
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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339 Chs

Chapter 103

*Boom Boooooooom*

I was running around the area as the Jonin was using his Taijutsu and Wind release Gale breakthrough jutsu to stop me time and time again, I could essentially rip through the thing and get him but he shoots out various degrees of Fire and Earth jutsu to keep me occupied.

If I had mastered the lightning style cloak to the max, this guy would have been toast.

For a while we both went this way until he noticed I wasn't going down any time soon and that he will have to do some serious damage to defeat me.

I also had the same thought as him, we both stopped once and decided to do our strongest jutsu, which I was already doing, considering that I am using lightning chakra cloak which gives me immense attributes.

'I cant really waste any more time, I am too far from Inno and the Jonin to know if they are alive or not.'

We both started making hand seals as the one who finishes first might win the match. Now I had a number of Jutsu that I could use but for some reason lightning was something I really liked, it represented power and speed and ferocity in my mind.

I first used a Water clone and told him to use Mist Jutsu to make a coating of most around the area while I started to Condense the Chidori further giving it high power and penetration ability, then I turned into into the signature move of Kakashi, The lightning beast tracking fang

*Sizzzle* *Sizzzzlle* *Sizzzlee*

The huge beast ran towards the Jonin who had a visibly panicked expression as he tried to use the Wind style justu to disperse my justu only for it to avoid,I wasnt staying idle as I moved towards the Jonin along with my Fanged lightning beast, I could feel the Jonin, he was scared shitless, this jutsu was something new to him.

*Wahhhhhhhhhhh* the lightning beast issued a ear piercing sound as it had an impact head on with the Jonin who had summoned an Earth wall, which was a great mistake since Earth really just conducts lightning(A/N: I don't believe this bullshit but according to naruto , this is what happens,I know that earth is used as a neutral but naruto series tells that Earth is weak to lightning)

I pumped my body with lightning and arrived beside the unsuspecting Jonin, he noticed my presence as he tried to fight me but fighting on two ends is not so easy if you are low on chakra and so I was finally able to pierce the man and tear through his body.


The man turned into fried chicken in a matter of seconds. I looked at my mission and sure enough, the guy was a Senju.

I quickly made way and saw Inno about to die as a Kunai made its way towards his heart.I bolted towards him and deflected the kuani.

"Hmm..another one of you damn Uchiha, Huh! wait a moment, what did you do to Kuma." - the Jonin who was fighting Inno said as he looked at me seriously , probably asking about his friend. Though the next moment a lightning covered hand came out of the mans chest.

"Ughhhh, h-How?" - asked the man.

Jack could only shake his hands, it seemed that this man was too arrogant to notice Jacks clone standing behind him, this was the easiest kill he had.

"Are you alright Inno!?" Jack asked as he looked at the bloodied body of Inno, in response to the question, Inno spat a mouthful of blood as he tried to stand up.

"You need to lie down, you are bleeding too much." - Jack pushed Inno back.

"Zabimaru, the Jonin is still fighting the other enemy Jonins." Inno pushed Jack away as he stood up.

"Inno! at this state, you will just be a liability." Jack tried to stop Inno who was hell bent on moving towards the raging battlefield.

Sounds of explosions rang out in the field to their right.

"Zabimaru,I think you are forgetting something." said Inno as he looked back at Jack who was trying to stop him. His eyes became red as a One tomoe Sharingan came into view.

"We are the wielders of the Sharingan, even if we can't fight, we can still distract." Said Inno as he slowly moved towards the forest.

Jack sighed at that, although they had the sharingan, but it was just recently acquired, for Inno that is, he had the mind of Madara, The Sharingan of Madara.

"Baku! " Jack called out, a figure emerged from the trees

"Zabimaru!" - Baku answered as he came into view.

"Inno is knocked out cold so I want you to tale care of him alright!" - said Jack as he smiled at Baku.

Baku pointed at Inno who was slowly walking away

"B-But he is awake." the next moment, Jack appeared beside Inno and knocked him out with a chop to the neck and tossed him towards Baku.

"As I said, he is knocked out cold." - Baku stammered as he looked at Jack who looked like completely different person, an aura of evil and oppression surrounded him, an aura of some one who had authority.


Baku immediately ran away with Inno in his hands. After running for ten minutes he finally calmed down, he wasn't a cowardly person but Jack really creeped him out, it felt like he didn't know Jack at all.



Hello guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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