
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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339 Chs

Chapter 204 Aftermath

Jack who was looking at the dead body of Cul in his inventory was suddenly alerted of someone entering or trying to enter the area around him.

He smirked once he saw who it was, "You are a little late for the party aren't you." he mocked as Jean entered the space.

"I was busy." she replied, the truth was that Jack wouldn't want her to act unless it was necessary, she had become a powerful mutant, she was now not just a mutant but an entity that could give most a run for their money.

But that also meant if everyone understood how powerful she was, they would become lax and would stop growing, he wanted everyone to grow to the best of their abilities.

"So where are we with the others?" He asked shifting the subject.

"Hmm, I have dealt with two of them, Tony and Peter along with others are dealing with Absorbing man who became a worthy, Pietro is out of commission." Jean told him.

"I don't get it, if we can, why don't we just defeat everyone and be done with it, heck! even you could just will it and the enemies will lose the will to fight, Literally!" Jean asked a little frustrated, being the avatar had caused her to be sensitive to life and today they had lost some life.

Though not as much as they originally would have, Jack had made sure that they don't lose as much life as possible.

"If they don't see the danger that is to come, how will they fight against it, and that includes me as well." Jack replied as he turned off his armor and returned to normal, immediately feeling the body was at it's limit.

"There are threats out their that will cause even the Phoenix some problem to defeat, much less humans." Jack tried to make her understand.

"Sigh! I just don't like seeing people suffer." She sighed before she remembered something." Hey! did you know that someone among the X-Men and brotherhood became a worthy, though it was immediately taken care of by them." Jean told excitedly.

To which Jack could only shrug, "Yeah, I had to defeat a Juggernaut in steroids and I feel the guy still might not be dead, haha."

Suddenly Jack received some info and looked at Jean who opened a portal to the mirror dimension.

"They really did a number didn't they." Said Jack as he looked at the destroyed city of New York, provided it was in the mirror dimension and not the real one.

"Guys! could you hurry up, I feel like my body will snap in two."

Coincidentally they saw several robots and a tiny Peter Parker was trying his best to keep the absorbing man in place as he tried his best to call his hammer which was being manhandled by the scarlet witch.

Thor was delivering thundering strikes to the downed enemy to knock him, the only effect it had was being nullified and reabsorbed to make him stronger.

"You want me to." Jean asked but Jack shook his head in denial, this was their battle, The Avengers had to mean something.

After another thirty minutes, the man was finally down and dead for good as the hammer finally fell, broken and moulded into an unrecognizable shape.

Everyone fighting finally stopped and walked towards each other, seeing that the enemy was dead and defeated, they sat down when Jack and Jean finally showed themselves.

"How did it feel?!" mockingly asked Jack, which only garnered a middle finger from Tony and Hawkeye and a sigh from the others.

Thor was looking at Jack intently with the hammer in hand.

"You guys want some food, you know what, I think you deserve a little treat for once, here, eat it."

Jack summoned diverse amounts of dishes for everyone to eat and in no time the place turned from a fighting battleground into a picnic spot, Wanda was too worried about Pietro to eat so Jack sent her to where he was; in the Avengers tower.

The others stared eating, Jack gave a look to a Tony who signalled him, Jack sighed and summoned some Cheeseburgers for the picky eater.

"Nothing beats a nice Cheeseburger after a hard day of manual labour." Tony said in a sarcastic manner as he sighed and ate his food.

More than half of his robots were destroyed and his own armour was pretty damaged, So Tony took it off as there was no need to wear it now that the fight was over.

"I think we can count this as a win." Tony addressed everyone.

"We got the bad guy, we saved the city, everyone loves us." He concluded.

"What a speech, we wouldn't expect anything from you." Barton roasted the millionaire who gave a mock now.

Before Jack knew it, he was already being involved and the mood became better, only becoming worse when Peter would geek out.

Which reminded Jack to send Peter home as his mother might be worried about him. Bruce also returned home with him, he didn't turn into a hulk much as according to the ancient one, both the host and the hulk were in a mutual agreement and that it will take some time before they can become best of friends.

After a few jabs, everyone went back to the Avengers tower, they still had to worry about the conference that will take place.