
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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339 Chs

Chapter 164

I calmed myself down , while I was busy calming myself, and taking in all the magic, Tony patted me, he was back in his normal clothes, did he build a nanosuit without telling me, bastard

"Are you alright bud!" he asked me,I could see the worry in his eyes and it filled me with warmness,that's the kind of friends I would have wanted in my previous life.

"Yeah I am done,I just received some bad news" I told him as I assured him it wasn't anything

If it were before, Tony would have made me spit out the secret, but maybe the atmosphere made him quiet,I guess he was more of a sensible person than people gave him credit for

"Cause Shit,I thought the portals opened up again, damn me if that ever happens, haha"

'Yup, he is still jolly'

I could only shrug at that

"Anyway, if it's something I can help you with, lemme know,I also made some new toys and just now, with the help of Bruce I was able ro make a breakthrough so I will be taking him for the time being" Tony told me excitedly

Meanwhile Bruce only had a single thing to say

"Umm, do I have a say in this" he asked

"No you don't" replied Tony,I could only laugh at that,I felt that Beuxe was also enjoying the company here, so I let him be, beside he still needs to train with the Sorcerers once a day.

I bade them goodbye and opened a portal to my place, Jean silently followed behind me, as the portal closed , so did my disguise came off

"You don't trust them" she asked me

to which I could only shrugged and replied

"I do, but will they trust a 15 or 14 year old kid,it's better they have talk with my alter self.Though I do plan on bring it up with Tony, he deserves to know, after you of course" I replied

"I still can't believe you are that guy, and the other one , who is he" she asked me, though I bet she understood that as well

I only smiled cheekily and arks of red and green lightning sizzled across my whole body

"So that's you as well,doesn't it get irritating as hell being three guys at once"

"Not once you get used to it, beside, the public will already have an idea that I am one and the same, just not about who I really am.What will happen to my mother if they find out about me,I can't take that risk just yet"

I told her she nodded at that,I noticed her eyes roaming around the place, so I decided to show her everything.

Once she had a complete tour of the whole place, she was really excited, she wanted to learn my brand of magic, but that seemed nearly impossible, similar effects could be achieved by other magic systems but mine could not be taught, not yet at least.

Even Ddraig was weirded out by HP worlds magic, he said it really matched with the magic of the devil to bestow power to your words.

After that we talked a but about our own daily lives and all, she seemedcreally happy, I guess she was feeling guilt , which she shouldn't have, now what do I do to take revenge on Charles,

I will decide that once I 'talk' with him thoroughly that is, whether it's a simple itchy spell or a turn into pig for ten years will depend on him.

Before we knew it, it was night time and I had to see if my mom was okay,although I already know nothing happened to her, it doesn't feel the same to me if I don't talk to her personally.

I arrived home and switched places with my clone who disappeared,I calmly walked back to the table

"Honey, when do you think your school will reopen" she asked me while she drank

"Are you that eager to get rid of me,I think we should take this opportunity and spend our holiday"

I teased her to which I only got a glare and mock anger.

"This isn't a vacation Jack, The things that came to through the portal in the sky shook the very foundation we stand on, and millions would have died if not for...we don't even know his name,I guess we can call him Ced, the media outlets were having a field day today once they uncovered the fact that New Yorks top two heroes were just one person" My mother said in one breath before she drank a glass again.

"I also have to see if my lab is still intact or not, Oscorp would be a mess by now" she said offhandedly.

I got concerned at that, I didn't want my other anywhere near that guy

"Mom,don't you want to up the scales" I asked her

"Hmm" she hummed, as if asking what I meant by that

"I mean, why not join Stark industries,I bet they will be able to better accommodate you" I asked her

"No honey,I am this close to figuring out how to make the serum" she said

This set off alarm in my head,wasn't she making a cure of something


"Yeah ,didn't I tell you, Osborn was fascinated with my research, and has decided to push it to the second phase, it was just a hypothesis before, but I am making progress after Norman got me some data" She said before continuing,"Though I won't mind if it's the alchemist association asking for me I would really likeee to work for them, I wanna study those potions but we can't because if the magic on them."

'Shit, I don't want her getting into trouble, my mother would never agree to making a weapons, I just don't trust Norman anymore. she said she will be willing to work for Alchemist Association, then I guess it's time I called in a favor or two'

We at our dinner and went to our respective rooms, though I immediately opened a portal and made my way to the Ancient One, no third party routes or anything, I just simply barged in, which is impossible mostly.

The Ancient One was surprisingly not making tea it drinking it, she was looking at the scenery and humming.

I walked to her slowly,I want to know why she would do that, Enchantress deserved death, even though I already had some idea



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