
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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339 Chs

Chapter 189 Sin and the Serpent

Teapot-san poured us both tea , after being stuff for a while and looking at the tea pot, Wanda slowly took the cup and drank some.

Her yes shot up in surprise

I chuckled at that

"So Wanda, what is it" I asked her.

I had already forgiven her for her act of trying to play with my mind, for she was already mind fucked by Magneto

"I want you to help me get revenge!" she said as she looked me in the eye.

I looked at her for a while

"Revenge on whom?" I asked as I took a sip

"Revenge on Magneto, who else!" she shouted,I guess she was already too messed up.

"Oh! Alright" I told her

"I know you have no need to huh, What!?"

she asked me as surprise filled her face, she was probably going to have me get revenge for her or something in return for some Hydra-level servitude or whatever

"I said I will do it,it's high time I brought him down the is the reason Mutants are being looked at with bad eyes" I told her

She looked at me stunned

"I am not going to ask you to send him to prison,I wanna kill him,I want him to regret messing with us" she said, her energy leaking out with the rise of her anger

I used magic and a wave of callers spread, forcefuly putting our her anger

"Huh! what did you do, why do I feel calm all of a sudden" she asked as she looked at me , more like glared

"Don't worry,I am just using magic to keep you calm,it's not a mindfuck or anything like that, And I know what you mean by revenge , that man, no!, that insane idiot is the reason for many death, Mutants are in a bad place because of him." n I finished and looked at her

"I guess that's good then" she sighed, though I wast done

"Now , Wanda,I have a few questions for you" I said as I flared my chakra, looking at her with all seriousness

"Did you kill or manipulate anyone while you were in Hydra, and do you know anything about Hydra and why you were their,I want everything" I told her as I increased the pressure with every word

I could see her visibly pale at the pressure, but I had to do it,I know people like her, they will not let everything out

"We were sent to infiltrate Hydra by Magneto, he said that if we're could control Hydra, we would be unstoppable" She clarified

"And then we met a women, her name was Sinthea, she saw right through me and Pietro, and we were captured and experimented on" she explained as an expression of pain became appearance on her

"I kept telling Pietro that Erik would come looking for us and tear apart the Hydra scums, but"

"But he didn't come, did he" I finished her sentence,I was listening to her heartbeat as I did so, looking for any signs of lies.

I nodded at that, as I took back my chakra and Dragons aura, Wanda gasped,I needed to show her that I couldn't be messed with, that as long as she was having my back,I would have hers.

"This Sinthea, what do you know about her!?" I asked

I had a feeling I know her name from somewhere,

Though my question was answered by both Wanda and Ddriag

"I don't know who she is, but even The head was listening to her as if she was..., and she told us something, like.how she will finally be able to get back at you and bring back the serpent"

*She is Red Skulls Daughter, and..i don't know about this serpent thing, maybe it's a snake*

"Hmmm, alright, you can go, here take this, with this you can go anywhere inside my layer with but a thought" I gave her a medallion I had made since I knew that the layer was big, it had come alive due to magic,just like Hogwarts and it likes to trolls us, just great!!

I sighed as Wanda left after I told her we will be giving Magneto a visit soon enough, while I started going through everything to see who or what serpent was.all I came upon we're theories.

After not finding anything,I left for home, just as I was about to go to sleep, I was contacted by someone that I didn't think possible

it was Frigga

{Young Hero of Midgard}

"Ohio! if it's isn't Goddess Frigga herself in the...illuson" I said not sure to how to complete the said sentence

Frigga chuckled at that

{You are as weird as ever}

"And your husband is as petty as ever" I commented, lets just hope Odin ain't listening

{So are you}

I was about to retort when she stopped me

{I have grave news to tell you....Serpent has been freed}


{He is the older brother of Odin, and is as strong as him in his own right, currently he is at his weakest,it's best if you find him in time and defeat him before Midgard falls into chaos}

"If he really is such a threat, wny not send Thor and the Asgarian army, or even Odin for that matter"

{Unfortunately we cannot, due to various reason, Asgard cannot directly influence Earth, but Thor will arrive shortly and help you}

"Yeah send over the meathead , you are just asking me to baby sit him"

{He has grown much after you gave him some humility}

Frigga smiled as she disappeared , leaving behind a book on my bed

"My God!"

I thought as I started speedreading the book on serpent


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon



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