
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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339 Chs

Chapter 105...Madara

The Uchiha hideout was less like a hideout and more like an estate with various buildings and fields stretching far and wide.

Jack looked around the area as he and the others made way inside the area.

Jack was about to go ahead and meet the second most powerful shinobi after Hashirama, Madara Uchiha.

'This will surely be a fun time' thought Jack as he made way inside. This building was where the elders and the Clan leader, Madara was waiting for him and his superior.

"You should feel honored to meet Madara-sama, he just came back after busting some Ninja that were causing trouble in the country of our lord." - said Izui.

Jack just nodded at that and walked alongside the Jonin, he saw many buildings, Each building had a specific purpose.

A building for weapons, A building for Jutsu, a bunch of buildings that housed the war Orphans and residences came in to view, Several dozens of people were walking around, some would greet Izui here and there, not paying mind to Jack and Inno who were walking behind, Baku was gone as he was summoned by one of the elders.

Jack also came across training fields where ninja trained, these ninja were varying according to their age, People of all ages were training here. Jack remembered in his fake memories that he was also trained over at this place.

Since he was an orphan, no one was there to pay him any heed so he kept walking, After walking for ten minutes they arrived at their destinations, this building was much different from the others, made of black rocks that gave it a great defence and unique charm, unlike all the other boring buildings, it felt like the dark version of the Holage office in the Canon Naruto.

'Maybe Madara built the Holage Office in resemblance to his home office.' thought Jack as several Uchiha Ninja Confirmed their identities and let them through.

After a bit of this and that, Jack and Inmo we're finally called in, They went inside the office and a man was sitting on a huge throne like seat,

To his side sat a guy who looked much like him but was younger , a lot younger, Jack recognise these two as Madara and his Brother..Izuna Uchiha.

'It's this guy..because of him, the Senju and Uchiha fought for a longer time than needed, causing a lot more bloodshed' thought Jack as his gaze bore straight into Izuna who looked back at him,somewhat creeped out.

Jack knew that the Curse of Hatred was deeply seeded into the Uchiha clan, when Hashirama proposes to heal Izuna , Izuna refuses and tells Madara to not fall pray to false lies, this prolongs this needless war.

Although Jack wanted to complete his mission and go back, that didn't mean he wanted death to come to the battlefield needlessly, and civilian were the ones who suffer the most.

Izui quickly gave a bow as he greeted the Clan leader Madara.Jack and Inno who were standing also bowed as respect to their clan leader.

Although Jack felt it was a weird thing to bow to himself, since he also had become Madara in a sense.

"Izui Uchiha, you were tasked with a great mission, what are you doing here?" - said Madara as he increased his pressure

Jack nodded at that, this wasn't chakra, just pure physical and mental will bearing down on Izui.

"Forgive me Lord Madara, the mission failed...but succeeded as well." said Izui as he was sweating.

"Hmm, what do you mean and who are these two!?" asked Madara.

Izui explained the detail of what happened, after learning of what happened, Madara suddenly became quiet

"Hmmm, it seems I have been quiet for some time and some one has grown to defy me, Madara Uchiha" said Madara.

Madara then looked at Jack who was standing straight despite the heavy atmosphere, as if uncaring of how much strength Madara possessed.

"Oh! you are a strong lad, The Uchiha are proud to have a young man such as you, tell me what you want?" asked Madara.

Jack thought for a moment , then decided to say it

"I want to get revenge for my brethren , I want the Senju to pay for their Sins" Jack said as he released his chakra, Madara laughed at that as he and Izui acknowledged the kid for his bravery and love for his brethren

"That is what I except from every Uchiha, that's how an Uchiha should be,unafraid of danger and undying loyalty to his clan." said Madara

"he is indeed a strong lad, How about we have a spar later on." - said Izuna, Jack could only smile at that, he would be an idiot if he wanted to fight an Uchiha with a Awakened Sharingan.

Madara gave him a considerable reward for his deeds and left him to his own device until they had a mission for him, Jack was sure that from now on, Madara will have him in mind.

He had half a mind to just waltz into the Senju territory and deal with them himself but that might cause an unnecessary problem again, Like a war between the clans which will cost civilian lives.

Jack had also tempered his will these few days and now treated the ninja as soldiers, soldiers were ready to die, soldiers were not without blood, so he wasn't scared to take a life now, unless it was a kid or a civilian.


In Marvel World

Both of Jacks clones were training their powers, OFA Clone was busy trying to accommodate his powers and increase sync rate and the wizard clone was busy taking classes in the morning, Experimenting with the Stone and producing gold, and seeing how long it stays Gold, which was now confirmed. The Gold was real, it wasn't turning back. This stone Allowed the Wizard Clone to reach new heights in his transmutation study and provided Jack had tasked him to Get any intel on AIM and get the extremis , The clone was doing his best to do just that.

Jack knew his own base form was not yet strong, unless he gets OFA Midoriya sync to 100, he will be a vulnerable man, so he was looking for ways to improve,

and Jack finally found some traces, or at least his clones did.