, an outing

[No presence detected]

I sighed as the great Sage confirms for the tenth time that we were not being watched, I wanted to go meet that entity if possible, even use the system's ability to get his whole information.

"Let's go back then, we still need to heal Pietro, maybe he is already up and running."

With a single thought, we were back inside the Avengers building.

I officially met everyone this time, Tony gave me a high five, asking me to help him in making his new armour.

I used the Great Sage to analyze the armour and gave him a few problems to fix, that will keep his motor running for a while...

I had small talk with everyone, before I went to the medical wing, walking in I saw Wanda who was looking at her comatose brother.

"Hey, how is he?" I asked.

"Physically he is fine...the doctors said that he should be moving around, his brain activity is also fine, his body is also fine, but he is still not moving or responding in any way." Wanda replied as she carassed her brothers face.

The care she showed was genuine and almost made me dumbfounded that she will become crazy and evil in the future that no one will be her match.

"I am sorry as I didn't come and help before, I was out on a very secretive mission, though I am here now." I replied.

Although the real reason I did so was that I wanted Tony to prepare, and I felt ashamed about it.

I walked over to Pietro's bedside and the Great Sage analysed him,

In one minute, the answer was clear, the sage even went ahead and fixed him using my abilities,

giving him the elixir of life, along with a smooth injection of my Nature energy to revitalize him, helped us set his soul straight and fix any damages.

"Ughhhh!" Suddenly a groaning sound was heard, surprising Wanda who was looking at Jack.

"Pietro!!" Wanda rushed towards him, enveloping his body in a tight hug, crying out a little.

I thought it was best to leave the two siblings alone for now. we can deal with any problems that arise later.

Speaking of problems, Let's see who else is snooping around New York, After checking for a while, it only came up with a few thugs and stuff, Matt could handle that as well.

'Maybe it's better if I just wait for the twins to be done with their reunion, then I can deal with my last template, I also wanna go to the DC world and copy some powers now that I have Great sage and predator.

After waiting for a whole day, I finally decided to go ahead and meet with my mother, since the twins weren't acting out, it was safe to say they won't be blasting Tony away.

Although I have made it so that Wanda is mature enough to understand who Obadiah was and stuff, it doesn't hurt to be cautious, with a few spells in place to protect Tony, Pepper and Happy, I left the place and turned into Jack.

After dispersing my clone, I was met with Jean who suddenly appeared in my room using a teleportation circle.

'Maybe I should use it on her, I wonder what kind of skill I can get with that.'

"You are back! Finally!, I was getting so bored, let's go have some fun." Jean said as she dragged me away.

I felt like I didn't have a choice in this matter, after getting her some dresses and stuff, we sat in the Park and are our hotdogs.

"Where do you even run away to?" Jean asked me, taking big bites out of her food.

"Hmm, you know going here and there, helping people out." I told her offhandedly.

"And where is this 'here and there' I can't feel your presence anywhere, even the Phoenix cannot do it." she asked me.

I though for a while, it wasn't like I don't trust her and I am powerful enough to not care about such things

"I can travel to other worlds and help people and train myself to become stronger." I told her.

She looked at me with one of those faces, as if I was joking, though my seriousness made her reconsider as she continued,

"You mean to say there are other worlds out their, Why didn't you tell me before?!" she asked me.

"I thought the Ancient One must have told you things like how other universes exist."

"Uh! I am not exactly punctual when it comes to studying, haha!" she laughed awkwardly, I understand her, not everyone likes to stay huddled in their dusty libraries and study on stuff.

"Can you take me, I wanna see?" she asked me suddenly, getting way too close to me for my own comfort...though I liked it.

She must be bored as there is nothing to do, her relationship with the X-Men is ruined because of me.

"I will take you the next time I go out."

*Tring Tring Tring*

I looked at my phone and picked up the call, it was Peter and the others, I forgot my clone was about to go on a movie with them.

I told Peter we will be coming in a few moments

I looked at Jean and asked her

"Would you like to see a movie, it's abo-"

"Yes please!"



With teleportation, me and Jean arrived at the theatre, no one really put our sudden emergence to mind, as I was using magic to cast an illusion.

"Hey guys! what took you so long?! long time no see Jean." Gwen caught up to us and started chatting with Jean about something.

Although it was at times like these I prayed to not have enhanced hearing.

I ignored them and gave Peter a hug, dude smelled like he's gone through hell, I guess being New York's Friendly spiderman has it's negative side.

"Where is Felicia? I don't see her." I asked him.

"Felicia's gone to some dinner with her mother, you should have seen the look on her face, it was Priceless, haha!"

I smiled at the thought of that, she hates her mother.

"Guys the movie is starting,let's go..."


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon



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I love you guys <3