
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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339 Chs

Chapter 102....A jonin

The sound of whistling echoed as me and my comrades ran through the forest looking for the survivor teams.

We were supposed to be the ones who were supposed to ambush the Senju and leave with an overwhelming victory but everything went downhill, the thing about yesterday still bugged me, maybe there really is a mole among the Uchiha members.

'But who could it be, someone who is willing to see his own clan lose against their enemies , and the Senju at that' I couldn't help but think out loud.

We have already scouted the area and have confirmed that four teams have disappeared,I can only hope that the last two are alive at least, they did have the lead Jonin among them, but they were also supposed to fight the strongest of Senju Ninja

'It's a good thing I have bought Chidori and some other good enough Jutsu, I wonder what can I do with the combination of Chidori, Lightning chakra cloak and Sharingan,I will be like a killing machine on the field'

That's right ,I have one of the iconic jutsu in my arsenal.

I still can't believe these things are cheaper than the philosopher stone, but I guess that's a given since the philosopher stone can produce real gold, which I plan on selling to gain cash, its like I found a loophole in the system...i guess, though I still have to research the amount of gold I can obtain from the stone in a specific time.

As I was running ahead full speed, Inno stopped me,

"I can sense unknown Chakra signature four miles ahead, and they are strong...There is also some familiar signature, Zabimaru! hurry up" Inno had the looks of desperation on his face as he pumped Chakra through his body like crazy and started running.

"Let's go Baku, but you stay hidden alright" Jack advised, For Baku wasn't a genius like Inno or him, the guy was pretty normal.

They reached the area in minutes and carefully looked around the area.

Jack assimilated himself into the ground and tried to hide himself from the Senju Sensors.

if the people were Senju to begin with.

He finally arrived close enough to have a clear look with his Sharingan.

"Five Jonin level Ninja and that is...It's an Uchiha" I told Inno , he nodded at me as he looked at the scene in front

The Jonin had a three tomoe, probably the only reason he was still alive, the bodies of many ninjas was strewn across the place, judging from the clothing, they were most likely Uchiha Ninjas

"Ghhh! I am gonna kill em! "

Inno roared as he dashed out with a katana in his hands.

But who were the Senju, they were the masters of a thousand Jutsu and had immense Yang Chakra, which gave them great body and Senses.

One of the five Jonin quickly turned around as he noticed Inno coming at him, Inno was a ninja on the level of a Chunin even though he was currently considered a jonin.

The two engaged in a duel as the other four were still ganging up on The Uchiha Jonin.

"Gah! Kid, you sure are talented to inflict a wound on me while still being a Chunin but this ends here" the Jonin who was fighting spoke as he started making hand seals.

Inno didn't waste time talking and immediately started copying the process, but the Jonin was faster as a giant water dragon that could rival the size of Jacks' Fire dragon Jutsu manifested and flew towards Inno.


heavy tides were raised as The dragon had an impact on the place Inno was standing upon.

The Jonin relaxed a bit as he saw the Giant water Dragon dissipate into rain and water puddles.

Jack immediately launched an attack as he raised from the ground beneath the jonin and slashed at his legs,

"Hahhh!" Joni screamed as he was slashed, his armor took most of the damage while a deep gash was visible on both his legs.

While Jonin tried to stabilize himself, a series of shuriken were released from various trees.

"Shit!" he hurried used Wind Style jutsu to get rid of them, At this moment a shuriken turned into Inno, who the Jonin thought was incapacitated and summoned a giat Fireball that raised the temperature around the area to high degree, its light shone on the whole area, for a moment the enemy Jonin that we're fighting the Uchiha stopped what they were doing and looked at the source.

The Jonin immediately used hand seals and was about to use a water style just when Jack's clone came in and held hid firmly

'"Let's die together , haha" laughed the clone as he looked at the Jonin with a huge smile.

fortunately,the substitution jutsu was not yet invented, or the Joni might have fought a lot more.

I looked at Inno, or a number of Inno who all nodded at me as we decided to each take on a Jonin,I knew Inno didn't have much chakra left but that was his choice,besides, Baku will come in handy, the Senju haven't sensed his presence yet.

With me and Inno taking on a Jonin each, our Superior was left to deal with only Two Jonin,although he was beaten from head to toe, this still lessened his burden as he started to push back on the Enemies.

"Kid, you shouldn't have butted in our business, you might have lived, but now that you have killed Kira,I will have to avenge him" the Jonin said to me.

"Hah! you can try, but you will fail" I smiled at him as I activated my Sharingan, this wasn't a joke, the other party was a Jonin, while I was a Chunin, but I was the great Madara.

I surely wouldn't let his name eat dust.Although I bought Lightning Chakra cloak,I hadn't mastered it yet, at most I can keep it activated for 5 minutes before I lose it,

I quickly went into Lightning cloak and my body was covered in lightning sparks.Greatly raising my speed and strength,I could feel the lightning coursing through me.

I pulled out my head and cast Chidori as well, it didn't take long to cast it since I was literally lightning turned human

The chirping of a thousand birds sounded, the Jonin in front of me took a step back, finally realizing the terrible strength I held in my hand.



Hello guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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