
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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339 Chs

Chapter 125...The Lizard II

I teamed up with spiderman to beat this bastard of a Lizard,the guy had near infinite regeneration, i had thought that by thus time the Lizars would have tried to escape,but he kept standing up no matter what i did to him,and this further intensified my thoughts

'I need to get that serum,or possibly find Extremis and get that,which will give me powers of fire' i thought to myself

I decided enough was enough and was about to lock the lizard in place,but then it started running away from us

"Hah! now you wanna run?" i couldnt help but taunt it,but the next moment i felt someone on the other end of the corridor

It was revealed to be gwen,the Lizard took hold of her as she screamed out

"You move a muscle ,she dies" the lizard said

"Gwen!" shouted Peter

"Puny Parker,you think you can catch me,i am the apex preditor!" The guy shouted ,fortunately other then Gwen,there was no one else around so Peters secret was safe.

Though this situation was bad,it wasnt that bad,the Lizard looked at me and commanded Peter to web me

"Do it" i told him,Peter hesitated for a while before he agreed

At this time ,the Lizard smiled at me,as if he had won,but i knew i had won the battle,becayse he had looked at me,and its the worst mistake a person can make,to look an Uchiha in the eyes

"I win" i said as the next moment the Lizard fell asleep.

"Umm ! what happened just now?" asked Peter

"Go ahead and web it so that it doesnt escape" i told him as i easily broke out of the webbings

"A-alright!?" he stammered,the Lizard was all webed up as he hung from the wall,he had a stupid Smile on his face.

I wonder what he is dreaming of,Peter checked up on Gwen before she saw me and squealed like a banshee,

"Ah Mr Blitz i am a big fan of yours, can i get an autograph, i especially like how you beat up the thugs and gave them a miserable life because of what they did to that Officer" she kept saying

"Hmm,didnt the police take care of that info,i heard that they were rsther quiet about it" i asked as i signed on a notepad,man she is just like Peter

"Well ,my father is a captain so he knows about the insider stuff ,i know how he says that you guys are a menace,but he really likes You deep down"

"Yeah Right!" i laughed at that

I gave Peter the signal and he asked Gwen to go and call the police,but he told her not to tell them about the lizard.

I was a bit surprised at that,seems like Connor being the friend of his father really gave him special previliges

Gwen went away ,while Peter took off his mask and looked at me

"Are you sure about that!" i asked,i knew what he was thinking

"Yes,although he hurt people,no one was truly hurt ,and he is a good person deep down,i know it!" he said

"Alright, what do you want me to do about it" i asked,already knowing about what he would say next,After all,he has seen my place.

"I was hoping-"

"You were hoping that i will take him in so that you can find a way to reverse all this" i inquired, amused at Peter

"And ask Magic if he can help undo all this,sorry i forget it all the time,you guys are one and the same" he said as he raised his hands in frustration ,probably worried i will start giving him lectures on how my powers worked and all.

I came clean with Peter when i was training him,i mean,if there is any guy that would think of using mt secret to hurt me,Peter might not even be last on that list of people,same goes for Tony,atleast i like to think so

"Alright then ,lets go" i told him and opened a portal ,Peter trailing behind me as he pulled the Lizard in with us

"So,can you undo this" he asked me.

"I could try,maybe one of the potions might work,if it doesnt ,we will just go the scientists route" i replied as we went inside my Office,the Lizard was tied up in the Prisoner wing,a little place i designed in case i wanted to keep a dnagerous criminal in check,it has both magical and scientific aspects to it so i think it can take care of a Lizard.

"So did you think about my other proposal?!" he asked me to which I gave a toothy smile, if he could see it that is, although I told him that me and Magic were the same people,I didn't give him my identity, told him Cedric was just a false face

"About those gloves you gave me, well I did implement them in your suit if that's what you are asking" I told him to which he bounced with happiness

"You got these from that Shocker guy right!" I asked

"Yeah, he calls himself, the SHOCKER, I mean,that's such a lame name!" he replied

"I know you are a smart guy , so why couldn't you just implement the shockers yourself, and that wasn't a pun if you are asking!" I told him before he could point me out

"For one,I don't have a lab , and second,I don't have time,I have school, assignments, Quizez and I fight crime 24/7" he told he with frustration

it's a good thing I added the cleaning function to his suit, he doesn't have to cleans and so doesn't waste his time

We talked for a while before he went back home, he has a portkey that he can use to get to the danger room,

I on the other hand went to check up on the lizard , he should be awake by now



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon



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